We know for a fact that a photo of buildings in Shoreham High Street was taken in 1891 – the 31st of March that year to be precise and this enlargement of one of them is a bit puzzling. The house, just beyond the King’s Head, is a low structure compared with the buildings around and is thought to be quite ancient – a very old chamfered queen post in the roof trusses was found during the 1970’s demolition.
What is intriguing is this enlargement that seems to show items outside it. At least three of the items look identical. Was it a shop or perhaps the occupiers moving in/out? The items look almost like inflatable dinghies but it seems those did not appear for a couple of decades or so after?

Spinalman added:
Looks like they had outside WCs too. Interestingly, between 1914 and 1947 the Southern most of the 3 cottages was extended forward to the building line, and so lost the garden at the front.

1947 & 1914
Lofty continues:
The three photographs below all date from November 1977.
The first two photos show demolition in progress, although the smaller cottages are missing – could these have been demolished at an earlier date?

There is a note on the back of the lower photo that reads “Cambered beam from old cotts adjoining Florence Cotts, High St. Part of Queen Post Truss originally. Length overall circa 18’0”.”