…. that in April of 1856 Captain Guy of the ‘Imogen’ arrived at Shoreham from a voyage that took them through the Azores where, he stated, he and his crew saw a large sea serpent – “The creature was in view for a full 35 minutes …. and had the same appearance that I have before seen represented in drawings but without the hairy mane and more like a large conger eel. It was a full forty feet long above water and from the wake it left I would say sixty feet would not be an exaggeration.”
Did you know? – part 6
Did you know…. that the Tillstone family’s sail and ropemaking business during the 18th century stretched their ropes from West Street up to, and through Ropewalk. During their manufacture the ropes were stretched, twisted and tarred from the winding house and winches, up to the top of the Ropewalk where there were similar winches or capstans – for anyone working there or walking by the shouts of the workers, the creak of the winches, ringing signal bells and the pervading smell of tar must have left a strong impression on the senses.
(see http://www.shorehambysea.com/1400-2/ )
Did you know? -part 5
Did you know….. a penny farthing cycle race to Bramber Station and back on 10th July 1888 was won by Arthur Eade (of the Eade’s Stores family). This photo three years earlier shows three members of the newly formed Shoreham Cycling Club:- George Tinsley, a blacksmith; George Hedgecock who later ran a successful bootmakers/shoe shop in East Street; and Arthur Eade
Did you know? – part 4
… that Shoreham was supportive of the Parliamentarian cause during the Civil War and in the 1640’s was home to a strong defensive force of several hundred Cromwellian soldiers. The harbour and riverside were also fortified with cannon and troops and defences were also set up at Bramber (Beeding) Bridge (the nearest river crossing to the south). At the time of the siege of Arundel a skirmish with the Royalists took place at Bramber Bridge in January of 1644 resulting in the death of nine Royalists and the capture of another. One of the Parliamentarian dragoons was also killed and it seems that others may have later succumbed to their wounds as St.Mary’s parish records for that month shows Captain Dike, Captain Carleton and ‘six soldiers buried.’
Did you know? part 3
….. at 533 tons, length 104 feet and armed with 48 guns HMS Dover was probably the largest vessel built at Shoreham for the Royal Navy. Launched in 1653 she saw action at the Battle of Lowestoft 1665, the Four Days Battle and St. James Day Battle the following year, the Battle of Martinique 1667 and Battle of Solebay 1672. Her duties took her to the Mediterranean, Newfoundland and Ireland and during the 1690’s captured three French ships Lion Eveille, St. Antoine and Marianne as well as a privateer the Beaulieu.
Did you know? part 2
Did you know? – that Sir Oswald Moseley, 6th Baronet, leader of the pro-German British Union of Fascists, learned to fly with the Royal Flying Corps at Shoreham airport during WW1
Did you know? part 1
– that the ancient Parliamentary Stones that once stood in the road by Stone House (now the solicitors’ office next to Coronation Green) and the two surviving 18th century tuscan columns from the ten that once supported the 1711 Market House in the High Street were removed during the 1938 road widening. In 1983, Reg Leggett, a long standing crusader for the preservation of Shoreham’s architectural history wrote “When I last heard of them….. they were reposing in the Council yard in Ropetackle, and some of us in this town would like to see any missing or damaged sections of these columns (and stones) made good and that they be re-erected (as near to their original sites as is practical)…………….”
We are still waiting
Image: Arthur Packham’s drawing of the stones and the easternmost column in use as a lamp post
All mod cons provided!
With every new photo there’s always something that catches your eye. We’ve seen photos of outside loos in BT (top left) but in the central photo of ‘Beach House’ and neighbouring bungalows on Widewater beach it’s the extensions onto the sides of both the nearest bungalows that draw your attention. They seem unnaturally narrow – perhaps a loo at the end, discreetly away from the main part of the bungalow? On the other hand there are stove pipes coming out of both – perhaps stoves for hot water isolated from the main building to lessen the fire risk? Perhaps a combination of both to provide a cosy sitting during natural breaks?
Anyway, the toilet answer seems likely as the photo of the 1910 storm shows soil pipes that line up with the front part of the bungalows – it also tells us that although we read about regular septic tank collections for BT there were certainly parts of the beach that had ‘sophisticated’ sewerage disposal!
Spotted in Southwick Locks
The eye-glazing tedium of the repetitive editing and loading of countless postcard images does have its benefits as you get to enjoy in detail superb images you’ve not seen before. This one caught my eye. Do you remember the Marlipins Museum postcard of the river tug ‘George V’ towing barges up river? We’ve found another – detail from Alan Humphries’ postcard of the locks reveals what looks like the vessel’s identical sister boat ‘Edward VII’ (assuming the ‘II’ to be hidden by the rudder) – such small tugs yet obviously capable of towing two huge fully loaded barges. I wonder what Shoreham family worked them?
The Surrey Arms
Perhaps it’s older than you think? This advertisement for an auction shows it as licenced premises as early as 1833 (Sussex Advertiser 16th September 1833) – older than the Royal Sovereign for example that was first licenced in 1848 under it’s earlier name of Salmon Arms (although the building itself is 18th century). Incidentally, John Fennall, Mercy’s husband, and his brother William had been millers at the Mill Hill windmill. John also ran a bakery in the High Street and had another windmill built in Mill Lane. The brothers amassed a considerable amount of property in Shoreham of which the Surrey Arms was just one.
Also included is what is probably the oldest photo of the pub – just look at the height of that ladder!