A painting for sale on e-bay. It’s being advertised as 1950’s Shoreham but the engine is clearly older and the year 1894 can just be made out on the reverse of the frame. Comparing the painting with the 1898 OS map the only area that seems to match is if the artist was sitting with the Kingston Lane bridge behind, the signal (SP on the map) south of the railway bank by the access tunnel from Gorringe’s Kingston House and the terrace on the left perhaps Pier Terrace. Any other thoughts?

I think it may be a view from where Southwick football ground now stands. The buildings in the distance are the old coastguard station with the flag pole in front. The 1896 map shows a signal post in the correct location. The field on the right is now the recreation ground.
The embankment is about the right level for this location.
I think you are correct Rob. Probably at the point of the footbridge crossing
Location: https://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/side-by-side/#zoom=16.9&lat=50.83379&lon=-0.22541&layers=168&right=MapTilerSat