Ships Built or Registered in Shoreham
from the 13th century to the early 1900’s. (excluding yachts which are listed in the separate article ‘Stow & Sons Yachts 1866 – 1936 and Courtney & Birkett.’)
This index is consistently the most frequently referred to record on the History Portal web site. This, and the printed library version, is the third update since the first publication in 2010 and now includes information on over 600 vessels. Ranging from mediaeval times to the 20th century, fishing smacks to 48-gun men of war and merchant ships that travelled the world known to have been built in Shoreham, Kingston and Southwick. Even during the 18th century Shoreham ships sailed as far as India, Australia, the Americas and the West Indies. War ships were still being built for the Royal Navy and one Shoreham built man of war (HMS Scorpion) had a particularly eventful career capturing five French ships in 1795 before subsequently joining Shoreham’s merchant fleet only to be captured itself yet still managed to return to British merchant trading shortly after.
A reflection of the quality of Shoreham shipbuilding may be measured by the fact that a good number of vessels had long working lives – 30 or 40 years was not unusual and one (the ‘Fleece’) was still trading at 88 years of age. Some later vessels such as the yachts built by Shoreham’s Thomas Stow and Son are even now still sailing over 100 years later. One of the construction methods used at Shoreham was necessitated by the fact that shipping in and out of the harbour had always to contend with the problem of the harbour bar. Consequently, Shoreham’s ship builders constructed and adapted some of their vessels especially to cope with these conditions (e.g., a shallow draught to ride higher in the water and false keels) as evidenced by an 1859 sale advertisement for May & Thwaites’ ‘Dart’ that stated the vessel to be ‘well adapted for bar harbours.’

This index was initially created from the 320 or so vessels built or registered in Shoreham described in Henry Cheal’s (un-indexed) book ‘The Ships and Mariners of Shoreham’ (1909) but now includes considerably more from the Lloyds Registers (in which some names and destinations are in abbreviated form), Census Returns (showing vessels with Shoreham as their home port) and other sources including ships registered in Shoreham but built elsewhere. These are only the vessels for which a record has been found but there were many more. At the time of this latest update there are still a number of unchecked years for the Lloyds Registers that will doubtless reveal others but the total number of ships identified in this index now numbers more than 400 vessels built in Shoreham and a further 200 that were registered in the port.
Shoreham was one of the country’s most important ship building ports in mediaeval times including those built for the navy and continued to provide naval ships up to the end of the 18th century. At that time Shoreham ships using African, West Indies routes and the south-eastern states of America could be suspected of some involvement in the slave trade. This mostly involved ships of modest size (e.g., 100 tons) as well as the bigger, but relatively fewer, larger vessels of 400 tons and more (the notorious slaver ‘Brookes’ – not a Shoreham ship – was 300 tons). Therefore the Shoreham built ‘Africa’ (1784 – 110 tons), ‘Sussex’ (1788 – 226 tons) and particularly the three decked ‘Belle’ (1764 – 300 tons) and Loyal Briton (1765 – 300 tons – three decks were unusual for Shoreham built ships) that sailed to Africa, the West Indies and places such as Virginia were likely to have been involved. In fact the ‘15949 Slavery Book’ includes a summary of the number of ships leaving British ports for the coast of Africa between 1734 & 1754 and includes Shoreham. (T64/276A/273). “Belle’ was not an uncommon name for ships at the time but “Incidents Involving Slave Ships” ( include a ship of that name in 1773, albeit under different ownership to that of 1764.
During the 19th century the growing trade between Britain, its empire and the rest of the world created a huge demand for cargo ships which is reflected by the Lloyds Registers that show Shoreham built and Shoreham based vessels increasing from around 30 at the beginning of that century to over 120 during the 1860’s.
Shoreham’s most successful and prolific of shipbuilders was James Britton Balley who also managed to find time to construct the famous Swiss Gardens that, with the coming of the railway in 1840, brought thousands flocking to the town. May and Thwaites and later William May were also prolific builders as was John Shuttleworth at Southwick during the second half of the century.

The master mariners (captains) of these ships often resided in Shoreham and during the late 18th/early 19th centuries the Amos family were in East Street when Thomas commanded the ‘Hound’ and ‘Swallow’ Revenue cutters – one of the vessels that John Amos captained was the ‘Providence in 1807; another, Edward Tate, built himself Shoreham House in John Street and by the mid 19th century these ship records abound with others such as G. Curd and G. Gaston both of New Road; George Griggs in Brunswick Road; William Horrocks, Harry and John Butler all at Church Street and others such as Glazebrook, Ratcliff, Parsons and Hawkins are well known Shoreham names.
Master mariners seemed to do well financially and many of them also appear later as ship owners themselves. These were usually groups of men each holding part-shares in a number of ships. Owners’ names also occur more than once and some more than others. Thomas English who owned the successful ropemaking business in West Street had a few including the ‘Thomas English’ that was made for him in 1858. William Horrocks and Thomas Cheesman were two other multi-owners as was local baker Henry Adams of Mill House in Mill Lane. Whilst R.H. Penney of Southwick was steadily amassing his fleet of ships it was Major T.B. Gates of Atholl House in New Road who then owned most with no less than 28 vessels in the 1860’s and 70’s.
Whilst the town’s sailing ships had a very high reputation for quality its builders failed to adapt to the change to steam power with the result that demand collapsed and the number of Shoreham registered vessels fell dramatically to 70 during the 1880’s and just 13 by 1899. Little remains in evidence of those successful years ecept for the names of the ship owners, master mariners and their crew that can still be seen on the gravestones of St. Mary’s churchyard and Mill Lane cemetery.
Main Shoreham Shipyards:- In medieval times after the river nearer Old Shoreham became silted up, the shipbuilding yards at New Shoreham were situated on the riverside from Ropetackle to East Street, later becoming increasingly concentrated over the centuries to the area between the Norfolk Bridge and the old Ship Street hard, as well as the yard now occupied by the Sussex Yacht Club with subsequent yards later starting up at Kingston and Southwick.
During the 19th century John Edwards, later with John Britton Balley, built their ships at the old shipyard between the Norfolk Bridge and the old West Street hard, later used in succession by William May, Dyer & Son then Francis Suter the yacht builder. Dyer (and later Thomas Stow & Sons yacht builders) also used the yard where today’s Sussex Yacht Club is now; J. May & T. Thwaites were immediately west of the lighthouse at Kingston. John Shuttleworth at the Shoreham Canal Shipyards (later taken over by Courtney and Birkett) were at Southwick.
The number of vessels built by the main shipbuilders during the 19th century illustrates the growth in the industry at Shoreham up to its sudden and dramatic collapse during the1870’s:-
Shipbuilders | 1820’s | 1830’s | 1840’s | 1850’s | 1860’s | 1870’s | 1880’s |
James Britton Balley | 10 | 25/30 | 18 | 17 | 16 | – | – |
May & Thwaites | – | 3 | 11 | 19 | 18 | 2 | – |
William May | – | – | – | – | 16 | 9 | – |
John Shuttleworth | – | – | – | – | 15 | 1 | – |
Dyer & Son | – | – | – | – | – | 4 | – |
Totals | 10 | 28/33 | 29 | 36 | 65 | 16 | – |
Thomas Stow & Sons were the exception to this decline but are not included in the above figures as their vessels were mainly yachts built for recreational purposes and not for the shipping trade.
Shoreham Shipbuilders – are as shown except for some vessels with unknown builders built during the mid to late 18th and early 19th centuries. These are likely to have been the builders who are known to have been active in that period:- Stone & Barlett (from 1740’s); then Carver & Co, Hamilton & Co, or John Edwardes ‘during the Napoleonic War period.’ and are noted ‘See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index.’

Lloyds Registers – Captains, owners and destination names were often abbreviated. Where the names are unclear the abbreviation is shown as entered in the Register. With few exceptions the registers do not include vessels below 50 tons. Details from most of the Lloyds entries included in this index show the type of each vessel. Where no type is shown these are listed in Lloyds as ‘Ship’ which in the 18th and 19th centuries was defined as a first rank sailing vessel having a bowsprit and three or more square rigged masts.
During the second half of the 19th century the length, breadth and depth in feet of each vessel was included. Where shown in this listing these dimensions are each preceded by the letters ‘L’ ‘B’ and ‘D’. The first port name for any voyage or route is the port where the vessel was surveyed by a Lloyds agent and not necessarily its home port. Home ports are the registered port for the vessel. (N.B. This index does not include the majority of vessels shown in the Registers under the ports of origin noted, in abbreviated form, ‘STHWIK,’ STHWK,’ ‘KNGSTN’ or similar as, with few exceptions, the makers names have been identified as being at Southwick within Sunderland and Kingston near Garside in Scotland)
Tonnage terms – tonnage is volume (not weight) and was originally measured in tuns (barrels) but is now the displacement of water in tons of a ship. Henry Cheal often uses the burden tonnage (the displacement when fully laden) whereas Lloyds often uses the volume of the cargo capacity, hence the large difference that sometimes occurs between the two figures.
Cheal uses three or four different measures:-
Gross = total volume of the ship;
Nett/burden/burthen/register = volume of the cargo areas only.
D.W. (nowadays DWT) is the abbreviation for deadweight tonnage ( i.e., the loaded displacement minus the ship’s weight – the references in Cheal’s book include the cargo and bunkers in the deadweight).

Ship Name | Year Built or Registered | Other Details | Builder and/or where built | Cheal Book Page No. or other record |
A.F. Moore | 1849 | Clipper brig, 339 tons – Glasgow Herald newspaper quotes ‘Clipper vessel, L 120ft – B 26 ft – D 12 ft 8 ins, likely to prove one of the fastest sailing vessels in Britain, first voyage Clyde to Jamaica.Calibri. Captain S. Owen 1850, W. Harris 1860. Owner Ogilby and others 1850/60. London home port. Shoreham-Glasgow route 1850. Surveyed in London 1860. | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | 70, Lloyds Reigister & Glasgow Herald 4/6/1849 |
Active | 1764 | 350 tons, single deck. In 1789 captain Wthrhead (abbreviated), owners Calvert and others. London – Le Havre route. | Not Known Shoreham , | Lloyds Register |
Active | 1821 | Brigantine, 108 ton. nett. Owner George Irvin, Shoreham. First Master George B.Clark.
Probably the same vessel as the single deck schooner of the same name, same year of build, 105 tons, recorded by Lloyds in 1824 with captain Charlton, owner Palmer and others sailing London to Van Diemens Land (Tasmania), London to South Seas, then Falmouth – South Seas 1825 to 1828. During 1828 Lloyds have a second, supplemental entry for this ship with captain Shaw, owner J. Morgan on a voyage from London to the Cape of Good Hope. Captain J. Wright, owner C (Christian?). Missionary Society 1829 – 1833. Voyages 1829 New Zealand, 1830 London – Africa, 1832 London – New South Wales. | Shoreham built probably John Edwards and James Britton Balley, Shoreham | 62 and Lloyds Register |
Ada | 1862 | Brig, 300 tons. L. 123 –B. 26 –D. 12.7. Captain B. Haslett 1869. Owner Field and others 1869. Shields-Mediterranean route 1869 | Built at Bathurst | Lloyds Register |
Adara | 1877 | Iron, screw propelled steam ship, 832 net tons (Cheal has ‘Dead weight cargo and bunkers 1,670’) L 236.2 B 31.5 – D 17.7. Engine 120 hp. Captain Hook 1889 and 1899. Owner R.H. Penney & Co. Trading between ports in the UK, Mediterranean, Black Sea and Azoff. Surveyed at Cardiff 1889. | Mounsey & Foster of Sunderland (vessel)
J. Dickinson (engine) | 83, Table 3 Wilcox & Lloyds Register |
Adelaide | Unknown | 1871 census number 9681. Master A. Barham. Type – cutter in the fishing trade of Shoreham. 26 tons. 1 crew on board and 5 ashore. Circa 1870 recorded as turning over to Customs 54 bales of tobacco. Captain Barnham (spelt with an ‘n’). | Unknown | 121 & Census |
Adur | 1832 | Smack (Wilcox states this is a schooner used as a small collier), 65 ton. nett. Owner Isaac Bass, Brighton and three others, Barnes in 1860. First Master John Tanner, W. Bennett 1860. Home port Shoreham. Shoreham-Africa route 1836. | Shoreham built -probably John Edwards and James Britton Balley | 62 & Lloyds Register. |
Adurnis | 1865 |
Brig, 550 tons burden (Lloyds has 289 tons), L. 119-b. 26.5-d 14.9. Captain Scarpe 1869, Clark 1874 & 1883. Owners Messrs Brown & Co. Home port Shoreham. Surveyed at Gloucester 1869 and Swansea 1874 | William May, Shoreham | 78 & Lloyds Register |
Africa | 1784 |
In 1789 Brig, 110 tons, single deck, clinker built, captain J. Nevin, owner Barns and others. London – Africa route. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Africaine | 1839 |
Schooner, 53 tons. Captain Salmond. Owner Heidaman. Home port London. Shoreham-London route 1839/43 | Shoreham built | Lloyds Register |
African | 1836 |
Brig, 174 tons. L 80ft 8inches – B 25ft –D 13ft 5 inches. Classed A1 for 11 years, renewed in same class for four more years in 1847 having new decks and large repairs. 1852 overhauled and repaired with new metalling.’Sails remarkably well and carries a large cargo’(1857 sale advert.) Captain Newman 1836/37, Franklin 1850. Owner Hutton and others 1836/37, T. Brown 1860. Home port Shoreham until 1842 when transferred to London then to Gambia by 1860. Shoreham-Africa route 1836/37, London-Africa 1838-1843. London surveyed 1860. | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | 70, Lloyds Register & Bristol Mercury sale advertisement 1857 |
Agricola | 1862 |
Brig, 600 tons burden (Lloyds has 278 tons), L 118.7-B 26-D 14.9. Owners Henry Adams & Co 1862, 1869, 1879; J. & N.C. Bull by 1889. Captain Parratt, 1862, Bernard 1869, W.B. Parker 1874, Smith 1883, J. Kieve 1889, K.C. Salveson 1899. Home port Shoreham and Newhaven by 1889. Shoreham-Mediterranean route 1869 | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | 68 & Lloyds Register |
Aimwell (see Amwell) | 1835 | |||
Akbar | 1869 | Barque, 700 tons burden (Lloyds has 397 tons), L 132.9-B 28.4-D 16.9. Owner T.F.Gates. Captain Alexander Sinclair 1869, J. Greenaway 1874, H. Puttick 1883. Home port Shoreham. Shoreham-Mediterranean route 1869. In 1881 Reg.No. 58030. Master R.Sherwin, Foreign trade. 397 tons. In 1887 under the command of Captain James Cheesman the vessel became waterlogged during hurricane in the Atlantic. The crew were rescued but the ship was lost. | William May, Shoreham | 78, 79, 104 & Lloyds Register |
Alastor | 1875 | Iron Barque, 823 nett, 873 gross, L 196.6 – B 31.7 – D 11. Worldwide trading, particularly New Zealand, Australia and West Coast North and South America. Owner R.H.Penney. Captain Thomas Glazebrook for the entire period of Penney ownership. Sold to Norway in 1895. | Mounsey & Foster of Sunderland | 82, 83 & Lloyds Register |
Albion | 1829 | Brig, 165 tons. Captain J. Strevens 1835/40, W. Clark 1841, R. Bungard 1843. Owner Crosswaller 1835/39, Clark and others 1841/43. 1835/38. London-Galway route 1835/38, Shoreham-London 1839, Cardiff- Coastal 1841, Stockton-Coastal 1843 | Built at Shields, | Lloyds Register |
Albireo | 1878 | Iron, steam ship, 847 tons net (Cheal has ‘Dead weight cargo & bunkers 1,750’), L 237.03 – B 31.6 – D 18.8. Captain H. .Jupp 1889. Trading between ports in the UK, Mediterranean, Black Sea and Azoff. Owner R.H.Penney. | Mounsey & Foster of Sunderland | 83, Table 3 Wilcox & Lloyds Register |
Alcestis | 1868 | Iron barque, 398 nett, 423 gross. Worldwide trading. Owner R.H.Penney. Sold at Liverpool in 1879 (Wilcox spells it ‘Alcetis.’) | Iliff, Mounsey & Co of Sunderland | 82, 83 |
Aldebaran | 1866 | Barque, cargo 635 tons (Lloyds has 399 tons), L 135.1-B 27.6-D 16.3. Captain Fide 1869, J. Moise 1874, Cole 1875. Owned initially by R.H.Penney. Wrecked in the Baltic in 1880 but rescued and repaired under Norwegian ownership. (Composite barque 399 tons net pp Wilcox) | Thompson of Sunderland in 1866 | 82 and Table 3 Wilcox |
Alexander | 1833 | Clipper Brig of about 175 tons. Sister ship to the Martha and Rapid that were also built by Balley in 1833.
(See illustration at end of listings) | James Britton Balley | Fast Sailing Ships 1775-1875 |
Alexandra | 1863 | Barque, 239 tons, L 239-B 25-D 14. Captain W. Parsons 1869, J. Gaston 1874.Owner Gates and others 1869. Southampton-Mediterranean 1869. Surveyed at Ipswich 1874. | Harvey of Littlehampton | Lloyds Register |
Alf | 1864 | Schooner, 301 tons, L 118.5 – B 26.5 – D 14.9. Captain Thyssen 1889, O. Aslatsen 1899. Owner A.C. Larson 1889.Home port Brevig, Norway. | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | Lloyds Register |
Alfred | 1768 | 350 tons, three decks, captain J. Bolton, owner J.M’g’ts’n (abbreviated). London – New York route. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register 1780 |
Alfred | 1847 | Snow, square rigged, two masts, 215 tons nett. Owner George Cheesman snr and three others. First Master Alfred Merrix. Shoreham home port. Shoreham-Bristol route 1850. Lost 1864. | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Shoreham | 72 & Lloyds Register |
Algeiba | 1902 | Steel steamer, dead weight, cargo & bunkers 730. Trading between ports in the UK (including Shoreham), France, Belgium, Holland, Germany and Denmark. Owner R.H.Penney & Co. | Scott & Sons of Bowling, West Dunbartonshire | 83 |
Algethi | 1902 | Steel steamer, dead weight, cargo & bunkers 730. Trading between ports in the UK (including Shoreham), France, Belgium, Holland, Germany and Denmark. Owner R.H.Penney & Co | Ardrossan Dry Dock & Shipbuilding Co, Ardrossan, Ayrshire | 83 |
Algol | 1903 | Steel steamer, dead weight, cargo & bunkers 830. Trading between ports in the UK (including Shoreham), France, Belgium, Holland, Germany and Denmark. Owner R.H.Penney & Co. | Blyth Shipbuilding Co, Blyth, Northumberland | 83 |
Algores | 1899 | Steel steamer, dead weight, cargo & bunkers 420. Trading between ports in the UK (including Shoreham), France, Belgium, Holland, Germany and Denmark. Owner R.H.Penney & Co | Ritson & Co of Maryport, Cumbria | 83 |
Alhena | 1889 | Steel steamer, dead weight cargo & bunkers 3,500, L 295 – B 38.2 – D 20.2. Trading between ports in the UK, Mediterranean, Black Sea and Azoff. Owner R.H.Penney. | Raylton, Dixon & Co of Middlesborough | 83 & Lloyds Register |
Alice | 1849 | Brig, 203 tons nett. Owners George Cheesman snr and Charles Cheesman of Brighton. First Master Henry Sisby, John Cobby by 1859, Shoreham home port. Shoreham-Bristol route 1850, Shoreham-Galatz 1859. Wrecked in the Bosphorus 1859 when the captain John Cobby and his wife perished. | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 73, 97 & Lloyds Register |
Alice Hawthorn | 1857 | Three masted (pp Wilcox) Barque, 334 nett tonnage. Captain H. Joblin 1860. Owner J.S. Stonehewer and later R.H.Penney of Southwick. Shoreham home port. Surveyed in London 1860. | James Britton Balley, Shoreham | 66 & Lloyds Register |
Alice V. Goodhue | 1861 | Brigantine, 134 tons, L 90 – B 23.8 – D 11.9. Captain J. Black 1883, Bottingdale 1889. Owner B. Blaker 1883. Shoreham. 1886: Sold to T. P. Cattley, Shoreham. | Built at Nova Scotia | Lloyds Register |
Alliance | 1811 | Sloop, 62 tons. Captain and part owner T. Tanner 1835/41. Shoreham-London route 1839, Shoreham-Liverpool 1841. | Built in Isle of Wight | Lloyds Register |
Alligator | 1839 | Schooner, 198 tons. Captain R.W. Cook (later changed to C.W. Cook) 1839/43J. Dunn 1850. Owner Cook and others 1839/43. Home port London. Shoreham-Liverpool route 1839/43, London-China 1850 | Shoreham built | Lloyds Register |
Alma | 1857 | Clipper built brig, 400 tons burden (Lloyds has 218 tons). Owners Messrs.Thomas Gates, Greaves & Corrall. Captain William Parsons late of the ‘Clara Jane’ of Shoreham 1857, P. Moon 1869. Home port Shoreham. Coastal trade. Lost in the Channel – no date given. | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 74, 98 & Lloyds Register |
Alpheta | 1875 | Iron Barque, 817 nett, 868 gross. Worldwide trading. Owner R.H.Penney. Wrecked on Bembridge Ledge, Isle of Wight 1877 | Mounsey & Foster of Sunderland | 82, 83 |
Altair | 1867 | Iron Barque, 388 nett, 405 gross, L 140.7-B 27.2-D 16.5. Captain D. Tidey 1869. Owner R.H.Penney. Worldwide trading. Sold at Greenock in 1879 | Iliff, Mounsey & Co of Sunderland | 82, 83 & Lloyds Register |
Aludra | 1879 | Iron, screw steam ship, 966 tons net (Cheal has ‘Dead weight cargo and bunkers 1,900’), L 249.5 – B 33.5 – D 18.4. Captain Rule 1889. Trading between ports in the UK, Mediterranean, Black Sea and Azoff. Captain J. Black 1883. Owner R.H.Penney. | Mounsey & Foster of Sunderland | 83, Table 3 Wilcox & Lloyds Register |
Amulet | 1831 | Brig, 161 nett tons. Used as a collier (Wilcox). Owner Edward Lucas of Southwick and later taken over by R.H.Penney of Southwick. Possibly replaced by the same named vessel below | Unknown, at Hull | 81 |
Amulet | 1840 | Snow, 208 tons. Captain Crowhurst 1843, owner E. Lucas. Home port Shoreham. Shoreham Sunderland route 1843. These details repeated by Lloyds in ensuing years. | Built at Sunderland | Lloyds Register |
Amwell (or Aimwell) | 1835 | Brig (Lloyds states barque), 235 tons. Captain J. Hessey 1835/38, Merry 1842, Hesse 1843, C. Fine 1850. Owner Walker and others 1835/38. Home port London 1835/38. Shoreham-Liverpool route 1835, London Shields 1836/38, Liverpool-Sydney 1842, London-Launceston 1843. Surveyed in London 1850. | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | 70 & Lloyds Register |
Anazi | 1865 | Composite barque, 468 net tons. Owner R.H.Penney. | Unknown, at Portsmouth | Table 3 Wilcox |
Andromeda | 1865 | Barque, 355 net tonnage, 740 tons burden, L 131- B 28- D 16.3. Owner R.H.Penney of Southwick. Captain E. Poole 1869, J. Steers 1874. Home port Shoreham. Newprt-Mediterranean route 1869. Surveyed at Liverpool 1874. Sold 1876 (pp Wilcox) | John Shuttleworth, Southwick | 77, Table 2 Wilcox & Lloyds Register |
Ann | 1755 | 200 tons burthen, 8 guns. 1764/65 details 16ft mean draft, hull fair condition (E), masts and rigging middling (M) Captain T. Moxen, Owner Barker. Home port London – destination Streights. | Shoreham built – See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register 1764 |
Ann | 1819 | Brig, single deck, 132 tons, captain J. Landles until 1823 when J. Essex, 1824 J. Grant, owner Irvine and others until 1822 when Benham and others. London – Pillau route until 1823 when London – Bilbao, 1824 to 1827 London – Bayon. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Ann | 1834 | Schooner, 136 tons. Captain Johnson 1835/43, Ducaasn (p.p. Lloyds) 1850. Owner Munn 1835/43. Home port Derry. London-Malaga. Route 1835/43, Clyde-Mediterranean 1850. | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | 70 & Lloyds Register |
Ann | 1838 | Snow, 194 tons. Captain J. Dier 1843. Owner Garringe (probably Gorringe) 1843. Shoreham surveyed 1843 | Built at Sunderland | Lloyds Register |
Ann | Unknown | Number 13614. Master R. Wilkinson. Type – brigantine in the coasting trade. 152 tons. 6 crew on board. Home port Shoreham | Unknown | Census 1871 |
Ann & Mary | 1756 | Brig. Single deck, 120 t0ns. Captain J. Allen, owner C. Sayers. London – Lisbon route 1780 | See Shoreham shipbuilders at beginning of index | Lloyds Register |
Ann & Sarah | 1636 | 180 tons. | Robert Tranckmore of Shoreham | 31 |
Anne | 1860 | Collier brig, tonnage unknown. Wrecked in a storm on the coast off the Seaford Roads 1860. Captain Merrix. Home port Shoreham. | Not Known | 90 |
Anne | 1877 | Schooner, 106 tons, L 86.8 – B 21.2 – D 10.4. Captain H. Hodder 1883. Owner Hodder and others then Scrivens 1883. Home port Weymouth. | Lee of Kingston | Lloyds Register |
Annie Lee | 1871 | Ketch, 75 tons. L 74 – B 19.1 – D 9.4. Captain W.Holten 1871, J. Holton 1874. Owner Leek and others then J.& G. Ley (Lee?) 1874. Surveyed in London 1874. Registered at Plymouth | Robert Lee of Southwick | 80 & Lloyds Register |
Anniversary | 1860 | Barque, 293 tons, L 108- B 25.5- D 16. Captain S. Welsh 1860, J. Parker 1869. Owner Clark and others 1860,Kitchen and others 1869. Surveyed at Gloucester 1860, Belgium-England route then Liverpool-West Indies 1869. | Built at Gloucester | Lloyds Register |
Ant | Unknown | Number 58028. Master J.Hatcher. Type – schooner in the coasting trade. 16 tons. 2 crew on board. Home port Shoreham | Unknown | Census 1871 |

Antares | 1875 | Iron Barque, 820 nett, 872 gross, L 196.6 – B 31.7 – D 18.4. Worldwide trading. Captain H. Lewis 1883, J. Hutchison 1889. Owner R.H.Penney. Sold 1894 (Wilcox states sold in 1887, Lloyds still shows Penney in 1889) | Mounsey & Foster of Sunderland | 82, 83 & Lloyds Register |
Arabella | 1753 | 40 tons burthen, 12 ft mean draft. 1764 details hull fair condition, masts and rigging good. Master T. Bradshaw, owner Shervey. Home port London destination Lisbon. | Shoreham built – See Shoreham shipbuilders at beginning of index | Lloyds Register 1764 |
Arbutus | 1863 | Barque, 336 tons, L 122 – B 27 –D 16.5. Captain G. French 1869, T. Thomas 1874, C.Ribton 1875. Owners Jenkins & Co of London. Home port initially London then Shoreham after being sold to R.H.Penney of Southwick; F. Gauntlett 1883. | John Shuttleworth, Southwick | 77 & Lloyds Register |
Arcturus | 1864 | Barque, tonnage not known (279 tons net pp Wilcox). Owner R.H.Penney of Southwick | John Shuttleworth, Southwick | 77 and Table 2 Wilcox |
Argosy | 1867 | Barque, 394 tons, L 130.5 – B 27.7 – D 16.9. Captain T. Parker 1874. Owner T.F. Gates of Shoreham. Surveyed at Falmouth and Shields in 1874. | Gill of Sunderland | Lloyds Register |
Ariel | 1852 | Snow (Lloyds has Brig), 204 tons nett. Owner John Sharp, Southwick. First Master Thomas Parsons, T. Sharp 1860.Home port Shoreham. Shoreham coastal trade 1860 Lost on Goodwin Sands 1872 at which time the commander was Captain Collins | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 73 |
Arundel | 1695 | 5th rate man-of-war, frigate, 378 tons, 32 guns, two gun decks 108 ft, 145 crew. 1695 New England, 1699 Newfoundland, 1700 North America and West Indies, 1702 & 1706 stationed in Irish waters, 1709 the Channel, 1710 West Indies, 1711 Newfoundland, 1712 the Channel, sold by Admiralty order 1713. | Thomas Ellis, of Shoreham | 55 |
Asterion | 1869 | Iron Barque, 508 nett, 528 gross, L 163 – B 28 – D 17.4. Worldwide trading, Sunderland-Singapore and London-India during 1869.Captain D. Copland then A. Lewis 1874, Barton 1889. Owner R.H.Penney. Vessel sold to Shaw, Saville & Co in 1884. | Iliff, Mounsey & Co of Sunderland | 82, 83 & Lloyds Register |
Astrea | 1864 | Barque, tonnage not known (355 net tons pp Wilcox). Owner R.H.Penney of Southwick. (Lost at Blacksea – no date pp Wilcox | John Shuttleworth, Southwick | 77 and Table 2 Wilcox |
Athole | Unknown | Number 97738. Master George Hickman. Type – Ketch, sailing. 119 tons. 2 on board (in Rye Harbour on the night of the census). Home port Shoreham | Unknown | Census 1901 |
Atrato | 1863 | Barque, 550 tons burden (292 tons net pp Wilcox), L 121.4 – B 26.6 – D 14.8. Owner R.H.Penney of Southwick, H. J. Baunister 1899. Captain Poole jnr 1863, H. Blann in 1869, E. Camben 1874.1883, 1889, H. Helverson 1899. Home port Shoreham, Newhaven by 1899. Shields-Mediterranean route 1869. Cheal also has “Subsequently sold to Mr. Bull of Newhaven and eventually run down and lost off the Tyne.* | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 76, Table 2 Wilcox & Lloyds Register |
Audur | 1832 | Sloop, single deck, 65 tons. Captain J. Tanner 1832/33. Owner Farncomb 1832/33. London Coaster 1832/33. | Shoreham built -probably John Edwards & James Britton Balley | Lloyds Register 1832 – 1833 |
Auriga | 1869 | Iron Barque, 518 nett, 539 gross, L 164.5 – B 28.1 – D 17.8. Captain W. Alderton 1874, Stone in 1883. Owner R.H.Penney. Sold to J.Hardie in 1885. Worldwide trading. | Iliff, Mounsey & Co of Sunderland | 82, 83 & Lloyds Register |
Avenger | 1848 | Schooner, 216 tons nett. Owners J.B.Balley and three others. Master John Cobby. Shoreham home port. Shoreham-Mediterranean route 1850 | James Britton Balley, Shoreham | 64 & Lloyds Register |
Avon | 1862 | Barque (Wilcox says Brigantine), cargo 330 tons (Lloyds has 195 tons in 1869). Built 1862 and owned at one time by R.H.Penney. In 1871 census register number 44873, Master R.Burnes, Coasting trade 195 tons. 2 crew on board and 6 ashore. | Unknown, at Prince Edward Island, Canada. | 82 and Table 2 Wilcox, Lloyds Register and Census |
Awthorn | 1865 | Barque, 279 tons, L 119 – B 26.5 – D 14.9. Captain JG. Gray 1869. Owner J. Golden 1869. Gloucester-Black Sea route 1869. | John Shuttleworth, Southwick | Lloyds Register |
B.I. | 1874 | Schooner, 108 tons, L 87.1 – B 21.4 – D 10.2. Captain Thomas 1889. Owner Sailing Ship B.I. Co. (Lim),. Captain and owner P. Donovan in 1899. | William May, Shoreham | Lloyds Register |
Balley | 1832 | Schooner, single deck, 161 tons. Captain F. Orfeur 1832/38, Bloom 1841/42, J. Laws 1850. Owner McIntyre 1832/38, Luscombe 1841/42, Foster and others 1843. Home port Derry 1834/38, London 1841/43. London-Terceira route 1832/35, Liverpool Naples 1836/39, London-New Zealand 1841/42, London-Africa 1843, London-Cape of Good Hope 1850 | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | 70 & Lloyds Register |
Basuto | 1872 | Barque, 348 tons, L 132.7 – B 28.2 – D 14.9. Captain D. Richards 1883, W.G. Mathews 1889. Owner Bullard King and Co 1883, R.H. Bruce 1889. Home port London, transferred to Shanghai by 1889. | William May, Shoreham | Lloyds Register |
Batchelor | 1764 | Sloop, single deck, 130 tons, captain M. Lee, owner Dnfirvilk (abbreviated). London – Bristol route 1789. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Bark Fenner (perhaps the barque Fenner?) | 1571 | 150 tons. Owner:- Thomas Fenner | Shoreham built | 31 |
Beatie | Unknown | Number SM 48. Master William Andrew. Type – sail, fishing. 13 tons. 2 on board. Home port Shoreham | Unknown | Census 1901 |
Bell | 1763 | 90 tons burthen, single deck, 8ft mean draft. In 1764 captain and owner George Roberts. Home port London, destination Senegal. | Built in Shoreham, See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register 1764 |
Belle | 1764 | Three decks, 300 tons. Captain W. Foster, owner Nesbitt and others. London – Jamaica route. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register 1780 |
Belle Isle | 1874 | Brig, tonnage not known. Owners Messrs John Sharp and Joshua Dinnage. | John Shuttleworth, Southwick | 77 |
Belzoni | 1827 | Barque, single deck, 250 tons. Captain and owner A. Talbert 1827/33. Captain 1834/38 F. Orfeur, 1839/41 J. Salmon. Owner Dunbar and others 1839/41. Home port London 1834/41. London-Madeira route 1827/8. London – India 1832/38. | Shoreham built -probably John Edwards & James Britton Balley | Lloyds Register 1827 – 1841 |
Betsey (& Nancy?) | 1751 | 100 tons burthen, 9 ft mean draft. 1764 details hull fair, masts and rigging average. Captain not known, owner Jas. Boyd. Home port London, destination Gibraltar and St. Cruiz(?) | Shoreham built, See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register 1764 |
Betsy | 1778 | Sloop, single deck, 100 tons, captain and part owner J. Hedger. Newry – Portsmouth route. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register 1789 |
Bexhill | 1869 | Schooner, 182 tons, L 107.2 – B 28 – D 10.2. Coaster. In 1871 Reg.No. 58034. Master T.Hylands. Owner W. May. | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 76 & Lloyds Register |
Black Prince | 1749 | 60 tons burthen, single deck, 7 ft mean draft. 1764 details fair condition hull, average masts and rigging. Captain G. Addis, owner John Ward. Home port London destination Pensylvania. | Built in Shoreham, See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register 1764 |
Blair Athol | 1864 | Barque, 700/800 tons burden (Lloyds has 443 tons), L 140 – B 28.5 – D 17.7. Captain in 1869 Alexander Sinclair then Hellier, M. White 1874. Principal owner F. Gates 1864, J. Wilson 1874. Swansea-Mediterranean route in 1869. London home port 1874. Under Norwegian ownership by 1883. | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | 69 & Lloyds Register |
Blessing | 1636 | Probably built at Shoreham. No known details | Robert Tranckmore of Shoreham | 149 (Story of Shoreham) & 34 |
Blue Bell | 1854 | Brig, 198 tons register, L 97.2 – B 22 – D 13.5. Owner R.H.Penney of Southwick; B. Blaker by 1883. First Master Captain John Hugh, E Poole 1860, Tidey in 1869. Coastal trade. Probably the ‘Bluebell’ (one word) included in the 1881 census as follows:- Number 22585. Master W. Sargent. Brig, coasting, 191 tons. 1 on boar | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | 64,65, Lloyds Register & Census |
Blue Eyed Lass | Unknown | Number 317. Master G.Allen. Type – lugger in the fishing trade. 9 tons. 3 crew on board with 3 ashore. Home port Shoreham | Unknown | Census 1871 |
Blue Eyed Maid | Unknown | Number 9676. Master J.Hubbard. Type – cutter, fishing and dredging. 15 tons. 2 crew on board and 2 ashore. Home port Shoreham | Unknown | Census 1871 |
Bo-Peep | 1863 | Brig, 169 tons, L 92 – B 23.1 – D 13.6. Owner J. Sharp. Coaster. Wrecked at Mundsley near Cromer, Captain James Patching – no date given. | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 76, 98 & Lloyds Register |
Breeze | 1855 | Brig, 164 tons, L 90 – B 23 – D 13. Captain W. Lewott 1874. Owner A. Buckwell 1874. | Built at Sunderland | Lloyds Register |
Brenda | 1866 | Brig, 290 tons, L 118 – B 26.7 – D 14.9. Captain S. Stewart 1869, Swanson 1883. Owner Gates and others 1869; F. Cheesman 1874, Mackenzie 1883. Shoreham-Mediterranean and South American trade. Home port Shoreham but transferred to Shanghai by 1883. | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 76 & Lloyds Register |
Brenda (late Reseda) | Unknown | Number 106782. Master Charles Monk. Type – Private yacht, sailing., 27 tons. 4 on board. | Unknown | Census 1901 |
Brighton | 1830 | Smack (Lloyds has Sloop in 1842), single deck, 70 ton. nett. Owner Isaac Bass of Brighton 1830/43, T. Ballard 1850. First Master John Giles 1830/33, R. Green 1834/43, H. Cains 1850. Home port Shoreham, transferred to Poole by 1850. Falmouth-Waterford route 1830/31, Waterford-Portsmouth 1832/36, Shoreham coaster 1842/43, Poole coaster 1850. | Shoreham built -probably John Edwards and James Britton Balley | 62 & Lloyds Register |
Brighton | 1871 | 407 tons register (Lloyds has 431 tons in 1874), L 137 – B 28.5 – D 17.2. Captain J. Evans 1883. Owner Wade and others. Home port Shoreham. Pacific trade. Lost at East London, South Africa in 1881. | William May, Shoreham | 79 & Lloyds Register |
Brighton | 1878 | Paddle steamer, 34 tons, L 105.4 B 17.5 – D 9. Captain W Lower 1883 and 1889. Owner W.S. Gardner. 1881 CensusNumber 78956. Master W.S.Gardner. Type – Paddle Steamboat. Pleasure Steamer. 33 tons. 2 on board. | Johnston of North Shields | Census & Lloyds Register |
Brighton Queen | Unknown | Number 1025V0. Master N.R.Hucker. Type – Paddle steamer, passenger trade. 164 tons. 6 on board. Torpedoed whilst on transport duty during WW1. | Unknown | Census 1901 |
Bristol Packet | 1804 | Schooner, single deck, 45 tons. Captain and owner Wrangam 1829. Falmouth-Seville route 1829, London-Portsmouth 1832/33 | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Britain’s Pride | 1855 | Brig, 166 tons, L 104.5 – B 23.9 – D 12.6. Captain J. Kenyon 1865. Owner Nicholson and others 1869, G. Gaskin 1874. Home port Faversham 1874. Coaster | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 74 & Lloyds Register |
Britannia | 1764 | 350 tons burthen, 8 four pounder guns, 22 ft mean draft. 1764 details hull good condition, masts and rigging good. Captain H. Davis, owner Woodbridge. Home port London, destination Barbados. | Shoreham built, See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register 1764 |
Britannia | 1857 | Brig, 228 tons, L 115.2 – B 24.5 – D 13.5. Cheesman captain by 1860, Grinsted 1869 and 1874. Owner T. Gates 1860 and 1874. Home port Shoreham. Shoreham coaster 1860. In 1871 Reg.No. 17393. Master Stephen Kennard, 4 crew on board and 5 ashore at Shoreham. Wrecked in a storm off Whitby 1874. | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 74, 96, Census & Lloyds Register |
Britannia | 1877 | Barque, 800 tons burden (Lloyds has 444 tons), L 140.8 – B 29.6 – D 17.7. Captain Alfred Gasston. Owner Cheesman & Gates. Home port Shoreham. Surveyed in Genoa 1883. Lloyds register has a note ‘Stranded’ against this vessel in 1883. This and the Osman Pasha were the last ships to be built in Shoreham. In 1883 the vessel was lost in a hurricane on Sable Island near Nova Scotia in tragic circumstances. Alfred Gasston’s wife, his two children and ten of the crew perished. | Dyer & Son, Shoreham | 79, 100, 101 & Lloyds Register |
British Queen | 1837 | Schooner, 75 tons. Captain J. Curd 1842. Owner Black 1842. Coastal trade 1842. | Built at Rye | Lloyds Register |
British Queen | 1840 | Barque, 225 tons. Captain Clark 1841/43. Owner Clark and others 1841/43.
Sunderland-Shoreham route 1841/43. | Built at Sunderland | Lloyds Register |
Britisher | 1864 | Brig, 276 tons register, L 114.5 – B 26.5 – D 14.8. Owners Messrs H.Adams & Co. Captain Geo.Williams of Littlehampton 1864, H. Williams 1869, W. Fishwick 1874, G. Lang 1883. Home port Shoreham. Shoreham-Mediterranean route 1869. | John Britten Balley, Shoreham | 69 & Lloyds Register |
Busy Bee | 1855 | Schooner, 80 tons. Captain G. Juniper 1860. Owner I.G. Bass. Surveyed at Workington 1860. | Built at Cowes | Lloyds Register |
Camberwell | 1764 | 130 tons burthen, 12 ft mean draft. Condition in 1764 to 1766 hull good, masts and rigging good. Captain John Travers, owner Thomas & Co. Home port London, destination Lisbon. | Built at Shoreham, See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register 1764 |
Cambria | 1862 | Brig, 500 tons burden (Lloyds has 269 tons), L 116.5 – B 26.3 – D 14.7. Captain H. Puttick 1869,Downer 1874. Owner Gates and others 1869. Home port Shoreham. Shoreham-Mediterranean route 1869, Surveyed at Swansea 1883. | John Britten Balley, Shoreham | 68 & Lloyds Register |
Canning | Not Known | 74 tons – no other details of vessel. Captain Hindson 1834/36. Home port Shoreham 1834/36 | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at index beginning | Lloyds Register |
Canondah | 1847 | Brig, 225 tons (Lloyds has 194 tons in 1869), L 92.8 – B 22.5 – D 13.6. Captain R. Mund’n 1850, Blannin 1860, J. Dunn 1869, W. Mowat 1874. Owner J. Burrell 1850, Gwyer & Son 1860, J. Elmslie 1869. Home port Portsmouth 1850, transferred to Bristol by 1860 and Aberdeen by 1869. Shoreham-Black Sea route 1850, Bristol-Africa 1860, Clyde-Mediterranean 1869.Surveyed at Liverpool 1874. | James Britton Balley, Shoreham | 70 & Lloyds Register |
Capella | 1864 | Barque, 246 net tonnage (279 tons net pp Wilcox, 264 tons pp Lloyds), L 119 – B 26.5 – D 14.9. Foreign trading. Owner R.H.Penney of Southwick who sold it on in 1874. Captain John Hugh 1864, 1869 & 1874. Home port Shoreham. Hull-Mediterranean route 1869 | John Shuttleworth, Southwick | 77, Table 2 Wilcox and Lloyds Register |
Carbonaria | 1866 | Brig, 289 tons register (Lloyds has 301 tons in 1869), L 117 – B 26.7 –D 14.9. Captain Horrocks 1869 (William or Thomas Horrocks of 28, Church Street, Shoreham), H. King 1874, H. Smith 1883. Owner Adams and others 1869, J & N.C. Bull 1883. Home port Shoreham but transferred to Newhaven by 1883. American trade 1866, coastal 1869. | William May, Shoreham | 78 & Lloyds Register |
Caroline | 1804 | 396 tons (lengthened and increased to 447 tons, 16 guns added 1811), single deck, captain J.W. Phelan 1804 – 1808,Hayes 1809, Phelan again 1812, J. Clark 1818, Campbell 1821, Dunlop 1822, Harrison 1825, owner Neave and others until 1822 when Meaburn, London – St.Kitts route, 1823 recorded separately as trading to India and bound for Penang, Malaysia under captain W.Harris, 1824 London – Batavia. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Caroline | 1835 | Lugger. Built for Henry Pocock and George Cheesman of Brighton | Messrs J. May & T. Thwaites when still at Hove & Brighton | 71 |
Caroline | 1845 | Lugger. Owner George Cheesman. First
master Benjamin Bishop. | Messrs J. May & T. Thwaites when still at Hove & Brighton | 71 |
Castilian Maid | 1831 | Schooner, single deck, 132 tons. Captain Orfeur 1832/33. S. Scott 1834/1838, D. Jones 1841/42, R. Ivens 1843, J. Legg 1850, G. Hurrell 1860. Owner Ogilby and others 1832/33, Scott and others 1834/38, Legg 1850,Hunt and others 1860. London home port 1834/60. London-St. Mical.route 1832/33, London Norway 1834/38, Liverpool-Leghorn 1841/42, Liverpool-Algiers 1843, Dartmouth-Labrador 1860. | Shoreham built -probably John Edwards and James Britton Balley | 70 & Lloyds Register |
Catherine | 1820 | Brig, 169 tons. Captain Dyer then Cheesman during 1839 until 1843. Owner Mitchell 1839/43. Cork-London route 1839/43. | Built in Quebec | Lloyds Register |
Catherine | 1843 | Smack, 37 tons. Captain W. Miles 1843, W. Hancock 1850. Owner Beedham 1843, Hancock and others 1850. Home port Shoreham but transferred to Padstow by 1850. Shoreham-Caen route 1843, Newport coastal 1850 | Built in Shoreham | Lloyds Register |
Challenger | 1830 | Schooner, single deck, 136 tons. Captain Alexander 1830/42, Jones 1843. Owner T. Farmer and others 1830/34, Hanson and others 1835, Farmer and others 1836/43. Home port London 1834/43. London-Smyrna route 1830/35, London Turkey 1836/43. | Shoreham built -probably John Edwards and James Britton Balley | Lloyds Register |
Champion | 1830 | Schooner, single deck, 111 tons. Captain G. Osborn 1831, Greenwell 1832/33, Perriman 1834/41. Owner Walkins & Co 1831/32, Ogilby and others 1833/41. Home port London 1834/41. London surveyed 1831/32,London-Lisbon route 1833, London Mediterranean then London Cape of Good Hope 1834/41. | Shoreham built -probably John Edwards and James Britton Balley | Lloyds Register |
Champion | 1853 | Brig, 199 tons nett (Lloyds has 181 tons in 1874), L 96.2 – B 22.1 – D 12.8. Owner Thomas English of New Shoreham and two others 1853, Copp and others 1860, W. Copp 1874. First Master William B. Parish, R. Lamper 1860.Home port Shoreham. Liverpool, coastal trade 1860. Lost near Whitby 1878. | James Britton Balley, Shoreham | 64 & Lloyds Register |
Champion | 1867 | Brig, 297 tons, L -119 – B 26.5 – D 14.9. Captain Chiddington 1869. Owner J. Golden 1869. Home port Shoreham. Shoreham-Black Sea route 1869.
1871 Census Number 54793. Master J.F. Langrish. Type – brig in the coasting trade. 299 tons. 2 crew on board with 7 ashore. | John Shuttleworth, Southwick | Lloyds Register & Census |
Charles | 1630 | 300 tons. | Robert Tranckmore of Shoreham | 31 |
Charles | 1846 | Snow, square rigged, two masts, 217 tons nett. Lengthened in 1858 and increased to 283 tons (Lloyds has barque, 254 tons in 1869), L 112.2 – B 24.1 – D 13.9. First owners George Cheeseman snr and Charles Cheesman of Brighton 1846/69; J. Brown and son 1874, J. & E. Robinson by 1883. First Master Alfred Merrix and still captain in 1850, J. Cobby in 1860, G. Gray 1869, E.H. Griffin 1874, J. Ball 1883. Home port Shoreham. Surveyed in Shoreham 1850. | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 71 & Lloyds Register |
Charles & Mary | 1750 | Renamed, see Prince Orange. |

Charles Carter | 1833 | Brig (Lloyds states Schooner), 175 tons. Captain Christall 1834/38, J. Broad 1839/43. Owner J. Christall 1834/43. Home port London. London Cape of Good Hope route 1834/36, London Africa 1837/38, London-Cape Good Hope then London-Newfoundland 1843. | Shoreham built -probably John Edwards and James Britton Balley | 70 & Lloyds Register |
Charles George | 1865 | Brigantine, 193 tons, L 95.1 – B 23.8 – D 14. Captain G. Curd 1869, H. Barnard 1874, S.Smith 1875. Owner Curd and others 1869. Sunderland- Shoreham route 1869. 1871 Census number 53030. Master G. Curd. Type – schooner in the coasting trade. 193 tons. 2 crew on board and 5 ashore. Sunk by the P&O liner ‘Cathay’ 1885 off Beachy Head. | Unknown | Census 1871
and National Maritime Museum |
Charles Stuart | 1841 | Snow, 196 tons. Captain and owner T. Kirton 1841/50. Sunderland-Shoreham route 1840/41,Hartlepool-Shoreham 1842/43, Portsmouth coastal 1850 | Built at Sunderland | Lloyds Register |
Charlotte | 1863 | Ketch, 62 tons. Coaster | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 76 |
Charming Sally | 1758 | 60 tons burthen, single deck, 5 ft mean draft. In 1764 Captain William Edwards, owner Garner & Co. Home port London, destination Dublin. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register 1764 |
Chieftan | 1867 | Brig, 289 tons register, L 119 – B 26.5 – D 14.9. Captain Glazebrook 1869. Owner Gates and others 1869 and 1874. Captain and owner T. Welsh 1883.Mediterranean and South American trade.Home port Shoreham but transferred to Glasgow by 1883. | William May, Shoreham | 78 & Lloyds Register |
Circassian | 1835 | Brig, 197 tons, L 90.1 – B 22.4 – D 14.5. Owner T. Gates 1874. Lost on a voyage from the north to Shoreham. Captain Alfred Austin – no date | Built at Ipswich | 98 & Lloyds Register |
City of London | 1836 | Barque, 240 tons (Lloyds has 285 tons). Captain W. Martin 1836/43, C. Fine 1850. Owner Walker and others 1836/43. Home port London. London-Liverpool route 1836/38, London-Cape of Good Hope 1839/43, London-Mediterranean 1850. | Shoreham built -probably John Edwards and James Britton Balley | 70 & Lloyds Register |
City of the Sultan | 1842 | Schooner, 216 tons (lengthened in 1856 and increased to 283 tons and classed as a barque),. Captain J. Baker 1841/42, J. Knowles 1843, W. Gilliam 1850, 1860 and 1869, M. Younger 1774. Owner Baker and others 1841, Prevost and others 1869. Home port London but transferred to Liverpool by 1860, then Guernsey by 1869. Shoreham-Liverpool route 1841/42, Liverpool-Mediterranean 1843/50, London-Mediterranean and Guernsey coastal trade 1869. | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | 70 & Lloyds Register |
Clara Jane | 1849 | Snow, 168 tons. Captain Cheeseman 1850. Owner Gates and others 1850. Sunderland-Shoreham route 1850 | Built at Sunderland | Lloyds Register |
Clara Richmond | 1865 | Brig, 213 tons, L 110.8 – B 25.1 – D 13.3. Captain E. White 1869. Owner Billingshurst 1869. Swansea-Mediterranean route 1869. 1871 census number 51938. Master J.Barnard. Type – brig in the coasting and Baltic trade. 213 tons. 1 crew on board and 7 ashore. 1881 census number 51938. Master E.W.Billingshurst. Type – Brig, coasting. 213 tons. 7 ashore, 1 on board. Home port Shoreham | Prince Edward Island | Lloyds Register & Census 1871 |
Clarissa | 1867 | Brig, 256 tons, L105.7 – B 26.4 – D 15.7. Captain G. Burt 1883/89. Owner Mrs F. Burt 1883, A. Buckwell 1889. Transferred from Shoreham to London by 1889 | Wheatly of Sunderland | Lloyds Register |
Claud | 1828 | Barque, 344 tons register (Lloyds has 236 tons). Captain J. Minter then Buckwell 1841. Owner Buckwell 1841. Home port Shoreham as from 1841. London-Quebec and Shoreham-Quebec routes in 1843. Thought to be the vessel lost 1858 in a storm during a voyage from Quebec to Sunderland. Captain Charles Chessell. The captain’s wife and many of the crew were lost. | Built at Whitby | 88, 89 & Lloyds Register |
Clio | 1857 | Brig, 217 tons. Captain G. Burt 1860. Owner R.H. Penney. Lost off Flamborough Head 1869 | Built at Prince Edward Island, Canada | Table 2 Wilcox & Lloyds Register |
Clio | 1872 | No details. Worldwide trading. Owner R.H.Penney | Built at Sunderland | 82 |
Comet | 1800 | 258 tons (274 tons in 1802), single deck, captain E. Page, E. Tate in 1806, first owner Lyall. London – Trinidad route . Possibly the same vessel as below if error in build year unless a replacement? | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |

Comet | 1805 | 254 tons, single deck built in ‘N.Shrhm’ [New Shoreham), iron cable (anchor chain). ‘will carry up to twenty keels of coals’ (1823 advertisement), captain Wilcocks 1823/4, R. Foster 1825/32, owner Parker and others 1820, then R. Swan 1825/32. London – Quebec and London – Virginia routes in 1820 – 1823, Liverpool-Wales 1825/32. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Commerce | Not known | 96 tons. Captain W. Guy 1835/37. Home port Shoreham 1835/37. | Not known | Lloyds Register |
Commerce | 1862 | Brig, 500 tons burden, (Lloyds has 266 tons), L 117.5 – B 26 – D 14.5. Owners Messrs Thomas Gates & Co 1862, 1874, J.& N.C. Bull 1883/99. Captain James Lazell 1862, G. Poland 1869, Fountain 1874, H. Smith 1883, Halverson 1889, A. Robinson 1899. Home port Shoreham transferred to Newhaven by 1883. | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | 68 and Lloyds Register |
Condor | 1825 | Brig, single deck, 165 tons, captain Dunning then J.Ashley 1826-1830, F.Athol 1832, J. Judd 1836/41. Owner T.Bowles 1826-1828, Williamson and others 1829-1841. Home port Halifax. Liverpool-Lguera route 1826 then Liverpool-Halifax 1827/32, Belfast-Halifax 1836/41. | Shoreham built -probably John Edwards and James Britton Balley | Lloyds Register |
Confident | 1632 | 300 tons. | Robert Tranckmore of Shoreham | 31 |
Conflagration | 1783 | Unrated Tisiphone class fireship, 425 tons burthen, 108 ft gun deck, 8x12pounder guns, 55 crew. 1793 Mediterranean and burnt to avoid capture at Toulon | John Pelham of Shoreham and fitted out at Portsmouth Dockyard | 58 & |
Conflict | 1864 | 227gross(?). 227nett. L 99.5 – B 24.5 – D 14.8 feet. Captain Layzell 1874. 1869: Sold to W. Banfield, Shoreham. 1883: Sold to W. Pannett, Newhaven. 1886: Sold to T. P. Cattley, Shoreham. 1892: Sold to Stephenson Clarke & Company. 21.12.1894: Sailed from Hartlepool for Shoreham and thereafter disappeared. | H. Barrick of Whitby | Lloyds Register |
Conquest | 1838 | Brigantine, 207 tons. (Lloyds records schooner, 165 tons but increased to 207 when lengthened in 1850) Captain Hawkins 1839, R. Phillips 1850, T. Goodwin 1860, W. Pittock 1869. Owner Farrant and others 1839/50, W. Pittock 1869, P. Becco 1874. Home port London. Shoreham-Newport route 1839/42, London-Alexandria 1843, London-Mediterranean 1850, surveyed in Liverpool 1860, Newport-Mediterranean 1869. | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | 70 and Lloyds Register |
Constitution | 1820 | Schooner, 73 ton. Nett. Owners and Builders John Edwards and James B. Balley of New Shoreham. First Master Jeremiah Balley. captain 1821 to 1828 R. Attwell, J.McMkin 1826,owner Edwards 1821. R. Attwell captain and part owner until 1826 when Ogilby and others Liverpool – Oporto route 1821. Surveyed in Cork 1822. Surveyed in Plymouth and noted as a coaster 1823,Waterford – Liverpool route 1824, London – Dundalk 1825, Bristol – Wales 1826 to 1832 | John Edwards and James Britton Balley | 62 and Lloyds Register |
Content | 1629 | 300 tons. | Robert Tranckmore of Shoreham | 31 |
Cora Linn | 1866 | Iron built barque, 468 tons gross (Lloyds has 500 tons), L 160.4 – B 27.1 – D 17. Captain J. Chant 1869. Owned by R.H.Penney. Liverpool-Singapore route 1869. Lost in the Humber on Old Warp Sand near Hull while being towed by two steamers. Captain York’s wife, his two children and a boy apprentice were drowned 1876. | Pearce of Stockton | 82, 96, Table 3 Wilcox & Lloyds Register |
Cornhill | 1816 | Schooner (noted by Lloyds as a brig), single deck, 110 tons. Captain J. Baggs 1820. A. Florence captain and owner by 1829, Florence remained captain in 1830, T. Walsh by 1860. Owner Aldridge and others 1819, 1830 Pretty and others then Harrison in 1832, Mahony 1860. Liverpool – Naples route 1819 to 1821, Liverpool – Newfoundland 1822 – 1825, Liverpool – Montreal 1826, Liverpool – Newfoundland 1828, surveyed in Falmouth 1832.Home port Poole in 1834. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Cossack | 1811 | Brig, 134 tons. Captain S. Clark 1834. Owner Clark and others 1834. Surveyed in Shoreham 1834. | Selby, Yorkshire | Lloyds Register |
Courier | 1830 | Schooner, single deck, 136 tons. Captain J. Palmer 1830/34, Scott 1842/43. Owner Caffrie 1830/33, Twentyman 1840/43. London-Cape of Good Hope route 1830/33 and 1840/43. Home port Dundee in 1834 then London by 1840 | Shoreham built -probably John Edwards and James Britton Balley | Lloyds Register |
Criterion | 1834 | Lugger. Captain S. Carden. Owner Francis Moon of Brighton | Messrs J. May & T. Thwaites when thought still to be building at Hove & Brighton | 71 |
Cyrene | 1800 | Brig, 119 tons, single deck, captain and part owner J.P. Baldry, London – Gibraltar route 1805, London – St.Mic 1807. Captured 1807. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Daniel Dyer | 1839 | Brig, 219 tons, L 89.2 – B 20.9 – D 14.3. Captain W. Dyer 1839/43, G. Cooper 1850/60, W. Parnell 1869. Owner Dyer and others 1839/69. Home port London. 1839/40 route Shoreham- Liverpool, 1841/42 Shoreham- Constantinople, 1843 London-Mediterranean, 1850 Liverpool-Mediterranean,, Bangor-South America 1860, Liverpool-Algoa Bay 1869. Renamed ‘John Clue’ in 1869. | Shoreham built -probably by Dyer & Son – the earliest known record of a Dyer vessel. | 70 & Lloyds Register |
Daring | 1865 | Snow, 191 tons, L 98.8 – B 24.8 – D 12.9. Captain J. Reeves 1883. Owner H. Willett 1883, T. .Jefferson 1889. | Barkes of Sunderland | Lloyds Register |
Dart | 1849 | Smack, 29 tons nett. Owners May & Thwaites. First Master Walter Hylands. | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 73 |
Dart | 1852 | Schooner, 118 tons nett. L 77ft.9inches-B 18ft 6inches – D 10ft 9inches. Owners May & Thwaites then S.W. Kelso by 1860. First Master James Sargent, W. Dart in 1860. Home port Liverpool in 1860 and Newcastle-Spain route . Lost in 1874. Sale advert. 1859 states ‘classed A1 by Lloyds for six years, carries 200 tons dead weight…… well adapted for bar harbours.’ | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 73 & Lloyds Register |
Dart | 1861 | Brigantine, 127 tons, L 85.7 – B 21.9 – D 11.2. Owner W. May. Home port Shoreham. | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 75 |
Dash | 1830 | Schooner, single deck, 124 tons. Captain R. Farrant 1830/35, J. Hawkins 1836/37, Killick 1839/40, Newboult 1841/43. Owner Farrant and others 1830, T. Farmer 1834/38, Christophers 1839/40, Friend and others 1841/43. London home port. London-Constantinople route 1830/32. London-Turkey 1833, London Mediterranean 1834/5, Liverpool Constantinople 1836, London – N.Prov 1838, London-Alg.Bay 1839/40, London-Alexandria 1841/42, London-Mediterannean 1843. | Shoreham built -probably John Edwards and James Britton Balley | Lloyds Register |
Dasher | 1842 | Schooner, 80 tons (Lloyds has 110 tons). Captain T. Perry 1842, S. Sawyer 1850. Owner W. Ridley 1842. Home port Plymouth. Shoreham coaster 1842, Plymouth-Mediterranean 1850 | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | 70 & Lloyds Register |
David & Kate | 1872 | Schooner, 80 tons register. | Robert Lee of Southwick | 80 |
Day Star | 1855 | Snow, 225 tons, L 97.3 – B 25.1 – D 13. Owner W.M. Rigden.
1871 census records as Number 2261. Master F.Hollingdale. Type – brig in the coasting trade. 225 tons. 7 crew on board. Home port Shoreham | Built at Sunderland | Lloyds Register & Census |
Delhi | 1838 | Barque, 276 tons. Captain H. Byron 1840/43. Owner Walker and others 1840/43. Home port London. London-Cape of Good Hope route1840, London-India and London-Cape of Good Hope 1842/43. Lost in a hurricane at Algoa Bay, Cape of Good Hope 1843. | John Britton Balley, Shoreham | Lloyds Register |
Delos | 1829 | Schooner, 134 tons. Captain J. Harvey 1834/7, Wagstaff 1838/42. Owner Christall and others 1834/7, King and others 1838/42. Home port London 1834/37, Bristol 1838/42 . London-Turkey route 1834/37, Bristol-Africa 1838/42.
(This vessel was the subject of legal action taken by Balley against Lloyds Registers – Morning Chronicle 25th February 1831) | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | Lloyds Register |
Desire | 1840 | Schooner, 97 tons nett (Lloyds has 113 tons). Owner John Horne of Southwick to at least 1850. First Master George Stabb to at least 1850. Home port Shoreham. Shoreham-Yarmouth route 1841/43, Liverpool-Mediterranean 1850 | James Britton Balley, Shoreham | 64 & Lloyds Register |
Despatch | 1745 | 5th rate Sloop, 14 guns. Sold 1763. No further details and, unless it is the same ship mis-spelt, perhaps some confusion with the Dispatch? RB | Stone & Barlett of Shoreham | |
Diana | 1786 | Schooner, single deck, 96 tons, captain Richard Ashman 1789, W. Wyley 1807, owner Roach and others 1789, J. Williams and others 1810-1813. Lisbon – London route 1789, London – Cork 1808, Bristol – London 1809, London – Hlgld (Heligoland?) 1810-1813
Sussex Advertiser August 1786 includes Ashman’s advertisement showing the vessel intended as a packet to Havre de Grace every Thursday and Monday, having two separate cabins each containing 8 beds, a state room with 2 beds ‘for the convenience of families’ and can convey 4 carriages and 14 horses. | Richard Ashman of Shoreham | Lloyds Register |
Diana | 1824 | Schooner, single deck, 130 tons, captain Davidson then Davis captain and owner 1824, captain Sunderland in 1830 and owner Griffiths. Captain and part owner 1832 L. John, captain and part owner 1834/35 Downing. London-Brazil route 1824,1825, London-Paraguay 1826-1828, Plymouth – Zante 1832, Plymouth-Wales 1833, Plymouth-Leghorn 1834/35. | Shoreham built -probably John Edwards and James Britton Balley | Lloyds Register |
Diligence | 1786 | Brig, 150 tons, captain R. Tickle, owner J. Tickle. London – Quebec route 1789. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Dione | 1867 | Brig, 292 tons, L 119 – B 26.5 – D 14.9. Captain G. Williams 1869, Sherwin 1874, T. Russell 1883, A. Beroldson 1889. Owner Adams and others 1869/83, J & N.C. Bull by 1889. Home port Shoreham transferred to Newhaven by 1889. Shoreham-Mediterranean route 1869. Surveyed at Cowes 1883. Wrecked 1889. | William May, Shoreham | 78 & Lloyds Regier |
Dispatch | 1745 | Unrated Merlin class Snow (Cheal has Sloop), 268 tons burthen, 91ft gundeck, 10 (14 by 1748) x6 pounder guns & 14 half-pound swivel, 110 crew (125 by 1748). 1746 took privateer La Comtess de la Marck, took privateer Le Vainqueur and L’Ambition. Took privateer Le Frere Aisne, 1749 masts shortened, 1750 East coast of Scotland, 1751 & 1752 Irish Sea, 1755 off Brest, 1755 took the Letter-of-Marque Le Zephyr, 1756 the Downs and that year took privateer Le Bigot, 1757 took privateer Le Frere Pierre, 1758 took privateer Le Venerable and Le Dieppois, (continued next page)
1760 took privateer Le Nanon, 1761 Shetland Fisheries, 1762 took privateer Le Duc de Broglie and Le Hersin, 1773 sold off. (Dispatch appears to have taken 12 ships in total but perhaps some confusion with Despatch? RB) | Stone & Barlett of Shoreham but fitted out at Portsmouth Dockyard | 58 & |
Dispatch | 1839/40 | Schooner, 77 tons. Captain and owner Tomlinson 1840/43. Home port London. Shoreham-Bilboa route 1839, London-Cape of Good Hope 1840/43 | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | 70 & Lloyds Register |
Dolphin | 1627 | Authorised privateer 120 tons. ‘of Shoreham.’ Owner and Captain William Scras. In 1628 authorised privateer 80 tons ‘of Shoreham.’ Owner:- Tuppyn Scras. Captain Henry Wheeler | Shoreham built | 40,41,42 |
Dolphin | 1864 | Barque, 297 tons register, L 119 – B 26.5 – D 14.9. Captain W. Lelliott then W. Bishop in 1869, Collier 1874, C.W. Annis 1883. Owner R.H.Penney of Southwick then Mechem and others by 1869 and sold on by them to Merritt and others the same year, F. Hayllar 1874 then Mrs. M. Annis by 1883..
Shoreham-Mediterranean route and Newport-Black Sea in 1869. Home port Shoreham. Surveyed at Swansea 1874. | John Shuttleworth, Southwick | 77 & Lloyds Register |
Dorothy & Elizabeth | 1747 | 250 tons burthen, 14 ft mean draft, Captain S. Butler, owner M. Goble. Home port London, destination Lisbon. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register 1764 |

Dover | 1653 | Frigate, 4th rate Man-of-war. 533 tons, keel length 104 ft, 48 guns. Served with the Navy at 1658 Mediterranean, 1662 with Sandwich’s squadron to Tangier and Lisbon, 1665 Battle of Lowestoft, 1666 Four Days Battle and St. James Day Battle, 1667 Battle of Martinique, 1672 Battle of Solebay, 1673 sailed to the Straits and the Mediterranean, 1678 Channel Patrols, 1679 Newfoundland, 1682 Ireland then Tangier, 1693 Irish Sea, 1693 Captured the 14 gun Lion Eveille, 26 gun Saint Antoine and 16 gun Marianne, 1693 took the privateer Beaulieu, 1694 stationed off Dunkirk. 1695 Broken up to rebuild at Portsmouth | William Castle of Shoreham | 50,51,52,53 & |
Dover Castle | 1834 | Oak built side paddle steam ship 114 tons, 130ft deck length, 17ft beam, 11 feet depth of hold. Engines 240 horse by Maudslay & Co, London. Operated as a passenger vessel in Shannon Estuary (continued next page)
Ireland from 1838. Sold to the City of Dublin Company in 1841. Lloyds only records brief details of a Dover Castle, 108 tons, home port Dover during 1834 to 1838. Survived a serious fire at St. Katherine’s Wharf in 1834. Balley of Shoreham is attributed with building this vessel and is the only purpose built steam powered ship known to have been made at Shoreham in the 19th century. | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | ’Limerick Reporter’ 1840, Irish Waterways History website and ‘Irish Passenger Steamship Services’-D.B.McNeill |
Drake | 1666 | Probably built at Shoreham. Captain:- Richard Poole | Shoreham built | 34 |
Driver | 1818 | Brig, 156 tons. Captain Cheesman 1834, J. Minter 1835/36. Owner J. Diplock 1834/35, Lawson and others 1836. Swansea-Malta route 1834/35, Blythe-Coastal routes 1836
| Built at Saltcoats, builder unknown. | Lloyds Register |
Dundee | Unknown | 1881 census shows as Number not known. Master Capt. Swales. Type – Dredger fro harbour and river. Tonnage not known. 1 on board, 1 ashore. Home port Shoreham | Unknown | Census |
Duke of Wellington | 1845 | Lugger built for George Cheesman of Brighton. Captain Benjamin Bishop. | Messrs J. May & T. Thwaites when still building at Hove & Brighton | 71 |
Dunwich | 1695 | 6th rate man-of-war, 250 tons, 24 guns, 94 ft gun deck, 110 crew. 1696 Bristol Channel, 1697 Newfoundland, 1698 the Channel, 1700 Salee, 1702 attack on Cadiz, 1703 Sussex coast fishery protection, captured the privateer Le Gracieuse, 1705/6 North Sea, 1707 took the privateer Le Chasseur, 1711 the Channel and took the privateer Le Temeraire, 1712 took the privateer Le St. Jean, 1713 laid up at Plymouth, 1714 used as a breakwater. | William Collins of Shoreham | 55 & |
Dusty Miller | 1841 | Clipper schooner, 123 tons (Lloyds has brigantine and 113 tons in 1860). Captain R. Lewes 1841/50, J. Curlett 1860. Owner Henry and others 1841, Harvey and others 1842/50, Waddell and others 1860. Home port Limerick but transferred to Whitehaven by 1860. Shoreham-Swansea route 1841 and London-Sunderland 1841/43, Newcastle-Mediterranean 1850, Whitehaven coastal trade 1860. | James Britton Balley, Shoreham | 70 & Lloyds Register |
Eagle | 1850 | Schooner, 43 tons. Captain Mackinr’t 1850. Owner J. Allen 1850. Home port Cowes. Shoreham-cowes route 1850. Shown as being surveyed in Southampton in 1869 then ‘Missing’ the same year. | James Britton Balley, Shoreham | 70 & Lloyds Register |
Ebenezer | 1860 | Brig, 177 tons, L 108.5 – B 22.4 – D 11.3. Captain J.J. Allen 1869, 1889, G. Grevett 1899. First owner W. Banfield to at least 1874, sold to T.P. Cattley 1882, Sold to Stephenson Clark & Co 1892, sold to J. Robinson by 1899.. Home port Shoreham. Coastal trade 1869. 15.7.1917: Intercepted by German submarine 25 miles N.W. of Dieppe and sunk by explosive charges. | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 74 & Lloyds Register |
Echo | 1862 | No details known. Commanded by Captain Horrock of Shorehams the vessel was run down by another in 1862 off Flamborough Head. | Not known | 92 |
Eclipse | 1822 | Sloop, single deck, 70 tons, iron cable (anchor chain), captain and part owner C. Garman (Garman remained part owner to 1833, captain 1824 Keat, 1826-1830 H. Bedwell, J. Munden 1839/43. Owner German 1839/43. London surveyed – coastal trade 1822/23, Dartmouth – Coast 1824, London coaster 1825-1828, Teignmouth coaster 1829/33. Home port Portsmouth 1850. Portsmouth-Salcombe route 1839/41, Portsmouth-Coaster 1842/43 | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Eclipse | 1855 | Brigantine, 180 tons, L 110 – B 23.8 – D 12. Captain G. Gallop 1860. First owners May & Thwaites, J. Sharp by 1874 and W. Scott by 1883. Home port Shoreham. Coaster 1855/60, surveyed at Newcastle 1869. | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 74 & Lloyds Register |
Edenton | 1750 | 200 tons burthen, 12 ft mean draft. 1764 condition hull good, masts and rigging good but fair and average the following year. Captain F. Longstaff, owner Skelton & Co. Home port Cowes, destination Holland. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register 1764 |
Eleanor Russell | 1838 | Barque, 306 tons. Captain not recorded 1838/39, C. Worth 1840/42, Jeffries 1843, Robinson 1850. Owner Ogilby and others 1838/43, Robinson 1850. London home port and London surveyed 1838 but transferred to Whitby by 1850. London-Mauritius route 1840/43, surveyed in London 1850. | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | 70 & Lloyds Register |

Eliza | 1851 | Brig, 244 tons, L 111.1 – B 24.8 – D 14.6. Captain D. Robert 1874s. Owner J. Hudson 1874.
Perhaps the ‘Eliza’ mentioned by Cheal that was badly damaged 1862 when anchored in the Downs (off Kent) and run down by another. Captain was Thomas Austin. | Built at Prince Edward Island | 92 & Lloyds Register |
Eliza & Isabella | 1835 | Snow, 140 tons. Captain A. Walters 1836. Owner Mitchell 1836. Sunderland-Shoreham route 1835. | Built at Sunderland | Lloyds Register |
Eliza Emma | 1845 | Brigantine, 177 tons, L 82 – B 20.4 – D 18.2.Captain J. Adamson 1899. T. Gates 1874, W. Watson 1899. Home port Shoreham 1874 – 1899. | Denton of Hartlepool | Lloyds Register |
Eliza Saunders | ? | Mentioned by Cheal as a brig with Captain James Saunders was burnt at sea off the Irish coast – no date or year given | Not known | 97 |
Elizabeth | 1839 | Smack (Lloyds has ‘Sloop’), 41 tons. Owners Isaac Bass (Lloyds has Brass & Son), Brighton and two others 1839/50. First Master William Pratt 1839/43, Matthews 1850. Shoreham-Rotterdam route 1850. (Perhaps the ‘Elizabeth’ of Shoreham lost on the Kentish Knock during a gale in 1862). | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 71, 92 & Lloyds Register |
Elizabeth | 1846 | Brig, 156 tons. Captain Waterman 1850. Owner Catt and others 1850. Surveyed in Liverpool 1850. | Built at Prince Edward Island | Lloyds Register |
Elizabeth Hampton | 1863 | Clipper schooner, 200 tons burden (Lloyds has 107 tons), L 87 – B 20 – D 9.5. Captain J. Ford 1869. Owners Messrs Williams 1863/74. Captain and owner W. Philp by 1883. Home port Plymouth 1869. Cardiff-Lisbon route 1869. | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | 68 & Lloyds Register |
Ellen | 1835 | Polacre (Brig), 229 tons. Captain S. Pue 1834, Murphy 1839/43, J. Reeder 1860/69. Owner Dyer and others 1834/42, Barden and others 1843, T. Carr 1860/69. Home port Waterford but transferred to London by 1860. Shoreham-Trinidad route 1834/1837, London-Trinidad 1838/42, Waterford-Trinidad 1843, Surveyed at Whitby in 1860. | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | Lloyds Register |
Emily | 1832 | Schooner, 170 tons, L 78 – B 22.6 – D 13.1. Captain A. Smith 1834/40, S. Carman 1841, George 1843, P. Stacey 1850, Smallwood 1860. Owner W. Ogilby 1834/40, Clench and others 1841/50, T. Bingham 1860, W.G. Craske 1883. Home port London 1834/38, transferred to Dover by 1883. London-Cape of Good Hope route 1834/41, London-Syra 1842 then London-Alexandria 1843, Liverpool-Mediterranean 1850. | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | 70 & Lloyds Register |
Emily | 1868 | Brig, 565 tons burden (Lloyds has 296 tons), L 119 – B 26.8 – D 14.1. Captain J. Smith 1869, Graves 1874. Owners Messrs. Goodchild, Cork & Humphry. Captain and part owner by 1883 W. Crighton. Mediterranean and Cape voyages. Home port Shoreham transferred to Melbourne by 1883. | William May, Shoreham | 78 & Lloyds Register |
Emily | Unknown | Number SM 49. Master J.Tettersell. Type – lugger in the fishing trade. 18 tons. 6 crew on board. Home port Shoreham | Unknown | Census 1871 |
Emma | 1828 | Snow, 200 tons. Captain H. Smith 1840/41. Owner J. Collins 1840/41. Shoreham –Sunderland route 1840/41. Wrecked 1841 | Built at Chepstow | Lloyds Register |
Emma | 1830 | Clipper brig, single deck, 142 tons, framed with English oak, equipped with a longboat, a jolly boat and a windlass. Lloyds records this as ‘sharp’ typical of the hull form for which Balley was known. Captain W. Powell 1830/33, H. Rowe 1834/35, J. Tyack 1836. Owner J. Paynter 1830/33, J. Roger 1834/36. Home port London. London Constantinople route 1830. London-Syra 1832, London-Turkey 1833, London-Constantinople 1834/36. | Shoreham built -probably John Edwards and James Britton Balley | Lloyds Register
& Fast Sailing Ships 1775-1875 |
Emma | 1849 | Brig, 207 tons. Captain Williams 1850. Owner Bowring 1850. Home port Liverpool. Shoreham-Liverpool route 1850. Lost during a voyage to La Rochelle, France, whilst engaged in the wine trade | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | 70, 98 & Lloyds Register |
Emma | 1866 | Brig, 291 tons, L 118.5 – B 26.5 – D 14.9. Captain G. Seaborne 1869, H. Sewell 1874. Owner Hart and others 1869. Swansea-Mediterranean route 1869. Surveyed at Shields 1874. | Harvey of Littlehampton | Lloyds Register |
Emma Louise | 1877 | Schooner, 43 tons, L 79.7 – B 31 – D 9.8. Captain J. Denyer 1883. Owner C.C. Crosskey 1883. | Built at Emsworth | Lloyds Register |
Emperor | 1868 | Brig, 295 tons register, L 119 – B 26.5 – D 14.9. Captain W. Young 1869. Owner Gates and others . Mediterranean traffic. Home port Shoreham. Shoreham-Mediterranenan route 1869. | William May, Shoreham | 78 & Lloyds Register |
Empress | 1855 | Schooner, 93 net tons. Built at Jersey in 1856 and owned by R.H. Penney of Southwick. Captain and owner 1860 G. Griggs of Shoreham. Swansea- Spain route in 1860. | Built at Jersey | 82, Table 2 Wilcox & Lloyds Register |
Endeavour | Not known | 122 tons. Captain A. Waters 1834/38. Home port Shoreham 1834/38. | Not known | Lloyds Register |
English Rose | 1847 | Brig, Square rigged, two masts, 152 tons nett. Owners Thomas Mitchell, Southwick and three others to at least 1850. First Master John Pilbeam to at least 1850. Home port Shoreham. Shoreham-Hartlepool route 1850. | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 72 & Lloyds Register |
Ensign | 1870 | Barque, 315 tons register, L 129.6 – B 27.5 – D 14.8. Captain W. Downing. Owner Gates and others. Home port Shoreham. Mediterrannean and West Indies traffic. | William May, Shoreham | 79 & Lloyds Register |
Enterprise | 1872 | Ketch, 72 tons, L 78.8 – B 19.3 – D 9.3. Captain E. Seagers 1874, C. Walker 1883/89. Owner E. Seagers then D.W. Foreman 1883. Coastal trade – home port Guernsey, transferred to Jersey by 1883 then Dundee by 1889. | William May, Shoreham | 79 & Lloyds Register |
Enterprize | 1822 | Brig, 121 tons. Captain J. Bailes 1850. Owner Bailes & Co 1850. Sunderland-France route 1850. | Built at Cardigan | Lloyds Register |
Ermina | 1854 | Barque, 254 tons, L 118.5 – B 25.9 – D 13.5. Owner G. Mather 1874. | Built at Nova Scotia | Lloyds Register |
Esther | 1817 | Smack, single deck, 53 tons, registered as having been built in ‘N.Shrm’ Captain and owner R. Johnson 1821,captain 1824-1828 G. Foster, owner 1824-1828 R. Johnson London –S. Mich. route 1821, Plymouth – Malaga 1822 to 1824, London – St.Mic. 1825, Bristol – Wales 1826, London – St.Mic 1828, London-Seville 1829, London-St.Mic. 1832. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Estridge | 1777 | 300 tons, two decks, Captain and owner T. Ashington 1780, D. Brown 1824. Captain R.Cleghorn 1789. G.Deucht 1824, London – St. Kitts route 1780, surveyed Dundee 1824. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Eurus | 1870 | Barque, 327 tons register, L 132.9 – B 27.6 – D 14.9. Captain E. Gaston 1874, J. Haynes 1883, T. Gibson 1889. Owner H. Adams and others 1874/83, D. dePass and others by 1889. Home port Shoreham transferred to London by 1889. East Indies trade. | William May, Shoreham | 79 |
Excellent | 1868 | Ketch, 78 tons, L 79.6 – B 18.6 – D 8. Captain and owner Seagers. Coastal trade. | Built in Jersey | Lloyds Register |
Exquisite | 1828 | Schooner, single deck, 124 tons. Captain R. Sexton 1832, Patrickson 1832, Perriam 1834/35, J. Kerr 1836/37 . Owner T. Morgan 1832/35, R. Dart 1836/37.London home port. London-South Seas route 1832/33, Liverpool-Oporto 1834 | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | Lloyds Register |
Fairy | 1850 | Brig, 191 tons nett. Owners May & Thwaites. First Master William May, J. Jupp 1860. Wrecked on Southwick beach 1867 | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 73 & Lloyds Register |
Falcon | 1695 | 6th rate man-of-war, 240 tons, 24 guns. 92 ft gun deck, 110 crew. Her first service was in convoy and cruising duties when she was taken by three 50 gun French ships off Dodman Point. The Falcon was retaken in 1703 but was not placed again in the Navy. | Nicholas Barrett of Shoreham | 55,56 |
Fame | 1798 | Smack, 20 tons. Captain J. Taylor 1838/42. Owner C. Streeter 1838/42. Shoreham-Caen route 1838/41, Shields-Caen 1843. | Built at Cowes | Lloyds Register |
Fanny | circa 1780 | Brig, 80 tons, captain J. Edmonds, owner J. Mather. London – Jamaica route 1780.
The following entries are almost certainly the same vessel:- Brig, 90 tons, captain J. Withers, owner Grant and others. Waterford to Lisbon route 1789. Brig, 94 tons, single deck, captain and owner J. Beale, Cork – London route 1810/13 | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Fanny | 1849 | Brig, 269 tons nett. Owners George Cheesman snr and Charles Cheesman of Brighton 1849/60. First Master John C.Tidey, J. Tidey 1849/1850, S. Clark 1860. Home port Shoreham. London-Mauritius route 1850. Surveyed at Newport 1860.
Believed to be the vessel of the same name, albeit stated by Cheal to be a barque, that was burned at sea in 1861 near Pernambuco, Brazil. The captain at the time was R. B. Peake and all the crew were saved. | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 73, 91 & Lloyds Register |
Faversham (see Feversham) | 1696 | |||
Favourite | 1757 | Unrated Ship-Sloop, Favourite class, 313 tons burthen, 96 ft gundeck, 16 six-pounder guns and 14 half-pounder swivels, 125 crew. 1758 convoy to Gibraltar and that year took the fourth rate flute La Loire in the Mediterranean,1763 refitted at Sheerness cost £1,540, 1766 Newfoundland, 1766 refitted at Plymouth cost £1,348, 1768 ‘great repair’ Sheerness at cost £4,266 followed by 1770 refitting at Portsmouth cost £1,098, 1771 Leeward Islands, 1775 another ‘great repair’ at Deptford cost £5,860, 1776 Leeward Islands, 1779 laid up Portsmouth, 1783 moved to Deptford, 1784 sold for £530. Cheal also records the Favourite in the Mediterranean where in 1758 she captured the 26 gun ‘Grouzard’ then the ‘Valeur'( 24 guns) in 1769 and ‘St.Joseph’ (12 guns) in 1761.
NB The total cost of this vessel and the work on it during its naval service totals over £18,000 – a huge sum then | Earlsman Sparrow at Shoreham and fitted out at Portsmouth Dockyard | 58 & |
Fearon | 1812 | Two masted brig, 155 tons burthen. Built in 1812, purchased by Edward Lucas and registered at Shoreham in 1839. Captain G. Nutt 1839/43. London collier 1839/43. Wilcox records the vessel foundered at sea in 1840 but Lloyds continue to show it. | Built at Liverpool | 37 (Wilcox) & Lloyds Register |
Feversham | 1696 | 5th rate man-of-war, frigate of the ‘1694 Group 32 Gunner’ class, 372 tons, 36 guns in 1706, two gun decks 107 ft 145 crew. 1697 Ireland, 1699 Plymouth guardship, 1701 Newfoundland, 1702 Ireland, 1707 and 1708 North Sea, 1711 foundered off Cape Breton 90 men and the captain lost. | Thomas Ellis, of Shoreham | 56 |
Fleece | 1733 | Brig, single deck, 128 tons, captain and part owner J. Thomson, Wilkins captain 1818, owner Tucker and others 1818, coastal trade early 1800’s then Waterford – Savan.(?) 1818 .(thelongest known working merchant vessel in these records). | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register. |
Flora | 1801 | Brig, single deck, 174 tons, captain and owner R. Robinson, London – St. Petersburg route 1801, London – Rotterdam 1802, London – Oporto 1804/5 | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Flora | 1824 | Schooner, single deck, 151 tons, captain T.Farrant 1824-1828,Christall then Watson 1830/38, Lamburd 1839/42, Partridge 1843, Goddard 1850. Owner W.Morgan1824-1828, Capper and others 1839/43, C. Goddard 1850. Home port London but ‘Hambr’ by 1850. Liverpool-Beunos Aires route 1824, Falmouth-Smyrna 1827, London-Smyrna 1828/30, London-Hmbro. 1839/43, London-California 1850 | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Flora | 1828 | Schooner, single deck, 162 tons. Captain and part owner T. Farrant 1828/34. Captain Hawkins 1835/37, Baldwin 1838, Houghton 1839/40, Searle 1841. Owner Watkins 1834/41. London home port. Surveyed in London 1828. Bristol-Straits 1832/33, London-Mediterranean 1834/38, London –Straits 1841. Wrecked 1841. | J. Edwards & J.B. Balley,
Shoreham | Lloyds Register |
Flora | 1843 | Barque, 246 tons. Captain J. Watkins 1843, Stewart 1850. Owner Watkins 1843,Paton and others 1850. Home port London but Glasgow by 1850.. Shoreham-Liverpool route 1843,London-Berbice 1850. | James Britton Balley, Shoreham | 70 & Lloyds Register |
Flying Fish | 1857 | Schooner, 130 tons, L 97.7 – B 20.4 – D 11. Captain W.A. Cox 1860, W. Berry 1869. Owner Hinton and others 1860, T. Wood 1874. Home port Lyme. Newport-Mediterranean route 1860, coastal trade 1869 and surveyed in Stockport. | Shoreham built | Lloyds Register |
Fortune | ? | In 1628 an authorised privateer 80/100 tons ‘of Shoreham.’ Owners Tuppyn Scras and others. Captain Thomas Squibb. Probably the same ship authorised in 1632 as privateer 160 tons ‘of Shoreham’. Captain Leonard Crosse | Shoreham built | 40, 41 |
Four Sisters | 1854 | Brig, 214 ton. nett. Owners May & Thwaites. First Master Edward Hyde, H. Dixon 1871/74. Home port Shoreham. In 1871census Reg.No. 13615. Master H.Dixon. Type – Brig in the coasting and faring trade. 1 crew on board and seven ashore. Broken up 1881. | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 74, Lloyds Register & Census |
Fowey | 1696 | 5th rate man-of-war, frigate of the class ‘1694 Group 32 Gunner, 377 tons, 32 guns, two gun decks 108 ft. 1697 at the Nore, 1698 New York, 1700 North America and West Indies, June 1704 took a 50 gun ship? August 1704 taken by a squadron of seven privateers off Scilly. Became French 5th rate frigate and renamed ‘Fouey’ | Briggs Burgess Shoreham | 56 & |
Fox | 1690 | 5th rate fireship of 263 tons, 2 decks, 28 guns. 115 crew. Served with the Channel Fleet including Battle of Beachy Head 1690 and Battle of Barfleur 1692. Andrew Leake first captain. Burned in action against the French at La Hogue 1692. | Nicholas Barrett of Shoreham | 53 |
Freak | 1845 | Clipper schooner, 149 tons, L 79.4 – B 18.6 – D 12.1. Captain D. Russell 1850, T. Hodder 1869. Owner Travers and others 1850. Home port London. Liverpool-Mediterranean 1850, Newcastle-Mediterranean 1869 | James Britton Balley, Shoreham | 70 & Lloyds Register |
Freedom | ? | Lost with all hands. Captain Francis Adams – no details or date given | Not known | 98 |
Friends Adventure | 1770 | Brig, 108 tons, single deck, captain T.Hill 1800 to 1804,Matthews 1805, owner Tate, by 1806 owner Larkin and others. Exeter – Newcastle route until 1806 when London – Stettin. Captured 1807 | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Garland | 1626 | 150 tons. | Robert Tranckmore of Shoreham | 31 |
Garyone | 1832 | Schooner, single deck, 155 tons. Captain T. Pounds 1832/33, Hocquard 1836/38, Alexander 1839/42. Owner Irish Shipping Co 1832/33, Hocquard and others 1836/42. London home port. London-Ireland route 1832/33, London-Cork 1834, London-Rio de Janeiro 1836/41, London-Rio Jan 1842. Wrecked 1842 . | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Gazelle | Unknown | Number 20285. Master J.E.Bryant. Type – cutter in the coasting trade. 33 tons. 1 crew on board and 3 ashore. Home port Shoreham | Unknown | Census 1871 |
Gazelle | Unknown | Number 45136. Master Horatio Clark. Type – cutter, fishing. 15 tons. 3 0n board. Home port Shoreham | Unknown | Census 1881 |
Gem | 1870 circa | Reg.No. SM 2. Oyster ketch owned by W.N.Eade. The photo of the Gem accompanying this work shows the vessel on the Adur with the old Coastguard Station in the distance. The man aft of the vessel is Captain James Webb who later lost his life in the North Sea on another vessel. The man in the rigging is Isaac Braeme who perished when sailing with the ‘Lord Willoughby’ of Shoreham. | Unknown | 114, 115 & Sussex Archaeological Society record |
Gensing | 1869 | Brigantine,124 tons, L 93.4 – B 22.1 – D 10.7. Captain T. Ellis 1899. Owner J. Gigins 1874 – 1883, W.E. Lewery 1899. Mediterranean trade | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 76 & Lloyds Register |
George | 1839 | Brig, 158 tons nett (Lloyds has 175 tons in 1874), L 83.9 – B 22.1 – D 12.7. Owners George Cheesman snr, Brighton and William Catt snr of Bishopstone to at least 1850, Cheesman in 1860/69, J. Hoggarth by 1874. First Master Alfred Merrix, R. Harmon in 1860, Pearse 1869, T. Levitt 1874. Shoreham-Newcastle route 1839. Shoreham coaster 1843, Swansea-France route 1860, coaster 1869. Home port Shoreham but transferred to Whitby 1861. Wrecked near Hornsea 1882. | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 71 & Lloyds Register |
Gil Blas | 1831 | Schooner, single deck, 130 ton. nett. Owner J.B.Balley 1831/33, G. Redman 1834/43, Bell 1850. First Master George Osborne 1831/33, W. Holt 1834, R. Holmes 1835/39, Herbert 1840/43, M. Lamb 1850. Home port Shoreham but transferred to London 1840. London surveyed 1832. London-Africa route 1834/43. | John Edwards and James Britton Balley, Shoreham | 62 & Lloyds Register |
Gipsy Queen | 1862 | Barque, 453 tons, L 131.9 – B 28.1 – D 17.6. Captain J. Evans then A. Bately 1883. Owner J. Hart then W. Smith and others 1883. | Harvey of Littlehampton | Lloyds Register |

Glance | 1874 | Schooner, 80 tons, L 81.4 – B 30.6 – D 9.5. Captain D. Dinnage 1874. Owner D. Brazier 1874. Surveyed at Southampton 1883 | Robert Lee (Southwick builder) | Lloyds Register |
Glean | 1855 | Schooner 78 ton nett, L 79.5 – B 19.4 – D 9.7. Owners May & Thwaites. First Master John Lesley. Transferred to Caernarvon in 1859. Captain and owner W. Jones in 1869/74. Coastal trade 1869. | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 74 & Lloyds Register |
Gleana | 1881 | Number not known. Master J.Hannington. Type – Cutter yacht, pleasure. 14 tons. 2 on board, 1 ashore. Home port Shoreham | Unknown | Census |
Golden Grove | 1819 | Snow, 318 tons. Captain G. Bogie 1869. Shields-Baltic route 1869 and noted as ‘Wrecked’ the same year. | Built at Shoreham, See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Good Intent | 1745 | Single deck with beams, 140 tons, 9ft mean draft. Captain and owner Thomas Page. Home port London, destination Carolina. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register 1764 |
Goshawk | 1854 | Brig, 198 tons nett. Owner William Scott Stonehewer jnr of Hove, T. Gates by 1860. First Master George Cross, W. Sewell 1860. Home port Shoreham. Newcastle-France route 1860. | James Britton Balley, Shoreham | 64 |
Gosport | 1696 | 5th rate man-of-war, frigate of the class ‘1694 Group 32 Gunner,’ 376 tons, 32 guns, two gundecks 108 ft, 145 crew. 1696 West Indies, 1701 New England, 1704 New England then returned home, 1705 Channel and Bay of Biscay, 1706 taken en-route to Jamaica by the Le Jason. | William Collins of Shoreham | 56 |
Governor | 1856 | Barque, 198 tons. Captain Austin 1860, A. Watson then E. Comber 1869. Owner Cheesman 1860, E. Goodchild 1869. Swansea-South America route 1860, Shoreham-Mediterranean and Cardiff-West Indies 1869. | Built at Rye | Lloyds Register |
Grace | 1818 | Brig, 157 tons. Captain J. Crozier 1841/43, T. Dyer 1850. Owner J. Collins 1841/50. Home port Shoreham from 1841. Shoreham-Newcastle route 1841/43, Hartlepool –coaster 1850. | Built at Hull | Lloyds Register |
Gratitude | 1837 | Schooner, 61 tons (Lloyds has 85 tons). Captain J. Harvey 1836/39, G. Curd 1840/41. Owner Cheesman 1836/39, Harvey and others 1840/41. Shoreham-Weymouth route 1836/41. | Built at Rye | Lloyds Register |
Greyhound | 1754 | ‘a fine large new ship called the Greyhound was launched at Shoreham for the Turkey trade, the command of which is given to Capt. George Turner’ | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Leeds Intelligencer 17th September 1754 |
Griffin | 1838 | Smack, 55 tons. Captain and part owner R. Tanner 1840/43. Home port Shoreham as from 1840. Shoreham-Guernsey route 1840/43. | Built at Hastings | Lloyds Register |
Guinea Witch
(previously Peace & Plenty) | 1751 | 40 tons burthen, 8 ft mean draft, single deck. Captain Allan Lamb, owner Stevens. Home port London, destination Guinea. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register 1764 |
Gulnare | 1844 | Schooner, 166 tons. Captain T. Golder 1850. Owner Blaker and others 1850. Home port Shoreham. Hartlepool-Shoreham route 1850. | Built at Hartlepool | Lloyds Register |
Hamilton | 1861 | Brig, 275 tons (500/600 tons burden), L 118.5 – B 26 – D 14.6. Captain West 1869. Owners Messrs Hamilton of Constantinople. Shoreham home port. Southampton-Mediterranean route 1869. | James Britton Balley, Shoreham | 68 & Lloyds Register |
Hanbury | 1761 | Single deck with beams, 200 tons burthen, 14 ft mean draft. 1764 condition hull good, masts and rigging average. Captain J. Easton, owner Hanbury and Co. Home port London, destination Virginia. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register 1764 |
Happy Return | 1758 | No details known. Captain W. Prouting, owner T. Holway. Cork – Plymouth route 1780. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Hark Away | 1853 | Brig, Square rigged, two masts, 191 tons nett, L 93.8 – B 21.5 – D 12.5. Captain Francis Cheesman first master, Bungard 1869, C. Denyer 1874, Glazebrook 1883. Owners Thomas Gates, New Shoreham and two others. Coastal trade. Broken up 1887. | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites | 73 & Lloyds Register |
Harriett | 1843 | Barque (Lloyds has schooner) 125 tons, L 78.6 – B 17.8 – D 12. Captain Whitway 1843, Williams 1850, T. Daniel 1869, W. Taffir 1874, Robinson 1889. Owner Bowring 1843/50, J. Hodge then G. Ditchfield 1869, T. Hilberry 1874. Home port Liverpool. Shoreham-Liverpool route 1843, Liverpool-Newfoundland 1850, Liverpool-South America 1869. | James Britton Balley, Shoreham | 70 & Lloyds Register |
Harriett | 1858 | Brig, 145 tons registered, L 90.4 – B 23.6 – D 8.6. Captain W. Bishop 1869, B. Shakeshaft 1883. Owner English and others 1869/74, T.F. Ward 1883. Home port Shoreham but transferred to London by 1874 then Middlesborough by 1883. Shoreham-South America route 1869. | James Britton Balley, Shoreham | 66 & Lloyds Register |
Harriett & John | 1801 | Sloop, 69 tons (lengthened in 1806, increased to 102 tons and reclassified as a brigantine), single deck. Harry Baker captain and owner 1810/21, Wheatland captain 1824 /1828 then Wilson 1829. First owner J. Rice; W.G. Rigden in 1821; G. Wood 1824/1828. Cowes – Newhaven route to 1806, Cowes – Shoreham 1807,
London – Emden 1818, London – Barcelona 1819, Plymouth – Shoreham 1824-1829 | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | 61 & Lloyds Register |
Harry Haine | 1855 | Brig, 375 tons burden. Owner Messrs Gates & Co. In 1863 the vessel was lost in a storm on the Longsands near the Kentish Knock.
(NB. Lloyds has this vessel as being owned by others with Falmouth as its home port?) | Built at Prince Edward Island | 93 |
Hastings | 1695 | 5th rate man-of-war, frigate, 381 tons, 32 guns, two gun decks 108ft, 143 crew. 1695 West Indies, 1696 escorting timber ships to Kinsale, 1697 wrecked in storm off Waterford, all hands lost. | Thomas Ellis, of Shoreham | 55 |
Hastings | 1865 | Brig, 224 tons, L 108.9 – B 24.8 – D 13.4. Owner W. May. Home port Shoreham. Coasting and Baltic trade. Foundered in the Baltic 1877. | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 76, 97 & Lloyds Register |
Hedley Vicars | 1860 | Brig, 242 tons. Owners English, Adams & Horrocks of Shoreham. Captain in 1860 G. Parrott. Liverpool-Mediterranean route 1860. In 1865 when being towed by a tug down the River Tyne to start the return journey to Shoreham the vessel was run down by the steamship ‘Berwick’ and sunk | Prince Edward Island | 93, 94 & Lloyds Register |
Helen | 1876 | Smack, 36 tons, L 57.8 – B 16.6 – D 8. Captain and owner P. Carew 1883. Home port Waterford. Surveyed at Southampton 1883. | Robert Lee (Sothwick builder) | Lloyds Register |
Helen | Circa 1834 | 122 tons. Captain W. Adams 1834/35. Home port Shoreham 1834/35. | Not known | Lloyds Register |
Henry Ranking | 1855 | Barque, 357 tons, L 147.2 – B 26.5 – D 14.2. Captain D. George 1860, W. Harris 1869. Owner Ogilby and others 1860/74. Home port London. Swansea-South America route 1860 and 1869. | Built at Shoreham | Lloyds Register |
Herald | 1855 | Brig, 204 tons nett. Owner John Golder, Brighton and George Stables, Shoreham. First Master also George Stables. Lost at Killa in the Black Sea 1859. Captain Benjamin Day, his wife and most of the crew were lost. | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | 65 |
Herald | 1875 | Schooner, 31 tons, L 50.6 – B 14.4 – D 6.7. Captain C’atanache 1883. Owners Moravian Mission Society 1875, H.E. Shaw 1883. Home port London. Surveyed at Shoreham 1883. | Dyer & Son, Shoreham | 79 & Lloyds Register |
Hercules | 1819 | Single deck, 330 tons, captain and part owner G. Dow 1819 – 1823, captain Wilson 1824 – 1826, owner G.Dow and others 1824 – 1826. London – Jamaica route 1819 – 1826. | J Edwards & J.B.Balley
Shoreham | Lloyds Register |
Hero | 1817 | Snow, 207 tons. Captain W. Mason 1840/43. Owner Oxley and others 1840/43. Home port Lynn in 1840. Lynn-Sunderland routes 1840/43. | Shoreham built | Lloyds Register |
Hero | 1840 | Schooner, 90 tons | Shoreham built | Sale Advertisement North Wales Chronicle 1844 |
Hero | 1857 | Brig, 450 tons burden (Lloyds has 230 tons), L 112.3 – B 24.4 – D 13.7. Built for the collier trade, the largest vessel ever built at Kingston. Figurehead a representation of Sir Colin Campbell (a hero of the time) Captain George Vinall to 1860, R. Finnis 1869 and 1883. Owner Carrall and others 1860, spelt as J. Corral 1869, A Jennings 1883. Home port Shoreham. Shoreham-Mediterranean route 1869. | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 74 & Lloyds Register |
Hero | Unknown | Number not recorded. Master W. Ansell. Type cutter in the fishing trade. Tonnage not recorded. 1 crew on board. Home port Shoreham | Unknown | Census 1871 |
Hero | Unknown | Number SM 13. Master W.Lucas. Type – lugger in the fishing trade. Tonnage not recorded. 6 crew on board. | Unknown | Census 1871 |
Heroine | 1860 | Brig, 500 tons burden (Lloyds has 262 tons), L 116.5 – B 26.3 – D 14.4. Captain F. Cheesman 1860, Kemp 1869 and 1883. Owner Messrs Gates. Home port Shoreham. Coastal trade 1860, Shoreham-Mediterranean 1869. | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | 67 & Lloyds Register |
Hibernia | 1863 | Brig, 277 tons, L 121 – B 26.5 – D 14.9. Captain Hutchinson 1869. Owner Gates and others 1869. Shoreham home port. Sussex-Mediterranean route 1869 but notes as ‘Wrecked’ the same year. | James Britton Balley, Shoreham | Lloyds Register |
Hilarion | 1869 | Barque, 391 tons register (Lloyds has 420 tons), L 79.5 – B 19.4 – D 9.7. Captain Barratt 1869, Read 1874. Owner Edward Goodchild. Home port Shoreham. East Indies trade – Shoreham-Ceylon route 1869. At one time during its service the ship was subject to an unsuccessful mutiny. In the early 1880’s under the captaincy of James Cheesman whilst moored in the Thames it was run down by a Swedish screw steamer. Two of the crew drowned. The ship was raised but its subsequent fate is unknown. | William May, Shoreham | 79, 98, 99 & Lloyds Register |
Hitena | 1868 | Brigantine, 136 tons, L 92 – B 24.4 – D 10.8. Captain M. Casey 1874. Owner Cork and others 1874. Home port Shoreham | Mutch of Prince Edward Island | Lloyds Register |
Hope | 1780 | Brigantine, 217 tons | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at index beginning | 61 |
Hope | 1797 | Snow, 136 tons, single deck, captain and part owner S. Bartlett, captain and part owner J. Bodie 1818, J. Bodie 1824 – 1827, Hull – Lisbon route, in 1809 London – Gibraltar route, 1811 Falmouth – Gibraltar, 1822 – 1827 surveyed in Cork. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Hopewell | 1690 | 5th rate fireship of 253 tons, 93 ft gundeck, 8 guns 115 crew. Burned by accident in the Downs 1690. | Thomas Ellis, Nicholas Barrett, William Collins, Thomas Burgess or Richard Chatfield all of Shoreham | 53 |
Hopewell | Year not stated | 90 tons burthen, single deck with beams, 7 ft mean draft. Condition in 1764 hull, masts and rigging average. Captain J. Parking, owner not stated. Home port Hull, destination Cadiz. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register 1764 |

Hound | 1745 | Merlin class Snow (Cheal has Sloop) 267 tons, 10×6 pounder guns and 14 half-pound swivel guns, gun deck 91 ft, 110 crew. Re-classed as a 14 gun unrated Brig-sloop in 1748. 1745 the Downs, 1749 North Sea, 1750 to 1752 Nova Scotia, 1755 served with Impressment Service, 1760 Downs and took the privateer ‘Le Thurot,’ 1765 African coast, 1767, 68 & 69 African coast, 1771 refitted Portsmouth, 1772 Falkland Islands, 1773 sold | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index and fitted out at Portsmouth Dockyard | 58 |
Idea | 1834 | Schooner, 189 tons. Captain R. Cooper 1834/41, Pounds 1842/3. Owner J. Russell 1834/43. Home port Limerick. Shoreham-Limerick route 1834/36, London-Limerick 1837/43 | Shoreham built -probably John Edwards & James Britton Balley | Lloyds Register |
Index | 1857 | Schooner, 220 tons. Captain H. Eade 1860. Owner Jackson and others 1860. Home port London. Surveyed in London 1860. | Shoreham built | Lloyds Register |
Industry | 1766 | Sloop, single deck, 65 tons (44 tons 1832), captain P. Ennis, owner F. Codd 1812/13, Devereux 1832/33. Dundee – Wexford route, Dundee Coaster 1833 . | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Industry | 1800/ 1810 | Sloop, single deck, 36 tons, captain and part owner W. Edwards 1827- 1832, Yarmouth-Scotland route 1827/8, Liverpool-Rotterdam 1832, Leith Coaster 1833. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Ino | 1835 | Schooner, 163 tons. Captain S. Clark 1841/43. Owner Clark and others 1841/43. Home port Shoreham in 1841. Shoreham-Hartlepool route 1841/42, London-Baltic 1843. | Built at Sunderland | Lloyds Register |
Isabella | 1825 | Snow, single deck, 195 tons, captain R. Cowell 1825/9, W.Ryan 1830, owner Gilmore and others 1825/9, Hudson Bay Company 1830. London-Gibraltar route 1825/9, London-Colmb. 1830. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Isabella | 1853 | Brig, 272 tons. Captain D. Tidey 1860. Owner Cheesman 1860. Swansea-South America route 1860. | Built at Littlehampton | Lloyds Register |
Italy | 1867 | Barque, 286 gross tons, L 135.4 – B 25.7 – D 12.9. Captain E. Comben then J. Gourley 1874. Owner R.H. Penney at one time then J. R. Gourley 1874. Sold at Melbourne in 1874 | Batchelor of Cardiff in 1867 | 82 & Lloyds Register |
James Douse | 1856 | 139 tons, L 90.9 – B 22.5 – D 11.2. Owner W. May 1874.
1871 census number 39636. Master T.Patching. Type – brigantine in the coasting trade. 139 tons. 3 crew on board and 4 ashore. Home port Shoreham | Built at Prince Edward Island | Lloyds Register & Census |
Jane | 1865 | Schooner, 186 tons, L 108.6 – B 22.3 – D12.2. Owner J. Sharp 1874. Home port Shoreham. Coasting | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 76 & Lloyds Register |
Jane Heward | 1848 | Snow, 171 tons. Captain S. Payne 1860. Owner Vallance 1860. Shoreham-R.M.S. route 1860. | Built at Sunderland | Lloyds Register |
Jannette | 1826 | Schooner, 83 ton. nett. Owner and first Master George Wyndham of Warlpesdon to 1838 | Shoreham built -probably John Edwards and John Britten Balley | 62 & Lloyds Register |
Jemima | 1795 | Brig, 81 tons, single deck, captain and owner G. Roberts, Liverpool – Cork route 1803, Dublin 1804. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Jessamine | 1840 | Brig, 189 tons burthen (Lloyds has Snow, 196 tons). Captain F. Poole 1840/43. Owner Edward Lucas of Southwick 1840/43. Sunderland-Shoreham route 1840/43. Later acquired by R.H.Penney of Southwick. Sold to Shoreham pilot Robert Brazier in 1866 then to Thomas Freeman of Sunderland in 1869. Run down and sunk the same year. | Built at Monkwearmouth, County Durham | 81 & Lloyds Register |
Jessie | 1878 | Schooner, 79 tons, L 79.1 – B 20 – D 9.3. Captain W. Holton 1874. Owner J.
H. Pearce 1874. Home port Shoreham. Surveyed at Southampton 1874. | Robert Lee of Southwick | Lloyds Register |
Joan Bonaventure | 1631 | No known details | Robert Tranckmore of Shoreham | 149 (Story of Shoreham) |
John | 1833 | Brig, 186 tons. Captain S. Coster (or Cooter) 1834/40, J. Holland 1843. Owner J. Childers 1834/1837, Valance and others 1838/43.. Surveyed at Shoreham 1834, Shoreham-Hartlepool route 1840/4 | Built at Shields, builder unknown. | Lloyds Register |
John Clue | 1839 | Renamed as ‘John Clue’ in 1869, see ‘Daniel Dyer’ for earlier details. Brig, 196 tons, L89.2 – B 20.9 – D 14.3. Captain and owner W.R. Clue 1869. Home port Liverpool. Liverpool-South America route 1869. | See earlier details for ‘Daniel Dyer’ | Lloyds Register |
John & Eliza | Not known | 134 tons. Captain Thompson 1835/38. Home port Shoreham 1835/38. | Not known | Lloyds Register |
John & Susan | 1826 | Snow, 134 tons. Captain J. Merris 1835/40. Owner J. Childers 1835/40. Surveyed Shoreham 1835/38. Shoreham-Newcastle route 1838/40. | Built at Northumberland | 97 & Lloyds Register |
John & William | 1835 | Schooner, 77 tons. Captain J. Smith 1836/42. Owner Valance and others 1836/42. Home port Newhaven. Shoreham-Falmouth route 1836/38, Shoreham-Newhaven 1839, Shoreham-Falmouth 1840, Shoreham-Newhaven then Shoreham-coaster 1841/42 | Shoreham built, builder not known | Lloyds Register |
John May | 1873 | Brig, 222 tons, L 108 – B 20.4 – D 13.6. Captain J. Fouquet 1874. Owner W. May 1874. Home port Shoreham. | William May, Shoreham | Lloyds Register |
John Sharp | 1858 | Clipper Brig, 260 tons net (Lloyds has brig, 144 tons in 1860), L 99.8 – B 21.3 – D 11.5. First commander Captain William Mitchell and in 1860. Owner John Sharp 1860, G. Blake 1874. Home port Shoreham. Surveyed at Shoreham 1860.Coastal trade. | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | 66 & Lloyds Register |
John Thomas | 1863(?) | Brig. Owners May & Thwaites. Lost near Whitby 1863. Captain Richard Baker and all hands lost. | May & Thwaites, Kingston | 97 |
John’s Adventure | 1756 | Snow, 212 tons, single deck, captain J. Smith, owners Scott and others, Poole – Memel (Lithuania) route 1799/1803. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at index beginning | Lloyds Register |
Joseph | 1633 | 120 tons. | Robert Tranckmore of Shoreham | 31 |
Joseph William | Unknown | Number 9591. Master J.Fisher. Type – cutter in the fishing trade. 17 tons. 2 crew on board and 5 ashore. Home port Shoreham | Unknown | Census 1871 |
Julius | 1794 | Brig, single deck, 91 tons, captain J.Leer, owner J. Vetter, London – Emden route 1805/12. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Jupiter | 1764 | 200 tons, two decks, captain J. Difting (abbreviated) 1789, Passmore 1799, W. Barnes 1800, Wilkins 1802,Percy 1803,J.Moncur 1804, J. Smith 1805, owner Lubbock 1789, Baring and others 1799, N. Joliffe 1803. Naples – London route 1789, London – Mart (?) 1799, London – Troda(?) 1800, London – Dema(?) 1801,1802, London- Smyrna 1803 – 1805, London – Malta 1806, Captured 1810. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
King Harold | 1866 | 409 tons, L 181.2 – B 28 – D 10.5. Captain J. Graham 1869 and 1874. Owner Brown and others. Glasgow home port. Liverpool-Havana route 1869. | John Shuttleworth, Southwick | Lloyds Register |
Kingston | 1753 | Snow, 120 tons,. captain R. Burcham, owner Miller and others. London – Lisbon route 1780 | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register 1780 |
Kingston | 1754 | 130 tons burthen, 9 ft mean draft. 1764 condition hull fair, Masts and rigging average.
Captain I. Miller, owner Richard Knowles. Possibly the same vessel as above. Home port London, destination Carolina. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register 1764 |
Kingston | 1782 | Sloop, 80 tons, single deck, captain J. Woulf, owner Norton and others, route Bordeaux – Dundee 1789. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Kingston | 1838 | Schooner, 105 tons nett. The first vessel built by May & Thwaites (Sx. Arch. Soc.) Used as a collier (Wilcox). Owner William Catt of Brighton and William P. Gorringe of Southwick 1838/1842, Edward Lucas of Southwick 1843. First Master William Potter 1838/1842, J. Mercer 1843, T. Richards 1850. Home port Shoreham. Shoreham coaster then London-Lisbon route 1840/41, Shoreham-Waterford 1842/43. | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites at Kingston
(believed to be the first vessel built at Kingston by May & Thwaites (previously at Hove & Brighton) | 71, 81 & Lloyds Register |
Kingston by Sea | 1844 | Snow, 204 tons. Captain J. Dyer 1844, Glazebrook 1850. Owner Gorringe and others 1844. Sunderland-Shoreham route 1844, Shoreham-Hartlepool 1850. | Built at Sunderland | Lloyds Register |
Kirtons | 1842 | Brig, 196 tons. Captain G. Grinns 1850. Owner C.S. Kirton of Hove (see ‘Sea Adventure’ in previous list) 1850. Coastal trade. | Built at Hylt’n (Hylton in Sunderland?) | Lloyds Register |
Kitty | 1836 | Lugger built for George Cheesman and Henry Pocock of Brighton. Captain William Farroll | Messrs J. May & T. Thwaites when still building at Hove & Brighton | 71 |
La Belle | 1866 | Brig, 246 net tons, L 105.3 – B 26.3 – D 13.6. Captain G. Burt 1874. Owner R.H.Penney. Wilcox states sold1876 to a Shoreham master/Lloyds states captain and owner in 1874 as G. Burt. | Ramsay of Prince Edward Island. | Table 3 Wilcox |
La Margarete | 1312 | ‘of Shoreham.’ Owners:- William Fynian and Bertrand Champeneys | Not known | 37 |
Larch | 1870 circa | Smack. Recorded as turning over to Customs 32 bales of tobacco. Captain Larsberg. | Not known | 121 |
Lark | 1785 | Brig, 123 tons, single deck, captain Wrightson 1799, M. Gray 1800owners Reeve and others, London – Hamburg route 1799, London Gibraltar route 1800 – 1805 | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Lark | 1787 | Sloop, single deck, 47 tons, captain W. Brodie, Owners Smith and others. Route Cowes – Malaga 1789. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Lark | 1811 | Schooner, 80 tons. Captain and owner Cheesman 1834/41. Home port Shoreham from 1834. Shoreham-Shields route 1840/41. | Built at Newhaven | Lloyds Register |
Lark | 1844? | ‘A new, fast sailing lugger of Shoreham with three sails, two oars, spars, anchor, cable, compass, copper lantern and troughs fitted in the first style for mackerel and herring fishing.’ | Unknown, Shoreham | Sussex Advertiser advertisement 1844 |
Launceston | 1754 | Brig, privateer, 90 tons, single deck, captain and part owner J. Bowen. Lloyds survey made at Poole 1780. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register
1780 |
Laura | 1823 | Sloop, single deck, 40 tons, captain and part owner C. Browne 1823-1828. London-Rotterdam route 1823-1830 | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at index beginning | Lloyds Register 1823 – 1830 |
Laura | 1845 | Schooner 140 tons. Captain J. Payne 1850. Owner Mudge and others 1850. Home port Dartmouth. London-Mediterranean route 1850 | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | 70 |
Laura | Unknown | Number 29879. Master R.Page. Type – Cutter, fishing. 16 tons. 6 on board. | Unknown | Census 1881 |
Leonora | 1853 | Brig, 141 tons nett, Owner Charles Watts of Brighton. First Master George Curd and again in 1860 when he was also part owner. Shoreham home port. Jersey-coastal trade 1860 | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | 64 & Lloyds Register |
Leverington | 1869 | Iron, screw driven steamer, 679 net tons, dead weight cargo and bunkers 1,600, L 214.4 – B 30.2 – D 16.1. Captain J. Chant 1874, Jupp 1883. Owner R.H.Penney & Co. Trading between ports in the UK, Mediterranean, Black Sea and Azoff. Sold to Sweden 1894. | J. Laing of Sunderland | 83, Table 3 Wilcox & Lloyds Register |
Liberty | 1816 | Smack, 71 tons. Captain G. Curd 1834/1837, J. Dier 1838/43. Owner Goringe and others 1834/43. Home port Shoreham until 1843 when transferred to Arundel. Surveyed in Shoreham 1834. Shoreham-London route 1838/43. | Built at Newhaven, builder unknown | Lloyds Register |
Light of the Age | 1857 | Brigantine, 208 tons, L 95.5 – B 24.8 – D 13.9. Captain T. Woolver 1883. Owner W. May probably from 1857 to at least 1874, P. Moon by 1883, T. Chilton by 1889.
Census 1871 Number 17390. Master P.Jupp. Type – coasting. 208 tons. 1 crew on board and 7 ashore. Home port Shoreham | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 74, Lloyds Register and Census |
Lions Whelp X (see Tenth Lion’s Whelp) | 1627 | |||
Lizzie | 1855 | Brig, 196 nett ton, L 108.7 – B 24 – D 13.3. Owners Messrs Benjamin and Robert Wade of New Shoreham. First Master James Sargeant, J. Hills 1860, R. Wade 1869. Home port Shoreham. Surveyed in London 1860. Coastal trade. Stranded near Sunderland 1871 | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 74 & Lloyds Register |
London | 1759 | Brig, 150 tons, captain A.M. McCullough, owner R. Hunter. London – Quebec route 1780. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
London | 1764 | 300 tons, captain Robertson, owner J. Mather. Surveyed at London 1789. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at index beginning | Lloyds Register |
Lord Dacre | 1853 | Brig, 208 tons, L 93 – B 21.6 – D 13.8. Captain W. Baker 1869.Owner Banfield and others 1869. Coastal trade. | Built at Rye | Lloyds Register |
Lotus | 1871 | Schooner, 109 tons, L 91 – B 20.2 – D 10. Captain Petrie 1874, D. Crammmond 1883. Owner W. Sievewright 1883. Home port Arbroath. | William May, Shoreham | Lloyds Register |
Louisa | 1826 | Brig, single deck, 225 tons. Captain Cowl 1830/32, R. Towle 1834. Owner Gilmour and others 1830/32. London-Cadiz route 1830/32.Home port London 1834.
Cheal states captain William Wade in command when wrecked in Seaford Bay – no year given. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | 97 & Lloyds Register |
Louisa | 1840 | Snow, 216 tons. Captain B. Wade 1840/43. Owner Lechen and others 1840/43. Sunderland-Shoreham route 1840/43. | Built at Sunderland | Lloyds Register |

Loyal Briton | 1765 | 350 tons, 3 decks, 18ft mean draft. In 1765 hull, masts and rigging recorded as in good condition. 1765 Captain James Young, owner Nicholas Leach. In 1780 captain J. Young, owner Bdngton (abbreviated) and others. London to St. Kitts route. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register 1765 and 1780 |
Lynn | 1696 | 5th rate man-of-war, frigate, ship class ‘1694 Group 32 Gunner’ 380 tons, 32 guns, two gun decks 108ft, 145 crew. 1697 Ireland, 1704 Leeward Islands, 1707 Barbados, 1709 Mediterranean, 1712 Portugese coast and that year together with the ‘Ludlow Castle’ destroyed a Spanish 36 gun ship and five merchantmen in the Estapona Roads (Spain), 1713 sold. | Thomas Ellis at Shoreham | 56,57 |
Lyra | 1867 | Iron barque, 379 nett, 411 gross, L 140.8 – B 27.2 – D 16.7. Worldwide trading. Captain Goldsmith 1889. Owner R.H.Penney sold to C.H. March by 1889. .Cheal states this was sold in Dublin in 1879 and renamed ‘Erna’ but Lloyds still shows it as ‘Lyra’ in 1889. | Iliff, Mounsey & Co of Sunderland | 82, 83 & Lloyds Register |
Margaret | 1837 | Brig, 235 tons (Lloyds has 245 tons) Captain S. Pue 1836/43. Owner Barden and others 1836/43. Home port Waterford. Shoreham-Trinidad route 1836/40, Waterford-Trinidad 1841/43. | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | 70 & Lloyds Register |
Margaret Caithness | 1863 | Barque, 362 tons register, L 134 – B 27.7 – D 15.5. Captain J. Wood 1869, Turner 1874. Owner Messrs Wade. Shoreham-Mediterranean route 1869. | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | 68 & Lloyds Register |
Margaret Speedwell | 1576 | 120 tons | Not known | 31 |
Maria | 1835 | Schooner, 174 tons (Lloyds has 166 tons). Captain J. Collings 1836/50. Owner Travers and others 1836/50. Home port London. London-Corfu route 1836/38, London-Constantinople then London-Malta 1841 to 1842, London-Mediterranean 1843, Plymouth-St.Michael 1850. | John Britten Balley, Shoreham | 70 & Lloyds Register |
Maria Cecilia | 1829 | Snow (Lloyds states Brig), single deck, 164 ton. nett. Owner James B. Balley 1829/33, Laybourne 1834/43. First Master William Laybourne 1829/33, P. Vionee 1834/38, Laybourne 1841/43. Home port London 1834. London-Cadiz route 1832/38, London-Vera Cruz 1841, Shoreham-Cadiz 1842, Liverpool-Gibraltar 1843. | Shoreham built -probably John Edwards and James Britton Balley | 62 and Lloyds Register |
Mariner | 1871 | Brig, 284 tons (Lloyds has 298 tons in 1874), L 119.3 – B 26.6 – D 15. Captain and owner J. Sharp to at least 1889. Home port Shoreham. Mediterranean trade. | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 76 & Lloyds Register |
Marquis of Anglesea | Unknown | Number 17392. Master J.Searle. Type – lugger in the fishing trade. 23 tons. 5 crew on board. Home port Shoreham | Unknown | Census 1871 |
Martha | 1785 | Sloop, single deck, 65 tons, captain and owner R. Alms, captain J. Hilyer 1807,owner Waterford 1807, surveyed in Cork 1809. Coastal trade. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Martha | 1833 | Schooner, clipper brig 172 tons sister to Alexander and Rapid also built by Balley the same year. Captain R. Dyer 1834/39, Howden 1840/41, Fitzpatrick 1842. Owner Pope and others 1834/37.Home port Waterford. Surveyed in London 1834/37, London-Waterford route 1839/41, Waterford-coaster 1842, London-Trinidad 1843.
(See illustration at end of listings) | James Britton Balley of Shoreham | Lloyds Register & Fast Sailing Ships 1775-1875 |
Martha | 1866 | Barque, 386 tons register (Lloyds has 412 tons), L 132 – B 28 – D 16.8. Captain J.Booly 1869, R.H. Richards 1874. Owner Wade and others. Built for the Pacific trade. Shoreham-West Indies route 1869. | William May, Shoreham | 78 & Lloyds Register |
Martha Miles | 1853 | Snow, 191 tons. Captain W. Mills 1860. Owner T. Barry 1860. Surveyed in London 1860.
Henry Cheal states brig, tonnage not known. Lost in the Mediterranean in 1861 during a collision with the ‘Corinthian’ of Liverpool, Captain George Griggs jnr. | Built at Sunderland | 91 & Lloyds Register |
Martha Stevens | 1867 | Brig, 217 tons, L 109 – B 25 – D 12.8. Captain V. Stevens 1869, Mollard 1874. Owner Stevens and others. Home port Swansea. Bristol-Newfoundland route 1869 | John Shuttleworth, Southwick | Lloyds Register |
Mary | 1756 | ‘the good sloop Mary, burthen 80 tons about two years old, Shoreham built, Edward Brown late master.’ | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Sussex Advertiser 21st August 1758 |
Mary | 1783 | Sloop, two decks, 53 tons, captain and part owner R. Holland, captain and owner by 1808 J. Burgoyne. Waterford – Shoreham route. Surveyed in Cork 1808, 1811,1813. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Mary | 1819 | Brig, 150 tons. Captain G. Piper 1843/1850. Owner T. Berry 1843/50. Home port Shoreham from about 1843. Shoreham-Sunderland route 1843/50. | Built at Selby | Lloyds Register |
Mary | 1822 | Smack, 51 tons (67 tons in 1840 having been lengthened and shown now as a schooner by Lloyds). Captain W. Dyer 1834/37, G. Curd 1838/39, Courtney 1840/42. Owner W. Goring 1834/39, Beedham 1840/42.. Home port Shoreham from 1834. Shoreham-London route 1834/40, Portsmouth-Sunderland 1841/42. | Built Fishbourne, builder unknown. | Lloyds Register 1834 – 1842 |
Mary | 1865 | Brig, 217 nett tons, L 117.3 – B 25.1 – D 14. Captain P. Hodder 1869. Owner R.H.Penney of Southwick. Cardiff-Mediterranean route 1869 | Built, at Prince Edward Island, Canada. | 82, Table 2 Wilcox, Lloyds Register and Census |
Mary & Agnes | 1842 | Snow, 203 tons. Captain H. Smith 1843, R. Collier 1850. Owner J. Collins 1843/50. Shoreham coaster 1843. Cardiff coastal 1850 | Built at Sunderland | Lloyds Register |
Mary & John | 1629 | 200 tons. | Robert Tranckmore of Shoreham | 31 |
Mary Ann | 1841 | Brig, 159 tons. Captain R. Collier 1850. Owner T. Burry 1850. Shoreham coaster 1850 | Built at New Brunswick | Lloyds Register |
Mary Ann | 1848 | Schooner, 60 tons nett. Owner and first Master Richard Ratcliff, New Shoreham. Ran ashore on the west side of the harbour during a storm in 1860, Captain Williams. | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 72 & Lloyds Register |
Mary Ellis | 1870 | Brig, 234 tons, L 111.3 – B 28 – D 11.7. Captain R. Lucas 1874. Owner W. May 1874. Home port Shoreham. Coasting and Baltic trade. Collided with the ‘Daimant’ of Bremen 1877 (presumably lost). | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 76, 97 & Lloyds Register |
Mary Grace | 1852 | Snow, 176 tons. Captain Dunstall 1860. Owner I. Sewell 1860. Coastal trade 1860 | Built at Sunderland | Lloyds Register |
Mary Mark | 1866 | Barque, 258 tons, L 125 – B 25 – D 12.8. Captain J. Milligan then Pironet 1869, Frank 1883, G.W. Bush 1899. Owner Bruce and others then M. Mark 1869/83, T. Mark 1889, Wilson, Sens and others 1899. Liverpool home port transferred to London by 1899. Liverpool-Belize route 1869. | John Shuttleworth, Southwick | Lloyds Register |
Mary Sharp | 1855 | Schooner, 128 tons nett. Owner John Sharp, New Shoreham. Master: David Hobden. Lost on the Kentish Knock during a gale in 1862 | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | 65 |
Matchless | 1828 | Schooner, single deck, 106 tons (116 tons 1830). Captain R. Starling 1828/33, R. Bence 1834/35, Ormond 1836/41. Owner T. Morgan 1828/35, Hutton 1836/41. Home port London 1834. London-Windward Islands route 1828/29, London-Malta 1830/33, London-Smyrna route 1834/35, London-Africa 1836/41. | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | Lloyds Register 1828 – 1841 |
Matthew | 1763 | ‘Ship of War’ (sic), two decks, 300 tons, 20 ft mean draft, 18 guns (but 1764 Registers record 6 three pounder guns?). Captain:- Charles Payne, owner Maitland & Co. Voyages between 1764 and 1780 were usually between London and St.Kitts in the Caribbean. | Shoreham built -possibly Stone & Barlett,, Carver & Co, Hamilton & Co, or John Edwardes | 59
& Lloyds Register 1764, 1768 & 1780 |
Mechens | 1848 | Brig, 196 tons. Captain J. Haslett 1860. Owner Mechen and others 1860. | Built at Littlehampton | Lloyds Register |
Mendora | 1846 | Brigantine (Lloyds has schooner), 166 nett tons. Captain J. Hugh 1850. Owner Edward Lucas of Southwick 1850, later taken over by R.H.Penney of Southwick. | Built at Prince Edward Island, Canada | 81, Table1 Wilcox & Lloyds Register |
Merchant | 1869 | Brig, 282 tons (Lloyds has 294 tons in 1869), L 119 – B 26.6 – D 14.1. Captain H. Mitchell 1869, W. Mitchell 1883, Jensson 1899. Owner J. Sharp 1869/83, J & N.C. Bull by 1899. Home port Shoreham but transferred to Newhaven by 1899. Mediterranean trade. | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 76 & Lloyds Register |
Mezerium | 1859 | Brig, 238 tons, L 116.4 – B 24.7 – D 13.9. Captain G. Walters 1869. Owner G. Saunders 1869. Home port Shoreham. Shoreham-America route 1869. | Messrs May & Thwaites, Kingston | Lloyds Register |
Minerva | 1802 | Brig, 142 tons. Captain and part owner R. Ratcliff 1850. Home port Shoreham 1850. Hartlepool coastal 1850 | Built at Lynn | Lloyds Register |
Minstrel Boy | 1839 | Clipper schooner, 244 tons. Captain W. Moyse 1839/1842, Main 1843, H. Lewis 1850. Owner R. Harvey 1839/50. Home port Limerick. Shoreham-Newcastle route 1839. Liverpool-Lima route 1840/43, Clyde-Valparaiso 1850. | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | 70 & Lloyds Register |
Mizpah | 1874 | Barque, 550 tons register, 950 tons carrying capacity, L 146.7 – B 30.1 – D 18.4. Captain B.W.Bagley who traded the vessel around Cape horn for 14 years. Owner May, Wade and others. Home port Shoreham. The largest barque to be built at Shoreham and for 15 years was classed as A1 by Lloyds. Sold to a German firm and by 1889 is shown with captain and owner T. Jensen with a home port of Rostock. | William May, Shoreham | 79 & Lloyds Register |
Mystery | 1835 | Lugger built for Francis Moon of Brighton. Captain John Harman | Messrs J. May & T. Thwaites when still to be building at Hove & Brighton | 71 |
Mystery | 1854 | Schooner, 58 tons, L 76.5 – B 16.9 – D 7.6. Captain H.W. Field then H. Cook 1883. Owner J. B. Blaker 1883. | Gibbs of Galmpton | Lloyds Register |
Nancy | 1754 | Single deck, 75 tons (60 tons burthen in 1764), 6 ft mean draft. 1764 condition hull good, masts and rigging average. Owned and captained by S. Jennings using the London – Bordeaux route in 1764 and London Gibraltar route 1768.
This is almost certainly the same vessel recorded by Lloyds in 1780;- Sloop, single deck, 80 tons, captain. W. Silby, owner W. Solby. Surveyed in London | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Nancy | 1765 | 300 tons, captain T. Kiddy, owner R. Kiddy. London – St. Petersburg route 1780. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Nancy | 1767 | 305 tons, (possibly the same vessel as above?) captain and part owner G. Keys. London – Antigua route 1780. (Same ship surveyed again in 1789 when tonnage recorded as 244 tons) | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Nancy | 1780 | Brig, single deck, 120 tons, captain J. Jenkins, owners J. Jenkins and Robinson. London – Cadiz route 1789. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Nancy | 1784 | 145 tons, single deck, captain Bienvenue, owner Prideaux, London – Gibraltar route 1801/05. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Nancy | 1794 | Brig, 72 tons, single deck, captain R. Headly 1802, M. Twohsg(?) 1804, Wheeler 1807, J. Triseln 1807, Wheeler again in 1809, owner C. Cook 1802, Jameson and others 1804, Triseln and others 1807, Yarmouth – Balkans route 1802, Cork – Lisbon 1804, surveyed in Cork 1807, Cork – Liverpool route 1808, 1813 | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Nebula | 1862 | Barque, 500 tons burden (Lloyds has 285 tons), L 120 – B 24.6 – D 14.8. Captain J. Fishwick 1869. Owner Mr. Pembroke. West Indian trade. | John Shuttleworth, Southwick | 76,77 & Lloyds Register |
Neilly | 1871 | Number 35303. Master T.Boyling. Type – barque in the coasting trade. 191 tons built 1853 for the Australian wine trade. Purchased by R.H.Penney of Southwick in 1861. 2 crew on board with 7 ashore. | Built at New Brunswick, Canada | Census and Table 2 Wilcox |
Nelson | 1842 | Schooner, 127 tons. Captain J. Kenyon 1850. Owner Curd and others 1850. Shoreham-Hartlepool route 1850
(Henry Cheal states that the brigantine ‘Nelson’ foundered off Flamborough Head when Captain Reeves and crew lost – no year given but probably 1870’s) | Built at Prince Edward Island | Lloyds Register & 97 |
Neptune | 1756 | Single deck with beams, 260 tons burthen, 14 ft mean draft. 1764 condition hull fair, masts and rigging average. Captain 1764 R. Howson, 1768 Robert Hall,and owner Robert Dale. Stockholm – London route 1764/68 | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at index beginning | Lloyds Register |
Neptune | Circa 1799 | Snow, single deck, 85 tons, captain J. Payne, owner Ellison and others. Waterford – Plymouth route | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register 1799 – 1800 |
Neptune | 1867 | Brig, 299 tons, L 119 – B 26.3 – D 14.9. Captain W. Smith 1869/83. Owner Gates and others; W.R. Williams by 1883. Mediterranean trade initially. Home port Shoreham but transferred to Wellington, New Zealand by 1883. In 1889 the owner is Union S.S. Co. and the home port Dunedin. | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 76 & Lloyds Register |
Nestoria | 1851 | Brig, 178 tons. Captain J. Frances 1860. Owner Stonehewer 1860. Clyde-Trinidad route 1860. | Built at Sunderland | Lloyds Register |
Newport | 1695 | 6th rate man-of-war, 244 tons, 24 guns. Saw service in North America and whilst there 1696 was captured by two French ships. has this as being built at Portsmouth – see also ‘Orford’ | Either Thomas Ellis, Nicholas Barrett, William Collins, Thomas Burgess or Richard Chatfield all of Shoreham | 56 |
Newport Trader | 1816 | Smack, 64 tons. Captain W. Dyer 1837/40, T. Golder 1843.. Owner Broadhead 1837/40, G. Wigney 1843. Shoreham-London route 1837/40, Shoreham-France 1843 | Built at Isle of Wight | Lloyds Register |
New Shoreham | 1765 | Sloop, single deck, 51 tons, captain and part owner Gatehouse 1813, owner 1813 D. Harrigh. London – Cork route 1813, Falmouth – Cork 1818 | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
New Shoreham | 1767 | 250 tons captain John Graham, owner Nesbitt and others. London – Jamaica route 1768 | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Niagara | 1865 | Brig, 291 tons register, L 119 – B 26.7 – D 14.9. Captain Gasston then W. Hand 1869, G.W. Coates 1874, J. Rose 1883. Owner Gates and others; J. Henderson by 1883. Mediterranean trade. Home port Shoreham but transferred to Sydney by 1883. | William May, Shoreham | 78 & Lloyds Register |
Norfolk | 1817 | Brig,123 tons. Captain H. Hentz 1834/38, T. Cook 1843. Owner Diplock 1843. Shoreham-Limerick route 1843 | Built at Yarmouth | Lloyds Register |
Ocean Queen | 1846 | Fishing boat. Newspaper report 1846 states the boat was of the new type ‘equal (to) some vessels in exterior, good appearance and possess sailing qualities and conveniences tending to lessen the laboriousness and perils of the fishermen’s calling.’ | Mr. Wingfield of Shoreham | Sussex Advertiser 22nd & 29th September 1846 |
Ocean Queen | 1864 | Brig, 289 tons, L 118 – B 26.5 – D 14.9. Captain Greenaway 1869, H. Finnis 1874. Owner Gates and others. Hull-Mediterranean route 1869. | Harvey of Littlehampton | Lloyds Register |
Olive Branch | 1878 | Schooner, 111 tons, L 82.8 – B 20.4 – D 10.5. Captain Davies 1883, E. Bell 1899. Owner R. Mitchell 1883, W. Morland 1899. Home port Swansea. | Dyer & Son, Shoreham | Lloyds Register |
Ontario | 1865 | Brig, 242 tons, L 108 – B 25.6 – D 13.5. Captain Smith 1869. Owner Gates and others. Southampton-Mediterranean route 1869. | Harvey of Littlehampton | Lloyds Register |
Orestes | 1863 | Barque, 193 tons, L 107.5 – B 23.6 – D 12.9. Captain R. Grover 1869, G. Roberts 1874. Owner J. Sharp. Coastal trade. | Built at Prince Edward Island | Lloyds Register |
Orford | 1695 | 6th rate man-of-war Maidstone class, 249 tons, 24 guns, 94ft gun deck, 110 crew. Was at first on cruising and convoy duties before being transferred to North America 1696, renamed ‘Newport’ in 1698 after the capture of her sister ship of that name. 1699 North America and West Indies, 1703 North Sea where she took privateer Phillipeaux and third rate Hasard, 1705 Mediterranean, 1706 Channel and North Sea, 1709 convoy to Leeward Islands, 1710 convoy to Newfoundland and took 5th rate Gaillard, 1711 Channel and North Sea, 1712 North Sea, 1713 quarantine guard at Hull, 1714 sold. Cheal also includes the Cadiz expedition, Vigo and the battle of Malaga. | Thomas Ellis of Shoreham | 56 |
Osman Pasha | 1878 | Barque, 497 tons, L 142.5 – B 29.8 – D 17.9. Home port London. This and the Britannia were the last ships to be made in Shoreham. Owner Edward Good child then R. Berridge by 1883. In 1889 the captain is shown as Mellis and owner MacBeth and Gray with a home port of Glasgow. The foregoing owners as reported by Lloyds perhaps conflicts a little with Cheal’s record that for many months the vessel went unsold and was eventually moved to the West India Docks in London where it eventually sold to a Norwegian firm. | Dyer & Son, Shoreham | 79, 80 & Lloyds Register |
Osprey | 1856 | Three mast schooner, square rigged on the foremast, 220 tons nett. Owner R.H.Penney of Southwick. Master Captain Francis Poole then J. Hugh in 1860. Shoreham home port. Cardiff-Mediterranean route 1860. (Lost off Scotland 1865 pp Wilcox) | James Britton Balley, Shoreham | 66 |
Oswy | ? | Brig, Oak built, 124 tons register, carries 190 tons. Shoreham home port. | Unknown | Sale notice in Hampshire Telegraph 16th February 1856 |
Otter | 1835 | Schooner 176 tons. Re-classed as a Barque after being lengthened in 1849 and increased to 199 tons. Captain E. Preston 1835, J. Cox 1841/43, H. Brough 1850. Owner Hanson and others 1835, Moss and others 1841/50. Home port London until 1841 when transferred to Liverpool. Shoreham-Liverpool route 1835/43. | James Britton Balley, Shoreham | 70 & Lloyds Register |

Packet | 1837 | Brig, 258 tons, L 94.9 – B 21.6 – D 16.4. Captain Schilling 1838/43, Tuttiett 1850, A. Cock 1860 and 1869. Owner Phillips and others 1838/43, King and others 1850, R & W King 1860/69. Home port London but transferred to Bristol by 1850. Shoreham-London route 1838, Shoreham-Cape of Good Hope 1840/43, Bristol-Africa 1850, 1860, 1869. | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | 70 & Lloyds Register |
Paradox | 1650 | Probably built at Shoreham. Frigate | Not known | 34, |
Parga | 1840 | Clipper schooner, 181 tons (Lloyds has barque, 240 tons in 1874), L 109.2 – B 20.9 – D 13.7. Captain and part owner T. Farrant 1840/43. Captain T. Newton and owner T. Farrant and others in 1850 and 1860. Owner in 1874 J.P. Newby. Home port London. Shoreham-London route 1840/41, London-Zante 1842/43, Newcastle-Mediterranean 1850. Lengthened 20 ft in midships by Mr Harvey at Littlehampton. Surveyed at Cork 1860. | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | 70, Lloyds Register and Hampshire Telegraph 1853 |
Paul Pry | 1827 | Schooner, single deck, 110 tons, captain Collins then Foster 1827-1829, T. Cooper 1830-1832, Wishart 1833, D. Murray 1834/36,. Owner T. Morgan 1827-1836, Home port London. Surveyed in London1827, London-Smyrna 1828, London-Corfu 1829, London-Constantinople 1830-1836, Surveyed London 1833. | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | Lloyds Register |
Paul Pry | 1850 | Schooner, 116 tons – possibly a replacement for the 1827 vessel. Captain T. Steers 1850. Owner W. Ogilby 1850. Home port London. Shoreham-St.Michael route 1850. | Shoreham built | Lloyds Register |
Pavilion | Not known | 132 tons. Captain Matthews 1836/38. Home port Shoreham | Unknown | Lloyds Register |
Peace and Plenty | 1751 | Renamed, see Guinea Witch for details. | ||
Pearl | 1833 | Lugger built for John May and Thomas Thwaites own use. William Farroll first master | Messrs J. May & T. Thwaites when thought still to be building at Hove & Brighton | 71 |
Pearl | 1849 | Brig, 200 tons nett. Owners May & Thwaites. First Master John Putland. Home port Shoreham. Shoreham-North Shields route 1850 and 1860. Lost in 1869 when vessel struck a rock off Bexhill | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 73 & Lloyds Register |
Pelham | 1859 | Brig, 500 tons burden (Lloyds has 254 tons), L 113.7 – B 25.6 – D 14. Owners John Brown & Son. Captain John Hayman late of the brig ‘Samaritan.’ Captain in 1874 A. Till. Shoreham home port. Shoreham-Mediterranean route 1860. Surveyed in Shoreham 1869. | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 74 & Lloyds Register |
Pelican | 1757 | Previously the St. George built at Shoreham), builder not known but fitted at Rotherhithe and Deptford. Unrated Ship-Sloop, 234 tons burthen, 86 ft gun deck, 16 four pounder guns, 10 half pounder swivel, Crew 80. 1758 refitted at Sheerness and changed to 8 four pounders, 12 half pound swivels and one 13inch mortar and reclassed bomb vessel, 1759 North America, 1760 Portsmouth for refitting and reclassed as 16 gun unrated ship sloop, 1762 reclassed as 8 gun unrated bomb vessel, 1763 sold | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | |
Penzance | 1694 | 6th rate man-of-war, Maidstone Group class, 246 tons, 24 guns, 94 ft gun deck, 110 crew. Served in the Channel Fleet, 1696, Ireland, 1700 Salee, 1701 Irish Channel, 1702 laid up, 1712 North Sea, 1713 sold. Cheal also states the Penzance captured the Volland, a 14 gun ship (no date) | Thomas Ellis of Shoreham | 54,55 |
Pera | 1831 | Fruit schooner, single deck, 143 tons. Captain E. Preston 1832/33, Fennings 1834/41. Owner Hanson and others 1832/33, Walker and others 1834/41. London-Smyrna route 1832/41 in 1834 sailed from London to the Greek island of Syra in 21 days. Wrecked 1841 | James Britton Balley of Shoreham
(probably) | Lloyds Register & Fast Sailing Ships 1775-1875 |
Peter | 1626 | An authorised privateer of 80 tons. ‘of Shoreham.’ Owner Captain Gyfford. Master:- Peter Parrant then Richard Poole.
| Shoreham built | 38,39,40,41 |
Phantom | 1837 | Schooner, 194 tons. Captain Saunders 1838/60. Owner Saunders 1838/60. Home port Liverpool. Shoreham-Liverpool route 1838/43, Liverpool-Mediterranean 1850. Lost in a collision off Whitby in 1868. | John Britten Balley, Shoreham | 70 & Lloyds Register |

Pheasant | 1798 | Unrated Merlin class Ship-Sloop, 373 tons burthen, 106 ft gundeck, 16 six-pounder guns, 4 twelve pound carronades and two nine-pounders, 121 crew. 1798 sailed for Halifax, 1804 Jamaica, 1805 Leeward Islands, 1806 South America, 1808 Channel Islands and took privateer schooner Le Tropard (14 guns), 1810 took privateer Le Comte de Huneberg (14 guns), 1811 took privateer Le Heros (6 guns), 1812 Newfoundland, 1813 took privateers William Bayard and Cannoniere, the same year took privateer Fox then sailed to Newfoundland, 1815 paid off into Ordinary at Plymouth, 1823/4 fitted as a receiving ship at Woolwich, 1827 sold | John Edwards of Shoreham and fitted out at Portsmouth Dockyard | 59 & |
Philip & Henry | 1765 | 300 tons, Thomas Curling captain, owner Curtis and others. St. Petersburg – London route. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register 1768 |
Phyllis | Prior to 1900 | Yawl, 20 to 35 tons. | Thomas Stow & Sons, Shoreham. | 80 |
Pigeon | 1839 | Schooner, 118 tons, L 75.2 – B 20.5 – D 11.4. Captain J. Hiscock 1839/43. Owner J. Rogers 1839/43, T. Curtin jnr 1874,. Home port London, transferred to Youghal(?) 1874. Shoreham-Shields route 1839/42, Liverpool-Lisbon 1843. | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | 70 & Lloyds Register |
Pike | 1846 | Schooner, 180 tons nett, L 91.2 – B 21.2 – D 11.8. Owners J.B.Balley and two others 1846/50, W. Copp 1874. First Master John Cobby, J. Francis 1850, G. Collier 1874. Home port Shoreham. Shoreham-Rio Grande route. Wrecked on Scroby Sands 1874. | James Britton Balley,
Shorehasm | 64 & Lloyds Register |
Pike | Not known | Cheal mentions this vessel as being of Shoreham wrecked in a storm at Shoreham near the harbour in 1860. The captain at the time was George Gallop. | Not known | 89 |
Pilot | 1855 | Brig, 196 tons. Captain A. Sinclair 1860. Owner T.F. Yates 1860. Cardiff-Mediterranean route 1860. | Built at Littlehampton | Lloyds Register |
Pilota | 1859 | Steam powered vessel 35 h.p.,71 tons. Captain G. Courtney 1860. Owner Child and others 1860. Lloyds also has ‘For River Purposes Only’ against this vessel. The survey was made at Newcastle (presumably before it set off for Shoreham) and despite the restriction to river use it also records
that it was involved in the coastal trade. | Built at Newcastle | Lloyds Register |
Pilots | Unknown | Number 27427. Master W. Lower. Type – steam tug. 15 tons. 1 crew on board and 3 ashore. Home port Shoreham | Unknown | Census 1871 |
Pioneer | 1859 | Barque, 500 tons burden (Lloyds has brig, 265 tons).Captain W. Parsons 1860. Owner Messrs Gates & Co. Home port Shoreham. Shoreham-Shileds route 1860. In 1863 was run down and sunk by the steamship ‘Nora’ off Lowestoft. Captain at the time William Parsons | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | 93 & Lloyds Register |
Pioneer | 1863 | Brig, 270 tons, L 119 – B 25.6 – D 14. Captain W. Waite 1869, A. Granger 1874, P. Moon 1875 and 1883. Owner Gates & Co. Shields-Mediterranean route 1869. Built to replace the 1859 Pioneer that was lost in 1863. In 1888 whilst under the captaincy of Charles Denyer the vessel struck the rocks at Beachy Head and was wrecked. | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | 69, 104 & Lloyds Register |
Pitt | 1787 | 340 tons (354 tons in 1807, two decks, 16 guns added in 1811, 369 tons 1824 after changes to vessel), captain J. Hunter 1789, J. Smith 1799, R. Rain 1805, Stewart 1806, Coulson 1807, Fo(r)ster 1809, Markle 1812, G. King 1818, Crosse 1819-1826, D. Collier 1827-1828. Owner J. McNabb 1789, Ayles and others 1818-1824, W. Dixon 1825, D. Gibb 1827-1828. London – Jamaica and other Caribbean routes to 1818, Plymouth – London 1819. London – Nevis (?) 1820- 1824, Liverpool – Mrmc.1825, Liverpool-N.Brns.1827,1828. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Ploughboy | 1861 | Schooner, 190 tons burden (Lloyds has 97 tons), L 87.6 – B 20 – D 9. Captain J. Field 1869. Owner John Sharpe of Shoreham then Field and others by 1869. Home port Shoreham. Coastal trade 1869 | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | 68 & Lloyds Register |

Plymouth or Plymouth Transport | 1704/1742 | Built at Plymouth 1704 and rebuilt at Shoreham 1742 (illustration shows rebuild drawings). Two masted transport ship, 166 tons burthen, 77 ft gun deck, 4×3 pounder guns + 6 half pound swivel guns, 14 crew. No record of service, sold in 1806. (64 years of service – 102 years if pre-rebuild included!) | Edward Blaker of Shoreham for rebuild | National Maritime Museum & |
Polla | 1863 | Brigantine, 189 tons, L 107.4 – B 23.1 – D 12.9. Captain J. Burt 1869. Owner J. Sharp. Surveyed in London 1869. | Prince Edward Island | Lloyds Register |
Polly | 1764 | 300 tons, 14 ft mean draft, 4 three pounder guns, hull , masts and rigging condition good. Captain Simon Lee, owner Richard Smith. London – Barbados route 1764/68. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Porcupine | 1836 | Schooner 187 tons Captain R.W. Cook 1836/43, G. Mole 1850. Owner Cook and others 1836/42, J. Liddle (or Siddle) 1843/50. Home port London. Shoreham-Liverpool route 1836/42, Yarmouth- Meditrn’n 1843, Liverpool-Mediterranean 1850. | Shoreham built -probably John Edwards & James Britton Balley | Lloyds Register |
Portinscale | 1866 | Barque, 453 tons, L 141 – B 27.8 – D 17.5. Captain P. Fee 1868, H.L. Roberts 1874, J. Finlay 1889. Owner Seymour 1868, S.T. Taudevin 1874, E. Kearon jnr 1889. Liverpool-Caldera route 1868. Home port Liverpool, transferred to Guernsey 1874 then London by 1889. | John Shuttleworth, Southwick | Lloyds Register |
Portslade | 1906 | No details but owned by Stephenson, Clarke & Co. This vessel ran down the SS. Swale in a fog seven miles east of Beachy Head. | Not known | 105 |
Prince Albert | 1848 | Snow, 267 tons. Captain W. Clarke 1850. Owner Clarke and others 1850. Surveyed at Sunderland 1850. | Built at Sunderland | Lloyds Register |
Prince Alfred | 1868 | Barque, 368 tons register, L 128 – B 27.7 – D 16.5. Captain Gaston 1869. Owner Gates and others. Shoreham home port. Mediterranean traffic. | William May, Shoreham | 78 & Lloyds Register |
Prince Edward | 1747 | Brig, 110 tons, captain Eldred, owner Knaves and others. Newfoundland to Poole route. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register 1768 |
Prince Edward | 1752 | 80 tons burthen, single deck with beams, 6 ft mean draft. 1764 condition hull fair, masts and rigging average. Captain W. Martin, owner W. Martin and Co. Routes London/Seville and Poole/Newfoundland 1764. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register 1764 |
Prince Hassan | 1871 | Barque, 418 tons, L 134.9 – B 28.8 – D 17.3. Captain Gaston 1874. Owner Goodchild and others 1874. | Harvey of Littlehampton | Lloyds Register |
Prince Orange | 1745 | 54 (?) tons (indistinct), Captain and owner Daniel Donn (?) Condition in 1764 hull fair, mast and rigging average. Home port London. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register 1764 |
Prince Orange | 1750 | 80 tons burthen, 7 ft mean draft, condition in 1764 and 65 hull fair, masts and rigging average. Captain Gonner then Mackenzie, owner Twyman. Home port London, destination Rotterdam. (perhaps some duplication with vessel above but two separate entries and different build years).
| See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register 1764 |
Prince of Orange | 1774 | Brig, 116 tons, single deck, captain M. Latta, owner J. Gonner. London Hamburg route 1799 – 1801. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Prince of Wales | 1783 | Sloop, single deck, 72 tons, hogged in 1819, captain Gillingham 1800, J. Beatson 1807, J. West 1809, W. Curd 1813, owner Bean 1800, Bean and other 1807, Beatson 1809, Moore 1811, Ellis 1813, J. Ellis 1818. London – Leith route 1800, London – Calais 1802, London – Boulogne 1803, London – Jersey 1804 – 1807, London – St. Mic 1808. London – Quebec 1809, 1811, 1813, London – Dunkirk 1818 – 1821. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Prince of Wales | 1784 | Schooner, single deck, 107 tons, captain and part owner C.J. Mair 1819-1824, London – Havre route 1819 – 1824 | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Prince Regent | 1814 | Schooner, single deck, 106 ton. nett. Built for use as a packet between Shoreham and Dieppe. Owners Edward Tate and others. First Master Henry Blaber. Captain and owner 1821 C. Lind, 1824 J. Row, captain 1824-1830 H.Rowe, owner Jones 1825-1830. London – Rotterdam route 1820 , London- Gibraltar 1822,1823, London-Haiti 1824, London – Tasmania and New South Wales 1825-1830 | Edwards, Brown or Oliver of Shoreham | 62 and Lloyds Register |
Princess Royal | 1841 | Clinker built steam ship, 39 tons register capable of bearing 120 tons. Powered by 2 engines of 42 horses (horse power) and driven by an Archimedean screw. Described as fast with two elegant cabins and used as a pleasure yacht to the Isle of Wight, Portsmouth etc., and for towing vessels in and out of Shoreham Harbour ‘for which purposes she was especially built.’ Also used as a steam dredger (Wilcox has 61 tons), 28 local owners including Edward Lucas. Sold 1844 | Unknown, at Shields | Newcastle Journal 30th July 1842 & 40 (Wilcox) |

Princess Victoria | 1841 | Steamship, 41 tons. Captain Austin 1841/43. Owner Bass and others 1841/43. Newcastle –Shoreham route 1841/43. Probably the first steamship to work from Shoreham. | Built at North Shields | Lloyds Register |
Prospero | 1856 | 144nett. L 88.7 – B 21.9 – D 12.4. 1881: Purchased by B. Blaker, Shoreham. 1884: Sold to T. P. Cattley, Shoreham. 1892: Sold to Stephenson Clarke & Company 10.1.1903: Whilst on a voyage from London to Hartlepool, wrecked near Mundesley. | Built at Rye | Lloyds Register |
Prosperous | 1759 | Single deck, 70 tons burthen, 15 ft mean draft. Condition 1764 hull good, masts and rigging average. Captain and owner R. Newton. Home port Hull, destination Roan. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register 1764 |
Providence | 1750 | 70 tons burthen, 7ft mean draft. 1764 condition hull fair, masts and rigging average. Captain John Delahantey, owner M. Friend. Home port London, destination Cork. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register 1764 |
Providence | 1760 | Brig, 110 tons, captain and part owner John Watts. Arundel – Dublin route 1768 | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Providence | 1772 | Brigantine, 71 tons, single deck – (Lloyds Register shows 70 tons) in 1789 captain T. Butler, owner J. Newman, route Cork – Shoreham. Subsequent captains J. Dedmus 1799, R. Waller 1800, J. Oak 1803, W. Warner 1807, J. Smith 1813. Subsequent owners Waller and others 1799, S. Darnell 1804. Usual route altered to Cork – London in 1803 then noted in the coastal trade by 1804. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | 61
& Lloyds Register |
Providence | 1803 | Brig, single deck, 115 tons, captain J. Amos 1807, J. Bebell 1813, owner Wells and others 1807, Morris and others 1813, Yarmouth – Lynn route 1807, London – Cork 1809,1812, Bristol – London 1813. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register 1807 – 1813 |
Punch | 1862 | Snow, 213 tons. L 100 – B 24.5 – D 13. Captain Carpenter 1869, J. Koole 1874. Owner Brown and others. | Robinson of Sunderland | Lloyds Register |
Purveyor | 1867 | Smack, 59 tons, L 68 – B 19 – D 9. Captain J. Filleul then T.W. Smith 1871. Owner H. Elphick then W. Brazier 1871. Portsmouth- France route during 1871. 1871 Census Number 55393. Master T. Smith. Type – a dandy of 59 tons used in the coasting trade. 5 crew on board. Home port Shoreham | White of Portsmouth | Lloyds Register & Census |
Queen | 1748 | 119 tons burden. Type of vessel not known. Owner John Butler (senior ) of Shoreham. Built at Shoreham.
(Perhaps the Queen, master Tickner, from Shoreham to London on 5th November 1779 was taken by a French privateer – Caledonian Mercury 20th November 1779 | Shoreham built -probably by Stone & Barlett | Page 18 of Memories of a Shoreham Seafaring Family |
Queen | 1785 | Sussex Advertiser reported ‘the new vessel to be launched at Mr Edwards’ yard on 25th July 1785 is to be called the Queen. Much admired for the elegance, privacy and convenience of her apartments. 130 tons burthen, Capt. John Butler (junior) to command her, to be a packet between Brighthelmstone and Dieppe. Hampshire Chronicle March 1786 revealed ‘full carved, a vessel of remarkable handsome mould and was designed to be employed as a packet but cabins not being finished she may be suitable for the fruit or wine trade.
In 1789 Lloyds has her as a Schooner, single deck, 80 tons, captain Moppett, owner Hanson and others, London – Lisbon route | John Edwards of Shoreham | Lloyds Register 1789 & newspaper reports |
Queen | 1865 | Brig, 288 tons, L 118.5 – B 26.5 – D 14.9. Captain Hedgecock then Hillman 1869, Grieves 1874. Owner Gates and others. London-Mediterranean then Shoreham-Mediterranean routes 1869. | Harvey of Littlehampton | Lloyds Register |
Queen | Unknown | 1881 census number 47815. Master J.Barbrook. Type – Smack, fishing. 19 tons. 5 on board, 1 ashore. Home port Shoreham | Unknown | Census |
Queen Charlotte | 1762 | 180 tons burthen (1764) 100 tons (1768), Condition 1764 to 1766 hull good, masts and rigging good. Captain George Paris (1764) W.Rutherford (1768), owner Twyman. London Rotterdam route | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register 1764, 1768 |
Queen Emma | 1866 | 209 tons, L 103 – B 23.5 – D 12.9. Captain J. Kenyon 1869. Owner Wood and others. Belgium-England route 1869. | Built at Quebec | Lloyds Register |
Queen of the Isles | 1854 | Renamed – see Supply for details | ||
Queen Victoria | 1862 | No known details. In 1862 when commanded by Captain Purse the vessel went missing at the Kentish Knock during a gale and no wreckage was ever found. | Unknown | 92, 93 |
Rambler | 1835 | Lugger Built for James Newman of Worthing who also captained the vessel | Messrs J. May & T. Thwaites when thought still building at Hove & Brighton | 71 |
Ranger | 1835 | Lugger. Owners Sydney Beck and Mark Benn – the latter was also the captain. | Messrs J. May & T. Thwaites when thought still building at Hove & Brighton | 71 |

Rapid | 1833 | Clipper schooner, 179 tons sister to the Alexander and Martha also built by Balley in 1833. Captain R. Miller 1834/43, H. Sansom 1850. Owner Fudge and others 1834/40, London & Waterford S.A 1841/43. Home port London. London-Waterford route 1834/43, Surveyed at Limerick 1850
(See illustration at end of listings) | James Britton Balley, Shoreham | 70, Lloyds Register and Fast Sailing Ships 1775-1875 |
Rapid | 1861 | Brig, 350 tons burden (Lloyds has191 tons), L 100.3 – B 24.6 – D 10.3. Captain T. Sharp 1869. Owner John Sharp 1869, W.H. Digby 1883, K.J. Digby 1899. Home port Shoreham. Coastal trade. | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 75 & Lloyds Register |
Regent | 1817 | Schooner, 65 ton. Nett, single deck, Owners Thomas Crossweller of Brighton and three others. First Master Samuel Cooter then R. Bond captain and part owner in 1819/28, H. Blaber captain and part owner 1829/33 and captain to 1839, G. Griggs captain 1843. Owner 1834/39 Crosweller. Home port Newhaven until 1843 when transferred to Shoreham, port of origin. Falmouth – Brighton route, Waterford – Shoreham 1821 and 1822, Waterford – Newhaven 1823-1826, Dartmouth-Liverpool 1827/8, Cowes- Shoreham 1828, Waterford-Dartmouth 1829/32, Dartmouth Coaster 1833. Shoreham-Waterford route 1834/39 | Shoreham built -probably John Edwards and James Britton Balley | 62 and Lloyds Register |
Reward | 1832 | Brigantine, 157 tons. Captain Clark 1850. Owner Burry and others 1850. Home port Shoreham 1850. Blythe – coastal 1850. | Built at Sunderland | Lloyds Register |
Richard Foley | 1850 | Brig, 178 tons. Stated by Cheal to be ‘an old Russian prize.’ Captain David Hobden. Owner Weller and others. Shoreham coaster in 1860 | Built in Sweden | 90 & Lloyds Register |
Richard Mount | 1834 | Brig (Lloyds states Schooner), 185 tons. Captain J. Everson 1834/38, Longridge 1839/42, Laws 1843, F. Page 1860. Owner G. Walker 1834/38, H. Thompson 1860. Home port London but transferred to Sunderland by 1860. Shoreham-Liverpool route 1834/38, London-Cape of Good Hope 1839, London- P.Phil. 1842, London-St.Kitts 1843, Sunderland-Mediterranean 1860. | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | 70 & Lloyds Register |
Rita | 1852 | Square rigged, two masts, 193 tons nett. First owner William Scott Stonehewer jnr of Brighton; R. Firth (also captain) in 1860. First Master Henry Joblin, R. Firth in 1860. Home port London | James Britton Balley, Shoreham | 64 & Lloyds Register |
Rival | 1841 | Schooner, 164 tons. Captain Vionee then Durant 1842, J. Hicks 1850. Owner T. Morgan 1842. Home port London. London-Constantinople route 1842, Surveyed in London 1843, surveyed at Clyde 1850 | Built in Shoreham | Lloyds Register |
Rob Roy | 1866 | Brig, 290 tons register, L 119 – B 26.7 – D 14.9. Captain Shepherd 1869, Davies 1874. Owner Gates Brothers. Home port Shoreham. American trade, Mediterranean in 1869. Surveyed at Swansea 1874. | William May, Shoreham | 78 & Lloyds Register |
Robert | 1860 | Brig, 259 tons, L 114.6 – B 26.7 – D 14.9. Captain R. Wade 1860, J. Moore 1874. Owner Wade and Son 1860 to at least 1874. Home port Shoreham , Gloucester-Mediterranean route 1869 | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | 67 & Lloyds Register |
Robert & Mary | 1776 | Brig, single deck, 136 tons, captain S. Duncan, owner J. Page, Lisbon – London route 1789 | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Robina | 1857 | Brig, 234 tons. Captain R. Holland 1860. Owner C. Catt 1860. Liverpool-Holland route 1860. | Built at New Brunswick, Canada. | Lloyds Register |
Robin Hood | 1867 | Brig, 297 tons register, L 119.1 – B 26.1 – 14.1. Captain Cuddington 1874, 1883. Owner W.S. Laurie 1883. Mediterranean and South American trade initially. Shoreham home port but transferred to Wellington, New Zealand by 1883. | William May, Shoreham | 78 & Lloyds Register |
Rosario | 1756 | Brig, 90 tons built for/sold to Gomez of Bilbao. Captain Gogochea. London – St. Sebastian route 1768 | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Rose | 1752 or 1753 | 350 tons, 2 three pounder guns, 20 ft mean draft. 1764 condition hull fair, masts and rigging average. Captain W. Brett (1764) Richard Morse (1768), owner Borwell or Bronell. London – Jamaica route. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register 1764, 1768 |
Rose | 1861 | Brigantine, 300 tons burden (Lloyds has schooner, 166 tons, L 92.2 – B 24.2 – D 12.3. Owner W. May to at least 1874. Home port Shoreham. | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 75 & Lloyds Register |
Royal Brothers | 1789 | Sloop (Brig in 1805), 41 tons, single deck, captain C. Lind 1799, T.English captain and owner 1800, owner Burton 1799, Bristol – Exeter route 1799 then thereafter port of survey(s) Cork. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Royal Mail | 1825 | Schooner, 106 tons. Captain G. Stokes 1839, T. Minter 1840. Owner J. Diplock 1839. Shoreham-Liverpool route then Liverpool-St. Michael 1839/43 | Built at Rochester | Lloyds Register |
Ruby | 1805 | Brig, 169 nett tons and rebuilt 1844. Purchased by E. Lucas of Southwick (in 1853 pp Wilcox) and later taken over by R.H.Penney of Southwick. Sold on to W. Hardwick by 1860. Captain Mitchell 1860 and 1869. Coastal trade. Lost near Filey Brigg in 1861(?) | Built at Aberdeen (pp Wilcox) but Lloyds has Shields. | 81 |
Ruby | 1819 | Brig, single deck, 185 tons (135 tons 1824), iron cable (anchor chain) fitted 1820, captain W. Room 1819-1823, Watson 1824-1828, Bolton 1829. Owner G. Irvine 1819-1823,Benham and others 1824-1828, J. Lang 1829. London – Pillau route until 1823 when London – Dantz., 1824 London-Hamburg, 1825-1829 London-Corunna,. surveyed London 1832 | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Ruby | 1829 | Schooner, 72 tons. Captain W. Potter 1834/1840, W. Jarman 1841/43. Owner Manger and others 1834/37, Diplock and others 1838/43. Waterford-Portsmouth route 1834/37, Shoreham-Waterford 1838/40, Shoreham-Gibraltar 1841/43. | Built at Yarmouth | Lloyds Register |
Sainte Marie | 1319 | Referred to as a Shoreham ship – no details | Shoreham built | 27 |
Sally | 1802 | Schooner, 41 tons. Captain Carr 1842/43, Emerson 1850. Owner G. Ellison 1842/50. Home port Lynn in 1842/43. Lynn coaster 1842. | Built at Shoreham | Lloyds Register |
Sally | 1815 (later shown by Lloyds as 1817) | Brig, single deck, 148 tons. Captain W.Paterson 1819/27, J. Morrison 1832/33, J. Black 1834, Patterson 1835/36, J. Heagham (later spelt Heughan) 1837/43, J. Wyllie 1850. Owner C. Child 1819-1827, Kelly and others1832/36, J. Heagham (later spelt Heughan) and others 1837/43. Dunbar home port 1834/38, transferred to Dumfries 1843. Portsmouth – Swansea route. 1819, Plymouth – Swansea 1820, Plymouth – Arundel 1821 – 1827, Leith-Cnstd.1832/33, Liverpool-Petersburg 1837, Belfast-Aberdeen 1838, Liverpool-Coaster 1839/40, Aberdeen-Newcastle 1841, Liverpool-Coaster 1842/43, Shields coaster 1850. 1829 sale advert. States ‘sails remarkably fast, carries a large cargo, shifts without ballast,and of an easy draft of water remarkably adapted for the timber and coal trades.’ | J. Edwards & J.B.Balley (probably) | Lloyds Register |
Salus | 1868 | Barque, 315 tons, L 129 – B 26.6 – D 14.9. Captain W. Poland 1869, Boylan 1889. Owner Colbran and others 1869, Miss. M.J. Cullen then J. Dennis in 1889. East Indian and Pacific trading. Owner R.H.Penney(?) . Shoreham home port. Shoreham-India route 1869. | John Shuttleworth, Southwick (pp Cheal) but Lloyds states built by Colbran of Shoreham | 77 & Lloyds Register |
Samaritan | 1844 | Snow, 210 tons. Captain Bungard 1844. Owner Gates and others 1844. Sunderland-Shoreham route 1844, Hartlepool-Shoreham 1850.
Probably the vessel of the same name from Shoreham mentioned by Cheal that was wrecked at Pembury on the coast of Camarthen 1863. Captain William Brazier and crew saved | Built at Sunderland | Lloyds Register & 97 |
Samuel Baker | 1835 | Schooner, 209 tons. Captain R. Butcher 1836/40, R. Wylde 1841, F. Cannery 1842/43. Owner Baker and others 1836/43Home port Glasgow then London 1836/37, Gloucester 1838/40, London 1841/43 . Shoreham-Jamaica route 1836/40, Liverpool-Mauritius 1841, Bristol-West Indies 1842/43. | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | Lloyds Register |
Sancho Panza | 1828 | Clipper Schooner, 146 tons, single deck, L 87 – B 19.7 – D 12.8. Captain Collins 1829/31, R. Long then J. Collins 1832/3, D. Jones 1839, A. Smith 1840/42, Kelly 1850 Foreman 1860. Owner Green and others 1829/31, R. Ogilby 1833/1850, Adams and others 1860, C. Lawson 1874. London-Constantinople trade 1829, Falmouth surveyed 1832, Plymouth-Liverpool 1833. London-Gibraltar 1839, Liverpool-Gibraltar 1840, London-Mogador 1842
Still sailing in 1889 when owner was J. Spencelay and home port Faversham. | John Edwards & James Britton Balley | 70 & Lloyds Register |
Sanders | 1841 | Schooner (Lloyds has brigantine in 1860), 195 tons nett. Owners Samuel Sanders, New Shoreham and three others 1841/50, Colbourne and others 1860. First Master Thomas Bulley 1841/50, G. Lower 1860. Home port Shoreham. Shoreham-Liverpool route 1841/42, Liverpool-Mediterranean 1843/50, Swansea – coastal trade 1860. | James Britton Balley, Shoreham | 64 & Lloyds Register |
Sarah | 1840 | Snow, 178 tons. Captain Harvey 1843. Owner J. Horn 1843. Liverpool-Stettin route 1843. | Built at Middlesborough | Lloyds Register |
Sarah | 1862 | Brig, 340 tons (Lloyds has 185 tons), L 110 – B 23.1 – D 11.6. Owners Messrs Banfield, coal merchants, T.P. Cattley by 1883, sold to J. Robinson of Littlehampton in 1896. Captain W. Baker late master of the ‘Ebenezer’ to at least 1883, G. Bolton in 1899. Home port Shoreham, transferred to Littlehampton by 1899. Coaster/collier.
1881 census number 44876. Master W.Blaker. Type – Brig, coasting. 1 on board, 7 ashore. Home port Shoreham 1910: Sold to T. C. Coverley & Company, transferred to Portuguese flag and hulked at Oporto. | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 75 & Lloyds Register |
Sarah Ann | 1874 | Schooner, 100 tons, L 87.1 – B 21.4 – D 10.2. Owner W. May. Home port Shoreham. | William May, Shoreham | Lloyds Register |
Sarah Bell | 1838 | Schooner, 158 tons. Captain Morrice 1839/43, S. Payne 1850. Owner Vallance and others 1839/50. London-Shoreham route 1839/40, Shoreham-North 1841/43. Surveyed at Shoreham 1850 | Built at Grimsby | Lloyds Register |
Sarah Louise (Lloyds has ‘Sarah Louisa’) | 1866 | Brig, 196 tons, L 102- B – 24.4 – D 12.5. Captain E. Hyde 1869. Owner Barnes and others to at least 1874. Home port Shoreham. Coaster | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 76 & Lloyds Register |
Sarah Louise | Unknown | 1881 census number 54769. Master Rarnes. Type – Brig, coasting. 196 tons. 7 on board including mate’s wife, 2 ashore. Home port Shoreham | Unknown | Census |
Sarah Williams | 1859 | Schooner, 72 tons. Captain W. Mills 1860. Owner Williams 1860. London home port. Swansea-coastal trade 1860. | James Britton Balley, Shoreham | Lloyds Register |
Saucy Jack | 1834 | Clipper schooner, 198 tons. Captain T.Farrant 1834/39, Spriggs 1840/43, J. Russell 1850, D. Cousins 1860. Owner Ogilby 1834/60. Home port London. Shoreham-Zante. Route 1834/35, London-Mediterranean 1836/38, Surveyed in London 1839/42, London-Smyrna route 1843, London –Mediterranean 1850 | James Britton Balley, Shoreham | 70 & Lloyds Register 3 |
Science | 1835 | Schooner, 184 tons. Captain J. Baker 1834/42, Folkes 1843, Harvey 1850. Owner Dyers and others 1834/50. Home port London. Shoreham-Liverpool route 1834/38, surveyed in London 1839-41, Liverpool-Constantinople route and London-Constantinople 1842/43, London-Mediterranean 1850 | James Britton Balley, Shoreham | 70 & Lloyds Register |
Scorpion | 1785 | Unrated Echo class Sloop, 340 tons, 16 six pounder guns and 6 twelve pounder caronnades, 102 ft gun deck, 125 crew. Records show building began 1782 and completed 1785 when fitting started and complete in 1787. A particularly successful vessel she served in the Leeward Islands 1788, 1791/92 Guinea Coast, 1794 West Indies and North America where she took ‘La Guillotine,’ and during 1795 (at different times) captured ‘Victoire’ (18 guns), ‘L’Egalite’ (16 guns), ‘Sanspareil’ (16 guns),’Republicain’ (16 guns) and ‘L’Hirondelle’ (16 guns).
(continued on next page) (Scorpion – continued from previous page) Whilst serving In the North Sea she also took the ‘Courier’ (6 guns) in 1798. Sold in 1802 to J.Mather for use as a merchantman. William Dagg was appointed captain in London, vessel shown as having two decks, captain 1807 T. Bunker, South Seas route 1803 – 1810. Lloyds records Scorpion as captured in 1809 but she was either released or ransomed as she appears again under the same captain and route in 1810. | Benjamin Ashman of Shoreham and fitted out at Portsmouth | 58,59, Lloyds Register & |
Sea Adventure | 1848 | Brig, 192 tons nett. Captain G. Grimes 1860. Owner Charles S. Kirton of Hove to 1860 (Lloyds has Dyer & Co in 1850). First Master James Dyer to at least 1850. Newcastle-Mediterranean route 1860. Home port Shoreham transferred to Portsmouth 1861. | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaite, Kingstons | 72,73 & Lloyds Register |
Sea Gull | 1909 circa | Steam collier, tonnage not known. Captain Saunders jnr. Owner Shoreham Shipping Co | Unknown | 84 |
Sea Nymph(e) | 1852 | Barque, 464 tons. Captain W. Ward 1860.
Owner Prowse and others 1860. Liverpool home port. | James Britton Balley, Shoreham | 70 |
Sea Nymphe (Lloyds has ‘Sea Nymph’) | 1865 | Brig, 289 tons register, L 119 – B 26.5 – D 14.9. Owners Messrs Gates & Co. Captain J. Cobden of Littlehampton 1865/69. Home port Shoreham. Mediterranean trade.
(The dimensions, tonnage and class of this vessel are virtually identical to sister ships ‘Sea Queen’ and ‘Sea Spray’ ) | William May, Shoreham | 77, 78 & Lloyds Register |
Sea Queen | 1867 | Brig, 550 tons burden (Lloyds has 288 tons), L 119 – B 26.5 – D 14.9. Captain J. Clark 1869. Owners Messrs Spicer & Garcia of Leadenhall Street, London (Lloyds has Gates & Co). Home port London. Mediterranean trade.
(The dimensions, tonnage and class of this vessel are virtually identical to sister ships ‘Sea Nymphe’ and ‘Sea Spray’ ) | William May, Shoreham | 78 & Lloyds Register |
Sea Spray | 1864 | Brig, 295 tons), L 119 – B 26.5 – D 14.9. Captain J. Blowey 1869, Glazebrook 1874. Owner Gates & Co but Cheesan and others by 1874. Home port Shoreham. Mediterranean trade. (The dimensions, tonnage and class of this vessel are virtually identical to sister ships ‘Sea Nymphe’ and ‘Sea Spray’ ) | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 76 |
Seaford | 1741 | 6th rate man-of-war, 432 tons, 24 guns, 106 ft gun deck, 140 crew. 1742 Bay of Biscay, 1744 taken by the French and retaken same year, 1746 paid off, 1749 surveyed, 1754 surveyed and broken up. | Stone & Barlett of Shoreham | 58 & |
Shamrock | 1862 | Brig, 500 tons burden (Lloyds has 264 tons), L 117.4 – B 26 – D 14.5. Captain C. Dinnage 1869, D. Cole 1874, 1883 and 1889. Owners Messrs Thomas Gates & Co but O. Hansen by 1889. Home port Shoreham but Langhorn by 1889. Liverpool-Mediterranean route 1869. | James Britton Balley, Shoreham | 68 & Lloyds Register |
Shannon | 1867 | Brig, 295 tons, L 119.7 – B 26.6 – D 14.9. Captain H. Batchelor 1874. Owner unknown. | Harvey of Littlehampton | Lloyds Register |
Shoreham | 1634 | Probably built at Shoreham. Master:- John Tranckmore | Probably Robert Tranckmore of Shoreham | 33 |
Shoreham | 1693 | 5th rate man-of-war, frigate of ‘1693 Program 32-Gunner’ class, 362 tons, 2 gundecks 103 ft, 32 guns (lower gun deck 4 Demi-Cuverin, Upper gun deck 22 six pounders, quarterdeck 6 four pounders). Compliment 135 crew (wartime home) 115 men (wartime abroad) 1694 Battle of Camaret Bay, 1695 took Privateer Farouche (Cheal records it as La Feroa) 1699 North America & West Indies, 1703 Irish Station, 1700 took pirate ship ‘Peace’ at Lymehaven Bay Virgina, 1706 to 1719 Convoy duties in Irish Sea and took French privateer of 8 guns, 1709 and privateer of 12 guns that the Shoreham’s log records as the Union (Cheal records it as L’Esperance.’) Broken up 1719 at Woolwich and rebuilt with the same name. | Thomas Ellis, of Shoreham | 54, Henry Cheal’s letter 26th September 1929 & Ship’s Log Book ADM/L/S/267, 268 & 270 |
Shoreham | 1781 | Brig, 80 tons, single deck, captain and owner J. Swanson 1803, captain and owner J.Smith 1805, Dundee – Strnfd(?) route, Dundee – Norway 1806 – 1813, | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at index beginning of the index | Lloyds Register 1803 – 1813 |
Shoreham | 1830 | Smack, single deck, 72 tons. Captain J. Giles 1832/33. Owner I. Boss 1832/33. Dundee-Shoreham route 1832/33. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at index beginning | Lloyds Register 1832 – 1833 |
Shoreham | 1859 | Ketch, 59 tons | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 74 |
Shoreham | 1888 | Steamship – no details. Run down and sunk by the SS Coulstrup off the Kentish Knock lightship in 1888. Captain Tune and six crew perished. | Not known | 105 |
Silver Hill | 1868 | Brig, 183 tons, L 102 – B 24.6 – D 12.8. Captain G.Rogers 1883. Owner T.Thwaites 1874, J.Goldfinch 1883. Hoe port Faversham by 1874. Coasting. Wrecked in the North Sea and all hands lost – no date given. | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 76 & Lloyds Register |

Silver Spray | Unknown | Number 27676. Master John McCoy. Type – steam yacht, cruising. 28 tons. One on board, three ashore. Home port Shoreham | Unknown | Census 1901 |
Sir Henry Ranking | 1855 | No details | James Britton Bally, Shoreham | 65 |
Sir Robert Peel | Unknown | Number 58027. Master S.Allen. Type – cutter in the fishing trade. 30 tons. Five crew on board and four ashore. Home port Shoreham | Unknown | Census 1871 |
Sisters | ?/1823 | Schooner, 54 tons, carries 80 tons. Lengthened and rebuilt ‘in best Sussex oak’ at Shoreham 1821. | Unknown but River (Thames) built originally, rebuilt by James Britton Balley | Sussex Advertiser |
Sorlings | 1694 | 5th rate man-of-war, frigate, 362 tons, two gundecks 103 ft, 32 guns. 1694 New England, 1697 Iceland convoy dury, 1698 Newfoundland, 1705 North Sea, 1705 captured with the Blackwall and Pendennis – 1711 retaken but then sold without re-entering naval service. (Cheal has the Shoreham as capturing one ship in 1705?) | Nicholas Barrett of Shoreham | 54 & |
Southwick | 1872 | Barque, 447 tons gross. Worldwide trading. Owner R.H.Penney. Lost with all hands off the Knock sometime prior to 1909. (Wilcox states built in 1865, 337 tons net and acquired by Penney that year – lost in 1868) | Built at Sunderland | 82, 83 and Table 2 Wilcox. |
Sovereign | 1825 | Schooner, 110 tons. Captain Stokes then W Compton 1836. Owner Tiplock then J. Mowlem 1836. Surveyed London 1836 | Built at Prince Edward Island | Lloyds Register |
Sovereign | Circa 1834 | 51 tons. Captain W. Pratt 1834. Home port Shoreham | Unknown | Lloyds Register |
Sparrow | 1752 | ‘the good sloop Sparrow, Richard Curley master, burthen about 35 tons, six years old, Shoreham built.’ | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Sussex Advertiser 21st August 1758 |
Spirit | 1845 | Clipper schooner, 186 tons. Captain W. Stokes 1850, Found 1860. Owner R. Dart 1850, Found and others 1860. Home port London. Bideford-south America route 1860. | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | 70 & Lloyds Register |
Spring | 1855 | Brigantine, 162 ton. Nett, L 105.9 – B 23.3 – D 12. Owners May & Thwaites 1855 to at least 1860, O. Paskins by 1874. First Master James Sargeant and 1860. Home port Shoreham. Coastal trade 1860. Foundered off coast of Sweden 1874 | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 74 & Lloyds Register |
Spry | 1847 | Schooner, 149 tons. Built 1836. Used as a collier. Owned by Edward Lucas of Shoreham. Sold on in 1848. | Built at Prince Edward Island, Canada. | Table 1 Wilcox |
Spy | 1804 | Unrated Ship-Sloop, 274 tons burthen, 96 ft gun deck, 14 eighteen pound carronades and 2 nine pounders, crew number not stated. 1807 in Ordinary at Sheerness, 1810 refitted and classed as an 8 gun storeship, 1812 taken by the Gloire, 1813 sold. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index then fitted out at Deptford | 59 & |
Spy | 1837 | Schooner, 193 tons. Captain Farrant 1836/42, W. Tyler 1843, Fawckner 1850. Owner Ogilby and others 1836/38. Home port London. Shoreham-Wales route 1836/39, London-Constantinople then London-Malta 1841/42, London-Jamaica 1843, London-Mediterranean 1850 | Built at Shoreham – probably John Edwards & James Britton Balley | Lloyds Register |
St. George (see also Pelican) | 1754 | Merchant ship built at Shoreham became the Pelican in 1757 | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at index beginning of the index | |
St. Mary | 1304 | ‘of Shoreham port.’ Master Robert Alisaundre | Not known | 37 |
St. Peter | 1628 | Authorised privateer ‘of Shoreham.’ Captain and part owner:- William Freeland | Not known | 40 |
Stella | 1879 | Tug steam paddle, 30 HP, tonnage not known. Owner R.H.Penney. Employed in towage at Shoreham. | Built at South Shields | Table 3 Wilcox |
Stork | 1756 | Unrated sloop Alderney class, 233 tons, 89 ft gundeck, 10 four pounder guns, 12 half-pound swivels, 100 crew. 1757 sailed for Jamaica and taken in 1758 by Palmier a French 74 gun ship. | Stone & Barlett of Shoreham and fitted out at Portsmouth Dockyard | 58 & |
Sultan | 1868 | Brig, 291 tons, L 119.6 – B 26.5 – D 14.9. Captain T. Kemp. Owner Gates and others. Home port Shoreham. Mediterranean trade. | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 76 & Lloyds Register |
Supply | 1832 | Schooner, single deck, 170 tons, cost £1,617.9s.9d. Captain C. Cornwall 1832/33. Owner Bal. Office Corporation 1832/33. Dublin-Coaster 1832/33. 1850 registered Liverpool. 1851 sailed Lyttelton NZ, George Lloyd sold to Captain Smith £760. Worked South Sea Islands until 1853 when sold to A.Fenwick, gold digger. 1854 sold to B.F. Chapman for £735 name changed to ‘Queen of the Islands.’ Lost en route San Francisco to Mexico 1861 | James Britton Balley,Shoreham | Lloyds Register and Peter H. King |
Surprise | 1651 | A brig. Captain:- Nicholas Tattersall | Not known | 44, 49 |
Surprize | 1770 | 400 tons, three decks, captain Narrowmer 1789, S. Moore 1799, owner Calvert and others 1789, London – India route. Captured 1800. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Susannah | 1770 | Sloop, 59 tons, captain R. Huntly, owner J. Barrow, Lisbon – London route 1789. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Susannah | 1784 | Brig, single deck, 80 tons, captain H. Berry, owner Rickman, Cadiz –Dublin route 1789. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Sussex | 1788 | 226 tons, captain Madgwick, owner R. Maitland. London – Jamaica route 1789. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Sussex | 1801 | 248 tons, single deck, captain Reynolds 1802,Voss 1805, J. Frith 1807, W. Scarth 1808, J. Wild 1809, W. Welday 1810, 1813, Lovett 1818, Lovell 1819, Franklin 1820, G.Sinclair 1821-1825, owner Rowcroft 1802, W. May 1805, Edwards 1809, W. Smith 1811,1818, 1819, Pugh and others 1820-1825, London – St.Kitts 1802, London – Surin 1806, Bristol – St. Vincent 1809, Bristol – Baltimore 1811, Bristol – St. Vincent 1812,London – Barbados 1818, London – St. Vincent 1819, 1820, London – Sierra Leone 1820, 1821-1825 | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Sussex | 1834 | Snow (Lloyds says Brig), 210 tons. L 88.8; B 23.7; D 15.2. First Captain Tate. Captain and owner Roxby 1835/40. Captain Comin 1841/43, Hutchinson 1860. Owner Smith and others 1841/43, Comin and others 1850, Crighton 1860. Home port London but transferred to Dundee by 1860. First voyage 1834 carrying emigrants to North America. London-Trinidad route 1835./40, London-West Indies 1841/43, Clyde –West Indies 1860 | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | 70, & Lloyds Register |

Sussex | 1840 | Brig, 201 tons nett (Lloyds has 188 tons in 1874), L 87.6 – B 23.4 – D 13.1. Owners John Michell of Brighton and four others 1840/50. First Master and part owner Francis Cheesman 1840/50. Captain W. Smith 1869, R. Ratcliff 1874. Home port Shoreham. Stockton-Shoreham route 1842/50, Shields-Mediterranean 1869
Probably the 1871 census number 13629. Master D. Hobden. Type – brig in the coal trade. 188 tons. 1 crew on board with 7 ashore. Home port Shoreham | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 71 & Lloyds Register & Census |
Sussex Oak | 1784 | Ketch, 106 tons, single deck, captain Hill 1799 & 1800, J. Patrick 1801, J. J. Amos 1802, owner Adkins 1799, W. Test 1800, Keith and others 1804, Yarmouth – Hamburg route 1799, Exeter – Newcastle route 1800, Coaster 1802, London – Rotterdam 1803, | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Sussex Oak
(Lloyds show this as Sussex built and the Dyers and Stovolds were from Shoreham) | 1809 | Brig, single deck, 159 tons. Captain W. Wright 1812/13, G. Lawson 1818/27, D. Dyer 1828/33. Owner W. Stovold 1812/27, Dyer and others 1828/33. Liverpool-Bristol 1812, Leith-Ostend 1813/22, Exeter Coaster 1822/27, Yarmouth-Coaster 1828, Dartmouth Coaster 1832. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register 1812 – 1833 |
Swift | 1867 | Brig (Lloyds has snow), 190 tons, L 101 – B 24.4 – D 12.4. Captain H. Mitchell 1869, Mercer 1874 and 1883. Owner J. Sharp. Home port Shoreham. Coasting and Baltic trade. | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 76 & Lloyds Register |
Swiftsure | 1831 | Schooner, single deck, 137 tons. Captain Barnett 1832, Wild 1833/35, Woolley 1836/40, J. Tyack 1841/43. Owner Walker and others 1832/40, Thompson 1841/43. Home port London. London-Smyrna route 1832, London-Turkey 1833, London-Gibraltar 1834, London-Smyrna and London-Algon.Bay 1841/43. | Built at Shoreham – probably John Edwards & James Britton Balley | Lloyds Register 1832 – 1833 |
Symmetry | 1797/1804 | Brig, 126 tons ‘sails fast and is suitable for any trade’ Advertised for sale at Exeter in 1806 | Built at Sunderland and rebuilt at Shoreham | Exeter Flying Post 17th April 1806 |
Syren | 1802 | 119 tons, single deck, captain and owner Baldry, London – Cadiz route 1802 – 1812. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register 1802 – 1812 |
T. F. Gates | 1856 | Brig, 204 tons. Captain J. Horner 1860, Henry Towner 1868. Owner Stonehewer 1860 Home port Shoreham. Shoreham-London route 1860. In 1868 vessel wrecked off the Dutch coast. | Built at Shoreham | 94 & Lloyds Register |
Tagus | 1866 | Barque, 248 tons, L 125.3 – B 24.2 – D 12.6. Captain G. Burt 1883. Owner T.B. Gates 1883. Surveyed in London 1883. | Adamson of Alloa | Lloyds Register |
Tally Ho | 1854 | Brig, 189 ton. Nett, L 103 – B 21.5 – D12.9. Owners Thomas Gates and William Sugden Gates of New Shoreham. First Master William Young snr to at least 1860. Home port Shoreham. Coastal trade 1860. In 1886 whilst under the command of Captain Joseph Gasston the vessel was wrecked during a storm on Eastbourne Beach. Four of the crew perished. | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 73, 102, 103, 104 & Lloyds Register |
Tavistock | 1749 | Brig, single deck, 100 tons. Captain and owner W. Bowen, Lisbon – London route | Built at Shoreham | Lloyds Register 1789 |
Telegraph | 1879 | Tug steam paddle, tonnage not known. Owner R.H.Penney. Employed in towage at Poole. | Unknown | Table 3 Wilcox |
Tenth Lion’s Whelp | 1628 | A pinnace, three-masted and square rigged of 185 tons and ten guns on two decks. Another record has 5th rate sloop of Lions Whelp class, 206 tons burthen, 62 ft length, 10 guns, 60 crew. 1637 ship lent to the Prince Elector, 1646 & 1647 Winter Guard, 1649 with Blake’s Squadron off the Tagus, 1650 commissioned as a fire ship and sent to Lisbon with the Fleet, 1653 Battle of Portland | Robert Tranckmore of Shoreham | 32,33 & |
Terrible | 1694 | 5th rate man-of-war,253 tons,26 guns. Served in the West Indies, guard ship at Plymouth, Portsmouth, . 1696 guard ship at Plymouth, 1702 Battle of Vigo. Cheal has it captured in 1710 by a 36 gun French ship. | Thomas Ellis of Shoreham | 54 & |
Theresa | 1875 circa | Barque – no details. Lost on Yarmouth Sands during the seventies | Not known | 97 |
Thomas & John | 1633 | 200 tons. | Robert Tranckmore of Shoreham | 31,32 |
Thomas Bonaventure | 1625 | Hired vessel in 1647, 333 tons burthen, 28 guns. Battle of Elba 1652, Battle of Leghorn 1653. Returned to owners 1653
| Robert Tranckmore of Shoreham | 31 & |
Thomas English | 1858 | Brig, 470 tons carrying capacity, L 113 – B 21.5 – D 12.9. First Commander Captain George Williams. Owner Thomas English (Ropemaker of Shoreham) and others. Shoreham home port.Bristol-Mediterranean route 1869. Struck on Hasboro’ Sands and abandoned. Captain at the time John Hayman 1873. | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | 66 & Lloyds Register |
Three Sisters | Unknown | Number 92. Master W.Lindup. Type – fishing. Tonnage second class. 7 crew on board. Home port Shoreham | Unknown | Census 1871 |
Times | 1822 | Brigantine, single deck, 124 ton. nett. Owners George Irvine, senior and juniorwith first master George Monk 1822-1823. Captain and part owner J. Clarke 1824-1833. Surveyed in London 1822/3, Waterford-London route 1824-1826. Coaster from Waterford 1827-1833. | Built at Shoreham – probably John Edwards and John Britten Balley | 62 and Lloyds Register |
Tino | 1819 | 111 tons. Captain W. Sawyer 1834/38. Owner Swan and others 1834/38. Home port Shoreham until 1836 when transferred to Chichester. | Built Sunderland, builder unknown. | Lloyds Register |
Tipula | 1840 | Schooner, 143 tons nett. Owner Nicholas Howard, Sheldon, Exeter 1840/43. First Master Edward Mortimer 1840/43. Home port London. Shoreham-Newcastle route 1840, Shoreham-Llanelly 1841/43 , Liverpool-Galatz 1850 | James Britton Balley – old shipyard at Shoreham | 64 & Lloyds Register |
Transit | 1860 | Brig, tonnage not known. Home port Shoreham. Wrecked 1860 on the beach east of the Chain Pier at Brighton during a storm. Captain Grey. | Not known | 91 |
Trench-le-Mer (Cleave the Sea) | 1208 | Master:- Alan Trenchemere | Not known | 21 |
Trial | 1847
(Wilcox has 1836) | Brigantine, 146 nett tons. Captain T. Parsons 1850. Owner Edward Lucas of Southwick later taken over by R.H.Penney of Southwick. Shoreham coastal trade. | Built at Prince Edward Island, Canada | 81 and Table1 Wilcox |
Trinity | 1422 | Referred to as a Shoreham ship and probably built there. Owner:- Thomas Attehalle | Not known | 30 |
Two Brothers | 1735 | Brig, single deck, 86 tons, captain J. Fisher, owners Atkins and others, Cork – Bordeaux route 1789. | Built at Shoreham | Lloyds Register |
Two Sisters | 1857 | Brig, 136 tons,L 113 – B 22 – D 11.5. Captain and owner Courtney 1860. Owner C. Cork 1874. Home port Shoreham, transferred to Dover by 1874. Coasting and Baltic trade. Probably the ship of the same name included in the 1871 census:-Number 20637. Master G.Gravett. Type – brig in the coasting trade. 135 tons. 7 crew on board. Also the ship of the same name that Cheal mentions was wrecked 1874 between Dover and Folkestone when the captain was John Merrix. | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 74, 97, Lloyds Register and Census |
Tyro | 1860 | Brigantine, 182 tons, L 103.6 – B 23.5 – D 12.8. Captain S. Steward 1869. Owner Bilingshurst. Shields-France route 1869.
Foundered 1869. | Prince Edward Island | Lloyds Register |
Unicorn | 1784 | Ketch, single deck, 124 tons, captain J. Flaxen to 1818 then K. J. Stewart. Owner Brown and others to 1818 then K.J. Stewart and others. London coaster until 1818 then Plymouth – Bordeaux until 1823. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register 1809 – 1823 |
Union | 1774 | Sloop, single deck, 73 tons, captain S. Barber 1789, W. Rowe (and owner) 1800/1801, owner Fector and others 1789, London – Ostend route 1789, Dartmouth – Wales 1800/1801 . | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register 1789 – 1801 |
Union | 1774 | Brig, single deck, 106 tons (very likely the same ship as above lengthened and re-classed as a brig in 1801), captain J. Kingston 1802, W. Tucker 1804, B. Rich 1806, W. Tucker 1807,owners Tucker and others 1802, Dartmouth – Wales route 1802 – 1805, Dundee port of survey 1807, Cork port of survey 1808, Dartmouth – Wales 1809 | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register 1800 – 1813 |
Union | 1866 | A North American barque owned by Gates & Co, Home port Shoreham. Captain Moon, wrecked in a gale on the Black Mittens near Shields 1866 | Unknown | 97 |
United | 1848 | Brig, 252 tons. Captain S. Clarke 1850. Owner Clarke and others 1850. Surveyed at Limerick 1850 | Built at Sunderland | Lloyds Register |
Unity | 1784/5 | Brig, single deck, 160 tons 1789 increased to 183 tons by 1799 (re-classed as a snow 1813), captain and owner S. Cooper 1789, captain D. McDonald 1802, W. Banfield 1813, owners Grafton and others 1799, Horton and others 1802, John Horton 1818, London – Memel ( Lithuania) route 1789, London – Rotterdam 1802. London – Oporto 1818 | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register 1789 – 1818 |
Unity | 1785 | Snow, single deck, 187 tons (Lloyds has Brig, 195 tons 1824), captain W. Banfield 1813-1818, E.Ward 1824-1833, E. Hoult 1839/43. Owner John Horton 1813-1818. W. Dixon 1824-1831, J. Horton 1832/33, Fairbrass 1839/43. Home port Faversham 1839/43 London – Dublin route1813 until 1818 when London Oporto. Bristol-Quebec 1824-1831, Lynn surveyed 1832, London coaster 1839/43 | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register 1813 – 1843 |
Urchin | 1837 | Schooner, 166 tons. Captain W. Gilbert 1839/40, Hare 1841/42, Rutherford 1843. Owner R. Gilbert 1839/42, Rutherford 1843. Home port London. Shoreham-Liverpool and London-Syra routes 1839/40, surveyed at London 1841, London-Mediterranean 1843. Lost 1843. | Shoreham built | Lloyds Register 1839 – 1843 |
Vesta | 1872 | Iron, screw steam ship, 679 tons net. (Cheal has ‘dead weight cargo and bunkers 1,600), L 221.1 – B 29.2 – D 17.1. Trading between ports in the UK, Mediterranean, Black Sea and Azoff. Owner R.H.Penney to at least 1883. | Iliff, Mounsey & Co of Sunderland | 83, Table 3 Wilcox & Lloyds Register |
Vestal | 1827 | Schooner, single deck, 126 tons. Captain J. Baker 1829. Owner W. Morgan 1829. London-Malta route 1829, London-Smyrna 1832, London-Syria 1833 | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register 1829 – 1833 |
Vesuvius | 1693 | 5th rate fireship of 269 tons, two gundecks 93 ft long, 8 guns, 115 crew. 1700 Baltic, 1703 stranded at Spithead during the Great Storm, 1705 broken up but Cheal records the ship as burnt in action at St.Malo 1693. | Nicholas Barrett of Shoreham | 54 & |
Viceroy | 1868 | Barque, 360 tons, L 129 – B 28 – D 16.8. Captain J. Cobden. Owner Gates and others. | Harvey of Littlehampton | Lloyds Register |
Victoria | 1838 | Brig, 121 tons. Captain H. Henty. 1841/43. Owner J. Diplock 1841/43. Newport-Folkestone route 1841/43. | Built at Hastings | Lloyds Register |
Victoria | 1859 | Barque, 500 tons burden. (Lloyds has 288 tons), L 121.4 – B 25 – D 14.3. Owner C.D.Buckwell to at least 1883. Master John Cobby to at least 1869, T. Hayward in 1874 and 1883. Home port Shoreham. Cardiff-China route 1869. Surveyed in Belgium 1883. | James Britton Balley, Shoreham | 67 & Lloyds Register |
Vigilant | 1869 | Barque, 366 tons register, L 180.5 – B 27.8 – D 16.4. Captain J. Wood 1869 and 1874, Shephard 1883. Owner R. Wade and others. Home port Shoreham. East Indies trade. Shoreham-Colombo route 1869. Surveyed at Newport 1883 | William May, Shoreham | 79 & Lloyds Register |
Ville de Paris | 1785 | Sloop, single deck, 72 tons, captain d’Alicain, owner Adam, Boulogne – London route. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register 1789 |
Vindex | 1862 | Barque, between 500/600 tons burden (Lloyds has 290 tons), L 120.3 – B 26.3 – D 14.8. Traded in the Mediterannean and the Cape. Captain Parkhouse 1874. Owners T.F. Gates and Captain Alexander Sinclair (late master of the ‘Pilot.’) 1862, W. Welfare then Davidson in 1869. | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 75 & Lloyds Register |
Vine | 1801 | Sloop, single deck, 47 tons, captain and mentor owner S. Burton, Exeter-London route. Captured. Lloyds List states ‘British’ but Marine List confirms:- ‘ of Shoreham, Burton (owner and/or captain) with timber (bound) for London was captured June 14th near Dover by a privateer. The crew escaped on shore.’ | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Marine List 1801, Lloyds Register 1802 |
Vivid | 1846 | Ketch, 59 tons nett. Owners Henry Leigh of Lindfield and three others. First Master James Trash | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 71 |
Vixen | 1838 | Schooner, 168 tons. Captain J. Palmer 1839/43. Owner Heiderman 1839/40, G. Palliser 1841/43. Home port London. Shoreham-London route 1839/41, London-Cape of Good Hope 1842/43 | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | 70 & Lloyds Register 1839 – 1843 |
Volunteer | 1861 | Brig, 500 tons burden (Lloyds has 262 tons), L 116 – B 26 – D 14.5. Captain Richard Sheppard 1861. R. Shepherd 1869. In 1872 during a voyage from South Shields to Hamburg the vessel was lost in a storm off the Dutch coast. Captain at the time John Mockett. | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | 68, 95 & Lloyds Register |
Vulcan | 1783 | Unrated fireship of the Tisiphone class, 425 tons burthen, 109 ft gundeck, 8×12 pounder guns, 55 crew. 1793 Mediterranean and burnt at Toulon to avoid capture. | John Edwards of Shoreham and fitted out at Portsmouth Dockyard | 58 & |
Wanderer | 1840 | Schooner, 92 tons. Captain T. Minter 1841/43. Owner J. Diplock 1841/43 Shoreham-Liverpool route 1841/43. | Built at Hastings | Lloyds Register |
War Hawk | 1853 | Barque, 320 tons (Lloyds has 208 tons). L 140ft B 23.6 ft D12ft.Captain Shelford 1860. Owner Cusack and Son 1860. Home port Liverpool. Cork-Hamburg route 1860. Believed to be one of the fastest barques of its time it was lost off the coast near Paldiski, Estonia 1863. | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | 70, Lloyds Register & Sussex Advertiser report |
Water Hen | 1842 | Ketch, 30 tons. Owner Thomas Thornton of New Shoreham | Shoreham built | 80 |
Water Witch | 1831 | Schooner, single deck, 124 ton. nett. Owner J.B.Balley 1831/32, Helville and others 1833. First Master George Osborne 1831/32, F. Helican 1833. Poole-Liverpool route 1832, surveyed in Dundee 1833. | Built at Shoreham – probably John Edwards and James Britton Balley | 62 & Lloyds Register |
Wave | 1855 | Cutter,50 tons,L 54.8 – B 17.3 – D 9. Owner Vallance and others. Captain T. Adams in 1869. Coaster. | Built at Torquay | Lloyds Register |
Wave Queen | 1870 | Barque, 313 tons, L 130.6 – B 27.2 – D 14.1. Captain R. Peak 1883. Owner T. Gates & Co 1883. | Harvey of Littlehampton | Lloyds Register |
Welsh Girl | 1875 | Schooner, 60 tons, L 73.8 – B 20.5 – D 9.9. Captain C. Gillam 1883. Owner T. Huxtable then C. Gillam 1883. Home port Jersey. Surveyed in Swansea 1883. | Robert Lee (Southwick builder) | Lloyds Register |
Weston | 1753 | 150 tons, single deck. Captain and part owner Richard Knowler. London – Oporto route. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at index beginning | Lloyds Register |
Weston Galley | 1752 | 150 tons, captain Burcham, owners Beasley and others, London – Oporto route 1789. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at index beginning | Lloyds Register 1789 |
Wild Dayrell | 1856 | Yankee three master schooner rig, 500/600 tons carrying capacity (Lloyds has 310 tons), L 136 – B 24.8 – D 14.5 (Lloyds shows this in 1869 and 1883 as L 121.9 – B 27 – D 14.3). Captain James Francis who was also part owner with J.B.Balley and Mr.Saunders (HarbourMaster); T. Gates & Co by 1883.. Captain G. Hedgecock in 1869, R. Sheoherd 1874 and 1883. Home port Shoreham. Surveyed at Clyde 1869.
By 1889 the vessel had been sold to Actieselskabet Erling (B. Bergesen) and renamed ‘Erling’ at its hiome port of Stavanger, Norway. | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | 65,66 & Lloyds Register |
Wild Wave | 1864 | Brig, 278 tons register, L 118.5 – B 24.5 – D 14.3. Captain W. Brown 1869, H. Batchelor 1874. Owner Gates and others. Home port Shoreham. Southampton-Mediterranean route 1869. | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | 70 |
William | 1810 | Sloop, two decks, 40 tons, captain J. Sayers, owner Tate and others, London – Tobago route 1810 – 1813 | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
William Dent | 1800 | 475 tons, three decks, captain G. Musson, owner J. Atkins, London – India route up to 1806 when London – Jamaica | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
William Gorringe | 1848 | Dandy, 25 tons net. Owners John May, New Shoreham and Thomas Thwaites of Brighton. First Master Joseph Hook. | Messrs J.May & T.Thwaites, Kingston | 73 |
William Marsland | 1853 | Barque, 350 tons. Captain T. Bushby 1860. Owner Cheesman 1860. Home port Shoreham. Swansea-South America route 1860 | Shoreham built | Lloyds Register |
William Restell | !890 | Lifeboat, no details. Owners RNLI. This boat served at Shoreham until 1903. | Unknown | RNLI records |
William Restell II | 1904 | Lifeboat, No. ON532. A self righter 35ft x 8ft 8 inches served until 1924 making 12 service launches and saving 19 lives. | Thames Ironworks | RNLI records |
William & Mary | 1807 | Sloop, 30 tons. Captain Courtney 1839/43. Owner Beedham 1839/43. Home port Shoreham in 1839/43. London-Caen route 1839/43. | Built at Ipswich | Lloyds Register |
Willing Mind | 1754 or 1755 | Brig, single deck, 80 tons, 6 ft mean draft. Condition in 1764 hull fair, masts and rigging average. Captain Henry Hayler (1764) Robert Thompson (1768), owner R. Williams (1764) Garne and others (1768). Routes London – Dublin (1764) Liverpool – Dublin (1768) | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register 1764, 1768 |
Wisdom | Unknown | Recorded in 1870 as turning over to Customs 50 bales of smuggled tobacco found off the French coast. Captain L.Whilhams. In 1881 Number 28470. Master G.Welch (junior). Type – Cutter, fishing 23/40 over 100. 5 ashore, 1 on board. Home port Shoreham | Unknown | 121 & Census |
Withywood | 1765 | 328 tons, two decks, captain G. Ramsey 1789, Stephenson 1799, J. Nicols 1800, owner Cowle and others 1789, Hurry and others 1799, London – Memel (Lithuania) route 1789, London – Smyrna 1799, London – Baltic 1800. | See Shoreham Shipbuilders at beginning of the index | Lloyds Register |
Yarrow | 1864 | Barque, 286 tons, L 119 – B 26.5 – D 14.9. Owner R.H.Penney of Southwick. Captain Sherwin 1869. Newport-Mediterranean route 1869. Lost at the Bay of Biscay 1870 after colliding with HMS ‘Himalayah.’ Captain at the time Richard Sherwin. | John Shuttleworth, Southwick | 77, 94, 95, Table 2 Wilcox and Lloyds Register |
Zingra | 1860 | Barque, 314 tons register, L 127.4 – B 27.6 – D 14.6. Captain W. Poland then C. Lucas 1869, C. Lucas 1874, F. Bridgen 1883. Owner Copp and others. 1869 and 1874, T.W. Sweet and others 1883. Home port Shoreham. Cardiff-Mediterranean route 1869. Surveyed in London 1883 | James Britton Balley,
Shoreham | 67 & Lloyds Register |

Roger Bateman, Shoreham
November 2010 (updated September 2011, February 2014 and January 2015)
Additions October 2017:-
British Intrepid 1874 schooner 100 tons net. Master in 1880 Maynard. Builder May Owner Hickman
Hampton 1863 barque 99 tons net. Master in 1880 Smith. Builder James Britton Balley. Owner Gates
Lloyds Registers 1764, 1768, 1780, 1789, 1799, 1800 – 1813, 1818 – 1830, 1832 – 1843, 1850, 1860, 1869, 1874, 1883, 1889, 1899.
National Maritime Museum, Greenwich
The Ships and Mariners of Shoreham by Henry Cheal
Ships of the Royal Navy by J.J. Colledge
British Warships in the Age of Sail 1602 – 1714 by Rif Winfield
Fast Sailing Ships 1775 – 1875 by David R. MacGregor website
Census Returns
Quaker Ship-owning in the Port of Shoreham by K. Wilcox
British Library Newspaper Archives
Various others from the compiler’s archives.