In 1952, I started an Apprenticeship at White and Co. The trade I was to learn was that of Wood machining, It meant, travel to Brighton Technical College twice weekly for two evening classes, and one all day class, which combined with one of the evening classes. It was a long day leaving Shoreham at 8am and returning at 10:30, all for £1 10/- weekly, no assistance with train fares. The Hourly week was 44 hours. Of course the evening classes from 7 until 9 pm were extra.
White and co were an old established Timber firm which also had a Box Making factory, which until a fire destroyed it on Shoreham beach . The Firm was owned by a Mr J White of Windlesham gardens. Some directors were Messrs Trevor, Williams, and Travis. The Offices and factory were located on the Lower Brighton Road opposite Eastern Avenue. In addition to importing soft woods from the Baltic and Archangel , and hardwood from South Africa regular ships from Holland delivered soft woods from Norway and Sweden and occasionally Canada. The timber were stored in measures of One Standard (by volume).

The Mill had several machines and Saws including Planers, Morticers, and Tenoners. The Sagar Super Seven cutter could prepare 50,000 ft of flooring per week, The 52 inch Band resaw, could cut 12X12 timbers for beach defences. In addition to the Mill, a Joiners shop and Box factory where Bench Joiners, up to six men, and a ladies workforce of 8 ran the box factory. It may be worthy of note that all the timber used in constructing the Social Housing from 1947 were supplied from White and Co. That included King George Road, Montford, Clarendon, Elizabeth, Wilmot, Mansel and Williams Road. The cost of timber and increased use of alternative materials , brought about the demise of the firm .

Gerry White 2019