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Football team, Shoreham-by-Sea. Thirteen team members in three rows standing and sitting in outdoor setting with trees in backtround. Twelve players wearing shirts in two different-coloured vertical halves, shorts with belts, long socks, boots, some with shinguards. Five men wearing suits, caps or hats, and ties stand in back row. On the ground in front a trophy with inscription Challenge Cup and ball dated 1902-03. Probably a Shoreham FC team as shirts are the same, and some team members and officials are the same, as in a other photographs. Centre of back row with bowler hat is Oswald Ball who was for a number of years team manager of Shoreham FC.

Wedding carriages outside Burrell Hotel, Ham Road, Shoreham-by-Sea. Five horse-drawn carriages wait in line, drivers wear top hats and buttoned jackets, horses have white rosettes below the ear to denote a wedding and coachmen have white ribbons on their whips. Burrell Hotel with the name T. P. Palmer over the door, signs Family & Commercial Hotel" "Dinners & Teas". Men wearing suits waistcoasts ties stand by the carriages group of children in background. Street lights attached to front of hotel."

Lifeboat the 1st 'William Restell' in the lifeboat shed with a notice above the door reading Royal National Lifeboat Institution Lifeboat Supported by Volunteer Contributions" with a crowd including many children and two dogs standing outside launching ropes on slip in foreground. Photocopy of an original photograph."

Harold Hume (Hal) Piffard (1867-1938) with his Pusher biplane, on the beach at Bungalow Town. Piffard stands to the left of the plane between the tall man in shirtsleeves and the man in the flat cap. Other men women and children in background. Plane is partly obscured, visible are wings, engine and propellor, struts, floats. The Pusher biplane was powered by a 40 HP ENV engine with a seven-foot propellor, front elevator and rear stabiliser. Information from the Worthing Herald 29 April 2004, p.19: Woman in the centre is Miss Barbara O'Manning, a former art student. Harold Hume Piffard, who pioneered the development of Shoreham aerodrome in 1909, was an old boy of Lancing College and later studied art in Paris and at the Royal Academy. Miss O'Manning helped Piffard design an early model aircraft and was involved in the construction of his full-sized aeroplane, the Humming Bird (also known as the Mayfly).

Two Bristol Box Kite biplanes piloted by Oscar Morison and Mr. Gilmour take part in an air race from Shoreham to Roedean on 13 May 1911. The planes are pictured flying above a grass-covered field with low buildings in background, possibly Shoreham Airport. Postcard inscribed on front Mr. Morison and Mr. Gilmour race from Shoreham to Roedean May 13/11. F. Rowe Shoreham"."

Graham Gilmour sits in his biplane (possibly a Bristol Box Kite) before leaving on a flight to Amesbury on 26 May 1911. Close view of front of plane, pilot wearing tam-o'-shanter hat and long coat. Wings, struts, wheels and runners clearly visible also part of propellor behind pilot. Three men stand in front of plane all wearing suits, hats, ties. Postcard inscribed on front Mr. Gilmour flies to Amesbury 100 miles May 26/11. F. Rowe". Postmarked 17 February 1912 and sent to Miss Bessie Clark Cornhill Rolvenden Kent with message: "My Dear Bessie this is a photo of the young Mr. Gilmour it is so sad we knew him so well through the flying ground. Many a chat with him I have had. I have his autographs with the others. Shoreham is quite upset about it knowing him so well. Write soon with love from us all had a photo of Tom this morning" unsigned. "

Cecil and Eric Pashley stand in front of their Farman biplane at Shoreham Airport. Both men wear suits and shirts with ties, one wears a cap. Close view of the propellor and engine at rear of cockpit, struts and wheels also visible. In background is hangar no. 6. Eric Pashley was killed in World War One, Cecil continued at Shoreham, formed the Southdown Flying Club, and trained pilots for many years.

Three-masted barque 'Britannia' on the River Adur moored at the Old Shipyard - later Suter's Yard - in Shoreham harbour. The ship weighed 800 tons, was built by Dyer & Son of Shoreham and was one of the last square-rigged built at Shoreham. The ship was wrecked during a hurricane on route to Montreal in September 1883, when 13 lives were lost including the Captain's wife and two children.

Three-masted schooner Osprey" in full sail at sea crew members on deck pennants and the Red Ensign flying from rear mast. Boat with five men in foreground three-masted ship in left background and sailing boat in right background.The "Osprey" was built at the Old Shipyard in New Shoreham in 1855-1856 by J. B. Balley for R. H. Penney for £3164. She was the first of Penney's vessels to be used for world-wide trade and was lost off Scotland in 1865."

Two-masted wooden brig in full sail flying the Red Ensign flag, with men in a rowing boat hauling in a lobster pot in the foreground. The ship weighed 198 tons and was built in 1854 by J.B. Balley in Shoreham, for £2558 for a Quaker coal-merchant R.H. Penney of Southwick. The ship continued in service as a collier for over 20 years. Photograph of an oil painting by W. Jenner.

Two-masted schooner in full sail flying the Red Ensign flag and a pennant reading 'Kingston' coming into harbour at Valletta, Malta on a stormy sea with another ship in the background. The ship weighed 105 tons and was the first to be built by May & Thwaites of Kingston, near Shoreham-by-Sea, in 1838, for a Quaker coal merchant E. Lucas for use as a collier. Print of a watercolour painting by Maltese artist Nicholas S. Cammillieri.

Southwick Cricket Club, Southwick. Eleven players and three other men sitting and standing in field with railings and houses in background. Players wear white shirts, sweaters and trousers, some wearing caps one wearing hat, one smoking pipe and one smoking cigarette. At left and right in back row stand two umpires with long white coats, far left back row a man in suit and cap and carrying possibly scorebook.

Southwick Cricket Club, Southwick. 24 male members of the club. 17 men are in whites, 3 umpires and 4 in suits are on Southwick Green. Back row L-R: ?, Bert Gilham, Art Gander, Owen Burtenshaw, ?, Alf Bushby, Reg Brasted,?, Cecil Williams, Harry Short, C. Denyer, A.E.R. Gilligan, ?, Billy Brown. Middle Row L-R: Tidler Bennett, Ron Bushby, S.P.B. Mais, ?, Tom Wilson, Tom Wadey. Front Row L-R: Frank Langdale, ?, Mr Kerridge, Bert Strong. Some are wearing peaked caps.

Penney & Sons, Albion Street, Southwick. Two-storey building with large entrance on street level, three sash windows on first floor. Sign R. H. Penney & Sons shipbrokers & sailmakers. Coal timber firewood merchants. Smokeless steam coal". Board advertising a coffee bar on ground floor. Three men wearing suits and hats one in sailor's uniform. The building later became the Seamen's Mission."

Albion Street, Southwick. View looking east. Methodist Church is on the left, and Courtney Birkett Ltd, motor engineers and boat builders, are on the far right. Man outside the church. Shops in the distance with awnings. Postmarked 23 August 1910. Sent to Mr W.E. Stringer, Delawarr Road, East Grinstead from Hector.

Southwick football club team, Southwick. Twelve players standing and sitting in three rows in field with trees in background, most wearing footbal shirts with vertical stripes. In foreground is low table and cloth with letters SFC holding four trophies. In back row are three men wearing suits and ties, head-and-shoulders photographs of two other men appear in insets above, one wearing jacket and tie the other in football shirt with horizontal stripes. Written on back Senior Cup 1913" and identifications - above: Upton and Linley; back row: Flynn unknown Grigson Woods Catlin Clark Herriot Wheatland; middle row: unknown Page Smart unknown Weller; front: Saunders unknown. "

Petrol distribution station at Turberville Wharf, Shoreham Harbour, Southwick. Elevated view with Lower Brighton Road in foreground, petrol station on left with signs National Benzine Mixture" "Wholesale Depot" "Turberville". One petrol tanker driving out of gates another in yard. Harbour in background with Mystery Towers under construction. Part of Penney's Wharf."

Rowing Boats, Shoreham-by-Sea. View from the ferry landing point on the south side of the River Arun and north end of Ferry Road. 5 rowing boats in foreground with passengers and ferrymen. Children. Boats named 'Lilian', 'Why Not' ? Family names on boats include, Fred Young, Upton, and W. Parsons. St Mary de Haura Church is in the distance. Boats on the other side of Shoreham Harbour can be seen.

The footbridge across the River Adur, Shoreham-by-Sea. View from the south end looking across the newly-built bridge towards the town, top of the tower of St Mary de Haura Church just visible centre right background. Wooden walkway, steel girders and barriers, lights hanging from overhead girders. The footbridge was built as a toll bridge in 1921 with the toll booth at the town end. Postcard with title The Drawbridge (New Footbrige) Shoreham". Postmarked 31 August 1921 sent to Warrant Engr J Woolger R.N. HMS Calypso Gibraltar with message "This is our new bridge I have not been on it yet waiting for you to take me. As usual from your T.L.W.""

Lion Statue being dismantled from the Norfolk Bridge, Shoreham-by-Sea. Statue is being prepared for its transfer to Arundel Castle. Four men in hats are overseeing the removal. The bridge was about to be demolished for a replacement. The stone lion was part of the Coat of Arms of the Duke of Norfolk. The lion and horse statues taken down from the bridge arches were removed to Arundel Castle at the request of the Duchess of Norfolk. Postcard addressed to Mr Cheal, Rosslyn Road, Shoreham.

High Street, Shoreham-by-Sea, looking east from Crown & Anchor pub before demolition of south side to widen the road. On left are shops including: Ernest Pierce Stationer, Mence Smith household stores, Flinn & Son dyers. In centre background is building with angled wooden boards on first floor to prevent debris falling into stree during demolition. On right are advertising posters for Bovril, Ronuk floor polish, Jas. L Mack estate agent. Lamp post in right foreground.

View across the River Adur to Shoreham-by-Sea, taken from Norfolk Bridge. In foreground the river and a rowing boat with a young woman and three children, and a model sailing boat. In background houses and buildings of Shoreham, the tower of St Mary de Haura Church, sailing boats on far side of river. Coloured postcard postmarked 29 July 1907 and sent to Miss Bennett, The Retreat, Lyme Regis, Dorset.

High Street, Shoreham-by-Sea, looking east from the west end. Shops on left including Harker ironmongers, Southdown Motor Services with poster advertising time-tables, tobacconists with advertisement for de Reszke cigarettes. Brewery chimney in distance, bus and open-top car on street, men and women walking. The Bridge Hotel on right.

Buckingham Road, Shoreham-by-Sea, looking north from the railway level crossing. Houses on left with low walls and hedges bordering front gardens, man rides bicycle, horse-drawn cart in distance. In right foreground is advertising poster for Bill's Wild West"possibly for the show of Colonel William "Buffalo Bill" Cody who was performing in the area in 1903. Postcard postmarked 13 August 1904 sent to Mrs. Woolmer 8 Queen's Place Shoreham.."

Sussex Pad Inn, Lancing. Inn sign in left foreground reads: The Sussex Pad Inn F.Smart with another sign on the same post: "Brighton Carriage Manufactory Brigden 187 Western Road". Inn in right middle ground with signs on wall including: "Open & Closed carriages for hire""Cyclists Teas Provided" "Stabling". Loaded horse-drawn cart in front of inn bicylce leaning against wall. The Sussex Pad Inn was situated on the Lancing Road now A27 and was destroyed by fire on 26 October 1905. "

East Street, Shoreham-by-Sea, looking south towards junction with High Street in right background. Large building on right with sign Collegiate School" along top in left background Dolphin Chambers on the south side of High Street. Man with cart in background. Photograph mounted on card with photographer's details printed on back."

East Street, Shoreham-by-Sea, looking south towards junction with High Street in right background. Large building on right with sign Collegiate School" along top in left background Dolphin Chambers on the south side of High Street. Man with cart in background. Photograph mounted on card with photographer's details printed on back."

Ham Road school and headmaster's house, Shoreham-by-Sea. View across street and flint-and-brick wall to headmaster's house on north side of Ham Road, with second building in background. House has jettied and tile-hung upper storey, rounded turret on east side. Man with handcart in road, boy and girl stand by wall. Ham Road School was built in 1875 as a Board School, enlarged in 1896 and 1907.

Chain-driven car with chauffeur in driving seat in the grounds of Buckingham House, Shoreham-by-Sea. Henry Head's new car at the back door of Buckingham House. Side view of open-topped car showing chain driving rear wheels, steering wheel, lights, horn, mudguards, leather seats. Chauffeur wears cap and greatcoat. Brick building partially visible background right, Dog in distant background.

Post Office, Brunswick Road, Shoreham-by-Sea, looking north towards railway crossing. New Post Office in left foreground, built in 1918 to serve the troops stationed in Shoreham. Sign on booth Buy War Loan". In right foreground Street's Tea Roomsin left middle ground Gigin's bakers with motorised vehicle in front. Pencil-writen message to "Dear Dad" reads in part "This is a card of the new P.O. first I have seen" mentions "planes brought down in the last raid" and "I have just heard this morning that a boat has been torpedoed off Worthing during last night"."

Single funnel steamship F. E. Webb" passes through the lock at Southwick Shoreham Harbour. View from front showing bow and side of vessel masts and funnel. Three men stand in foreground masts and buildings in left background old gasworks building far right background. Postcard postmarked 24 August 1912 sent to Mr. W. E. Stringer 22 Oxford Grove Ilfracombe message to "Dear Ed" signed "Mum"."

The steamship Seaford"owned by Mr Stephenson-Clarke enters the locks Shoreham Harbour Southwick. View from on shore looking toward bow of ship lifeboat on deck masts and single funnel visible. On left a three-masted sailing ship with rigging visilble two men on cross-tree of foremast unfurling sail. Southwick Town Hall in background on left. Postmarked Southwick Brighton 27 September 1914 sent to Mr. Stringer Holmbush Mount Pleasant Cross in Hand Heathfield Sussex message to "Dear Ed" signed "Hector"."

Collapse of lock wall at Shoreham Harbour, Southwick. View of the first lock (now the Dry Dock) after part of the north side collapsed 16 April 1907. Workmen in dock, onlookers on quayside and dock gates. Masts of sailing ships visible in background, funnel of steam yacht in far distance. Building of Courtney & Birkett Ltd Engineering & Yacht Builders on left.

Lifeboat in New Road, Shoreham-by-Sea. Shoreham Lifeboat on a trailer pulled by two pairs of horses stands at the east end of New Road and the south end of Surry Street (right) with crew members on board, most wearing jerseys, white trousers and knitted hats. Crew includes Coxswain Hiram Maynard and Jim Upton. The boat is the William Restell, 35 feet long with a beam of 8 feet 6 inches and pulling ten oars. It was acquired in 1904 and in service until 1924, carried a crew of 13, and saved 19 lives. In background is A. Eade New Road Stores. Men and children stand in front of boat.

Lifeboat in the River Adur, Shoreham-by-Sea. Shoreham lifeboat, probably the William Restell, is pulled on a trailer with team of seven horsesto the boathouse on Shoreham beach near Stones boat yard. Horses and trailer partly immersed in the river at low tide, riders on five of the horses, five crew members in boat. Houses, buildings and boat slipway in background.

Soldiers in uniform on Parade, High Street, Shoreham-by-Sea during the First World War. With fixed bayonets and rifles. Two officers are on horseback on the right. Crown and Anchor public house, shop, and old Methodist Church are in background. The men are probably about to leave for action on the Western Front.

White Tented Army Camp, Shoreham-by-Sea. Row of tents in the valley in the distance. Men are in the field. The railway bridge and the English Channel are in the far distance. The field is behind Little Buckingham House, between the barn and Good Friday Hill. View looking south. Probably shortly before the First World War.

Seamen's Institute Mission Halls, Albion Street, Southwick. View from street towards front of two-storey building with three sash windows on first floor, windows and two entrance porches at street level. Seamen's Christian Friend Society" in large letters on first floor wall also "Seamen's Institute Mission Halls" and "Reading Room". "All are welcome" over right-hand porch. Noticeboard listing services and meetings. Later became the public library. Four men and a woman stand in entrance. Building was demolished in 1981."

Royal Sovereign pub, Middle Street, Shoreham-by-Sea. Front of the building with Mr. Harry Bish, landlord from 1917 to 1932, standing in doorway. Knapped flint building with brick surrounds to doors and windows, sash windows, pub sign The Royal Sovereign and advertisement for Brighton Rock Ales & Stouts.