Anders Lundquist Collection
Anders passed through Shoreham on many occasions from the 60’s As a keen amateur photographer he decided to record the ordinary. 50 years later that ordinary provides an evocative window into a once familiar world.

Anders passed through Shoreham on many occasions from the 60’s As a keen amateur photographer he decided to record the ordinary. 50 years later that ordinary provides an evocative window into a once familiar world.
Living on Shoreham Beach as a child, you kinda felt like you owned the world sometimes, stood on the beach where all that changed was the position of the shingle, sometimes banked right up so high that it near buried the old wooden breakwaters, and then other days the sea would pull the shingle back so far as to expose, what then as a child, seemed like mighty tree turrets, or Queens Guards all neatly lined up.
Along the Beach at Bungalow Town.
Ever wondered where those bungalows pictured in Shoreham’s old postcards were? Relive the view our predecessors saw and even meet them by joining our celebrated Shoreham Time Walks. See those wooden structures as they once were, some little more than simple wood and corrugated iron shacks, others extravagant and imaginative in design. Those wishing to participate should present themselves promptly at 1pm at the east end of Widewater on Saturday 10th August in any year between 1900 and 1920………………………. Continue reading “Along the Beach at Bungalow Town”
Railway Carriages as Houses.
A 1910 article and photographs from ‘The Harmsworth Magazine’ recording the origin and construction of dwellings and subsequent development of Shoreham by Sea’s amazing Bungalow Town. (donated by the History website) Continue reading “Railway Carriages as Houses”
The Blockade (or “Preventative”) Service was created in 1817 following the country’s huge loss of revenue due to what was then considered by some to be a lack of success by the Customs and Revenue Services in coping with the smuggling problem. It is perhaps unfair to lay the blame for this entirely upon them as, amongst other things, we know that manpower was short compared with the smuggling gangs they came up against; pay was poor and even the ships they used were invariably slower and less well armed than the smugglers’ own vessels. Continue reading “Blockade Coastguard Station”
Bungalow Town 1935 Property Map, Shoreham by Sea (inc. 1901 properties and 1912 map)
A List of Property Names and Plot Numbers from the 1935 Map of Bungalow Town
(in numerical order and alphabetical order)
Whilst the map is noted in Shoreham Library as 1935, discrepancies with the 1935 Street Directory suggest this map may be of another year. Street directories for some of the years in the 1920’s and 30’s provide postal numbers and occupants within street as well as a few years where the alphabetical order of house names is also provided. This listing provides a property number list and an alphabetical list only in respect of the properties on the map will not always correspond with properties of an earlier or later year.
Continue reading “Bungalow Town Property Map 1935”