Marlipins Gallery 7, 8 and 9
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Marlipins Gallery 7

Manor House, Kingston, near Shoreham-by-Sea. On the corner of St Julian's Lane and Kingston Lane. Flint facade with tile roofing. Tall chimneys. General Corringe lived there in the 1920s. Later became Caius College, then Shoreham Grammar School, then Shoreham College. Comedian Max Miller (Thomas Sargent), lived at Ashcroft in Kingston Lane in the 1940s.

Lock wall under repair, Shoreham Harbour, Southwick. Close view of the first lock (now the Dry Dock) after part of the north wall collapsed 16 April 1907. Workmen stand on the rubble and on a boat in the dock, onlookers on quayside, masts of sailing ship visible above lock gates in background, boat in foreground.
Marlipins Gallery 8

Twin Mystery Towers, Kingston Beach, near Shoreham-by-Sea. One tower is completed and ready to sail with flags flying. Second tower is under construction. One of the two towers was later re-named the Nab Tower and towed to the Solent to replace a lightship off the Isle of Wight. Man and boy are on the shore. c.1919

Twin Mystery Towers, Kingston Beach, near Shoreham-by-Sea. One tower is completed and ready to sail with flags flying. Second tower is under construction. One of the two towers was later re-named the Nab Tower and towed to the Solent to replace a lightship off the Isle of Wight. Man and boy are on the shore. c.1919

Twin Mystery Towers, Kingston Beach, near Shoreham-by-Sea. One tower is completed and ready to sail with flags flying. Second tower is under construction. One of the two towers was later re-named the Nab Tower and towed to the Solent to replace a lightship off the Isle of Wight. Man and boy are on the shore. c.1920

Brunswick Road, Shoreham-by-Sea, looking north towards railway crossing with raised barrier visible in distance. Shops on right side of road, some with awnings, including from right: G. Hart florist and seedsman, Channel Laundry, A. Street Luncheons and Teas. Man wearing suit, hat and tie crosses street, woman wearing long skirt and hat on pavement. High wall on left bordering gardens of St Mary's House in St Mary's Road, later the site of the Post Office and Lloyds Bank.

East Street, Shoreham-by-Sea. View looking south to River Adur and the beach. Boots chemists and Findlater wine and spirits shops are on the right. Cars parked on the right near the shop awning. Woman walking down the street. Pride Opticians on the left. Buildings with tile roofing. Zebra crossing in the distance. c.1950

Brunswick Road, Shoreham-by-Sea,c.1906 looking north towards railway crossing and signal box in distance. Houses on right side of road, several converted into shops with shop windows on ground floor. Shop on right is F. Mederson ironmongers. High wall on left probably bordering garden of St Mary's House in St Mary's Road. Shops and the post office were later built on the left side of the road. Children on pavement including girl wearing pinafore. Postcard postmarked 09 August 1907 and sent from Tunbridge Wells to Gunner R. S.? Barnes, No. 9 Company, 1st Sussex Regiment, Newhaven, signed H. Barnes.

Victoria Road, Shoreham-by-Sea, looking north. Houses with bay windows on both sides of street, man on bicycle, handcart with dead rabbits presumably for sale, delivery man wearing overall talks to woman in front garden, cat crosses street. Postcard sent to Miss Cobby c/o Messrs Jackson & Son, Market Place, Newbury, c.1900

South Down School, Southdown Road, Shoreham-by-Sea. View across pavement and low garden wall to school at centre of a row of three houses with bay sash windows. Gateposts inscribed Southdown School". House at left has name "Ferndale" on gatepost and "House to Let" sign in window. Title of postcard is "South Down School c.1920

Three ivy-clad cottages at the junction of Southdown road and Mill Lane, two people standing outside the houses, a broken fence across the road, terraced houses and a street lamp in the background. The cottages are now known as 'Trinity Cottages' and have been renovated with dormer windows added. Reproduction of an original photograph. c.1905

Thatched cottages in The Street, Old Shoreham viewed from north with a man in a cap seated on a grassy bank bordering the path and three figures in the distance. The cottages are now called 'Hunter's Moon' and previously 'Elm Tree Cottage'. Coloured photographic postcard, with the name Michael Norman" printed on the back."

Dolphin Soap Works, near Shoreham-by-Sea. Woman and a boy stacking bars of soap. Wooden packing boxes on the left marked with J. Evershed & Son, Soap Makers, Brighton. They are cutting soap into tablets using a hand operated machine. The soap works moved in 1895 from Eastern Road, Brighton, to Dolphin Road, Kingston, near Shoreham.

Horse-drawn tram, Brighton Road, Kingston. Open-topped double-decker horse-drawn tram on Brighton Road near Kingston Beach lighthouse. Driver behind horses, conductor stands alongside wearing cap, suit, tie and with shoulder-bag. Open staircase leading to top deck, two women sit on top at front. Houses on left, open-topped double-decker motor bus in background.
Marlipins Gallery 9

A Lee-Richards annular monoplane at Shoreham Airport. Rear view of plane on grass-covered airfield showing unusual circular wing from the tail to the nose with central cut-out" area for cockpit; propellor partly visible at front. Plane designed by Cedric Lee and G. Tilghman-Richards; first flown over Worthing and Lancing by Gordon England on 23 November 1913 and crashed after 45 minutes flight; badly injuring the pilot's knee. Two later versions of the annular plane were built but its inherent instability could not be corrected and the design was dropped in 1914."

Crashed Messerschmitt, near New Salts Farm, Shoreham-by-Sea. ME109 (Work No.5068) plane was shot down on the morning of Tuesday, 13 August 1940. Men in civilian clothes and military uniform are standing behind the plane. The pilot was Oberleutnant Paul Temme. The plane was shot down by Sargeant J.P. Mills of 43 Squadron, based at Tangmere.

Bon Marche, Brunswick Road, Shoreham-by-Sea. Clothes and general shop opened in 1915, owned by Arthur Cottee and his wife, Connie (neeAyling). The shop window at no.32 displays underwear, hats for sale; the shop at no.30 sells toys, postcards, stationery, model yachts, pens, baskets, magazines. Lighting outside the shop. c.1915

Dolphin Chambers, Shoreham-by-Sea, close view of one side of building, four bay windows with multi-paned sash windows. Midland Bank Limited" in lower right window. High Street to right with Eades stores visible. Traffic sign "Slow major road ahead" and belisha beacon on pavement. Dolphin Chambers was demolished in 1938 as part of the road-widening of the High Street."

Paddle steamers Mistletoe" and "Stella" at Southwick Lock Shoreham Harbour. The tugs each with single funnel each with single funnel forward mast two paddles. The Stella was built at South Shields in 1879. Three-storied wooden warehouse (Courtney and Birketts shipyard building) on right behind steamers moored rowing boat at left masted ship in background. "

Five children sitting on a grassy patch in Kingston Lane, Southwick, amongst hedge rows and near wooden gates and fences. St Michael's Church in middle distance is visible through the trees. The two boys wear suits and three girls wear aprons, one girl reads to the rest of the group. Reproduction of a coloured photograph, titled A Rural Glimpse Southwick near Brighton"."c.1905

Crew of the 'Happy Return', Shoreham-by-Sea. Studio portrait of the conquerors in the four-oared Galley Races at the Brighton, Shoreham, Worthing, Dover, Deal and Margate Regattas in 1864. Five men pose around a table holding trophies. The two men at the back are R.B. Dell (left) and W. Mason (right). Two men seated are T. Gravett (left) and F. Griggs (right). Man sitting on the cushion on the floor is C. Jones.

The 'Happy Return' galley with its crew of (L-R): T. Gravett, R.B. Dell, W. Mason, F. Griggs and cox C. Jones on the Southwick Canal in Shoreham harbour. The men, who were a famously successful crew, wear white shirts, trousers and caps and are holding the oars, buildings on the coast in the background. Donated by Mr J.E. Dell. See also group portrait of the crew (image number: SHORM93.2166).c.1864

First Aid Party, Ham Road, Shoreham-by-Sea. Group photograph of a first aid party, comprising 22 men in navy coloured dungarees and each with gas masks over their right shoulders. Two ambulances (one with Registration No. F57560) and a vehicle are parked behind them. Bernard Parsons, Dr Ledger and Mr Holland are included in the portrait. World War Two. 1940

Albion Street, Southwick. Street decorated with flags in aid of the War Fund. House on the left is decorated with portraits of Queen Victoria. Crowd of men, women and children. Shops with awnings. Terraced houses. Double decker tram (open top) with passengers. Man with mule carrying a child. Horse and cart for London Stores on the right. Advert for Borwick's baking powder.

Coronation Day of Edward VII, Southwick Green, Southwick. Men women and children - all wearing hats or caps - gather on the green to celebrate, general view with group of four girls in foreground, many people in circle around flagpole on the green, babies in prams, person in bathchair, large houses in background. Buildings in distance, from left: The Green Board School, headmaster's house and the National School. A signal box can be seen in the gap between the houses.

High Street, Shoreham-by-Sea. Crown and Anchor Inn with men, women and children outside. Mitchells Genuine Steyning London Stout is advertised over the entrance. Image if a crown and anchor over the entrance. Street light. William Woolgar English is mentioned over the door. Poster for Theatre Royal and Opera House, Brighton, advertising Madlle Beatrice's Comedy Drama. Tile roofing and rendered walls.1880

Robert Page's stable and horse-drawn vehicles, Shoreham-by-Sea. View from street towards front of stable at west end of High Street, Norfolk House with name-board above door on the right. Covered horse-drawn wagon on left with sign on canvas Robert Page Brighton Shoreham luggage & parcel express". Small horse-drawn carriage with top down on right another leaving the yard. Drivers wearing top hats or bowlers man (possibly blacksmith) wearing apron and carrying toolbox stands in entrance. Sign on wall "Robert Page Carrier & Contractor ombnibus & fly proprietor. Open & closed flys large & small wagonettes. Household removals. Hire carts & vans by the hour or the day". Posters advertising theatres auction Southdown Hunt Steeplechase and other events. Men women children and policeman in uniform stand around doorway on right."

Gypsy Moth biplane on the concrete runway at Shoreham Airport. Side view of the plane with letters G-AADA on the side, and logo of South Coast Flying Club. Propellor, wheels, struts, wings, fuselage, tail clearly visible. Man in overalls pushing plane into position. Lancing College chapel and south downs in background.1935. 17.2.36 DH.60G Gipsy Moth G-AADA, South Coast Flying Club, Shoreham Dived in, Walberton, near Arundel Edward Myers (25) died 18.2.36 (pilot) Miss Ruby Dickerson (25) killed

Marlipins, High Street, Shoreham-by-Sea. Site of the Marlipins (before it became the museum) with the black and white chequered Caen stone and flint panels facade. Window with segmental head above the wooden doors. Notice boards. Photograph taken in 1925 when it was being opened to the public to solicit contributions for its restoration.

Fire Brigade members with challenge cup at fire brigade headquarters in Parkside ?, Shoreham-by-Sea. Twelve firemen wearing brass helmets and uniforms, long double-breasted jackets with belts, some wearing medals, pose in two rows sitting and standing with the silver Challenge Cup on floor in front. Chief Officer Captain Arthur Burfoot second from left in front row wearing cap, second officer A. C. Turrell third from left front row. Other members of the brigade identified as (order unknown): Third Officer G. Stevens; Chief Engineer C. Turner; Driver W. Farley; Firemen George Turrell, G. Turner, Wm. Turrell, Cecil Reed, T. Laws, W. Bailey, A. Laker.

Surviving members of Shoreham-by-Sea lifeboat crew 1890 - 1910, posed for a group studio portrait. The Upton brothers (pictured L-R standing : Alf, Harry, Chris, seated: Fred, Jim, William) were all seamen, fishermen and oarsmen and sons of the cox James Upton known as Grand Old Man of Shoreham". Another brother was drowned bringing in a small boat."

Formal waist-up portrait of John B. Balley, son of noted shipbuilder James Britton Balley. Oval-shaped photograph, black-and white with the eyes hand-coloured in blue. Balley has full beard and moustache, wears jacket, waistcoat and tie, large-linked chain looped across waistcoat with one circular attachment and one rectangular with letter B on front.