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Sussex Archaeological Society Photo Archive no. 1

Football team, Shoreham-by-Sea. Thirteen team members in three rows standing and sitting in outdoor setting with trees in backtround. Twelve players wearing shirts in two different-coloured vertical halves, shorts with belts, long socks, boots, some with shinguards. Five men wearing suits, caps or hats, and ties stand in back row. On the ground in front a trophy with inscription Challenge Cup and ball dated 1902-03. Probably a Shoreham FC team as shirts are the same, and some team members and officials are the same, as in a other photographs. Centre of back row with bowler hat is Oswald Ball who was for a number of years team manager of Shoreham FC.

Wedding carriages outside Burrell Hotel, Ham Road, Shoreham-by-Sea. Five horse-drawn carriages wait in line, drivers wear top hats and buttoned jackets, horses have white rosettes below the ear to denote a wedding and coachmen have white ribbons on their whips. Burrell Hotel with the name T. P. Palmer over the door, signs Family & Commercial Hotel" "Dinners & Teas". Men wearing suits waistcoasts ties stand by the carriages group of children in background. Street lights attached to front of hotel."

Lifeboat the 1st 'William Restell' in the lifeboat shed with a notice above the door reading Royal National Lifeboat Institution Lifeboat Supported by Volunteer Contributions" with a crowd including many children and two dogs standing outside launching ropes on slip in foreground. Photocopy of an original photograph."

Harold Hume (Hal) Piffard (1867-1938) with his Pusher biplane, on the beach at Bungalow Town. Piffard stands to the left of the plane between the tall man in shirtsleeves and the man in the flat cap. Other men women and children in background. Plane is partly obscured, visible are wings, engine and propellor, struts, floats. The Pusher biplane was powered by a 40 HP ENV engine with a seven-foot propellor, front elevator and rear stabiliser. Information from the Worthing Herald 29 April 2004, p.19: Woman in the centre is Miss Barbara O'Manning, a former art student. Harold Hume Piffard, who pioneered the development of Shoreham aerodrome in 1909, was an old boy of Lancing College and later studied art in Paris and at the Royal Academy. Miss O'Manning helped Piffard design an early model aircraft and was involved in the construction of his full-sized aeroplane, the Humming Bird (also known as the Mayfly).

Two Bristol Box Kite biplanes piloted by Oscar Morison and Mr. Gilmour take part in an air race from Shoreham to Roedean on 13 May 1911. The planes are pictured flying above a grass-covered field with low buildings in background, possibly Shoreham Airport. Postcard inscribed on front Mr. Morison and Mr. Gilmour race from Shoreham to Roedean May 13/11. F. Rowe Shoreham"."

Graham Gilmour sits in his biplane (possibly a Bristol Box Kite) before leaving on a flight to Amesbury on 26 May 1911. Close view of front of plane, pilot wearing tam-o'-shanter hat and long coat. Wings, struts, wheels and runners clearly visible also part of propellor behind pilot. Three men stand in front of plane all wearing suits, hats, ties. Postcard inscribed on front Mr. Gilmour flies to Amesbury 100 miles May 26/11. F. Rowe". Postmarked 17 February 1912 and sent to Miss Bessie Clark Cornhill Rolvenden Kent with message: "My Dear Bessie this is a photo of the young Mr. Gilmour it is so sad we knew him so well through the flying ground. Many a chat with him I have had. I have his autographs with the others. Shoreham is quite upset about it knowing him so well. Write soon with love from us all had a photo of Tom this morning" unsigned. "

Cecil and Eric Pashley stand in front of their Farman biplane at Shoreham Airport. Both men wear suits and shirts with ties, one wears a cap. Close view of the propellor and engine at rear of cockpit, struts and wheels also visible. In background is hangar no. 6. Eric Pashley was killed in World War One, Cecil continued at Shoreham, formed the Southdown Flying Club, and trained pilots for many years.

Three-masted barque 'Britannia' on the River Adur moored at the Old Shipyard - later Suter's Yard - in Shoreham harbour. The ship weighed 800 tons, was built by Dyer & Son of Shoreham and was one of the last square-rigged built at Shoreham. The ship was wrecked during a hurricane on route to Montreal in September 1883, when 13 lives were lost including the Captain's wife and two children.

Three-masted schooner Osprey" in full sail at sea crew members on deck pennants and the Red Ensign flying from rear mast. Boat with five men in foreground three-masted ship in left background and sailing boat in right background.The "Osprey" was built at the Old Shipyard in New Shoreham in 1855-1856 by J. B. Balley for R. H. Penney for £3164. She was the first of Penney's vessels to be used for world-wide trade and was lost off Scotland in 1865."

Two-masted wooden brig in full sail flying the Red Ensign flag, with men in a rowing boat hauling in a lobster pot in the foreground. The ship weighed 198 tons and was built in 1854 by J.B. Balley in Shoreham, for £2558 for a Quaker coal-merchant R.H. Penney of Southwick. The ship continued in service as a collier for over 20 years. Photograph of an oil painting by W. Jenner.

Two-masted schooner in full sail flying the Red Ensign flag and a pennant reading 'Kingston' coming into harbour at Valletta, Malta on a stormy sea with another ship in the background. The ship weighed 105 tons and was the first to be built by May & Thwaites of Kingston, near Shoreham-by-Sea, in 1838, for a Quaker coal merchant E. Lucas for use as a collier. Print of a watercolour painting by Maltese artist Nicholas S. Cammillieri.
Sussex Archaeological Society Photo Archive no. 2

Southwick Cricket Club, Southwick. Eleven players and three other men sitting and standing in field with railings and houses in background. Players wear white shirts, sweaters and trousers, some wearing caps one wearing hat, one smoking pipe and one smoking cigarette. At left and right in back row stand two umpires with long white coats, far left back row a man in suit and cap and carrying possibly scorebook.

Southwick Cricket Club, Southwick. 24 male members of the club. 17 men are in whites, 3 umpires and 4 in suits are on Southwick Green. Back row L-R: ?, Bert Gilham, Art Gander, Owen Burtenshaw, ?, Alf Bushby, Reg Brasted,?, Cecil Williams, Harry Short, C. Denyer, A.E.R. Gilligan, ?, Billy Brown. Middle Row L-R: Tidler Bennett, Ron Bushby, S.P.B. Mais, ?, Tom Wilson, Tom Wadey. Front Row L-R: Frank Langdale, ?, Mr Kerridge, Bert Strong. Some are wearing peaked caps.

Penney & Sons, Albion Street, Southwick. Two-storey building with large entrance on street level, three sash windows on first floor. Sign R. H. Penney & Sons shipbrokers & sailmakers. Coal timber firewood merchants. Smokeless steam coal". Board advertising a coffee bar on ground floor. Three men wearing suits and hats one in sailor's uniform. The building later became the Seamen's Mission."

Albion Street, Southwick. View looking east. Methodist Church is on the left, and Courtney Birkett Ltd, motor engineers and boat builders, are on the far right. Man outside the church. Shops in the distance with awnings. Postmarked 23 August 1910. Sent to Mr W.E. Stringer, Delawarr Road, East Grinstead from Hector.

Southwick football club team, Southwick. Twelve players standing and sitting in three rows in field with trees in background, most wearing footbal shirts with vertical stripes. In foreground is low table and cloth with letters SFC holding four trophies. In back row are three men wearing suits and ties, head-and-shoulders photographs of two other men appear in insets above, one wearing jacket and tie the other in football shirt with horizontal stripes. Written on back Senior Cup 1913" and identifications - above: Upton and Linley; back row: Flynn unknown Grigson Woods Catlin Clark Herriot Wheatland; middle row: unknown Page Smart unknown Weller; front: Saunders unknown. "

Petrol distribution station at Turberville Wharf, Shoreham Harbour, Southwick. Elevated view with Lower Brighton Road in foreground, petrol station on left with signs National Benzine Mixture" "Wholesale Depot" "Turberville". One petrol tanker driving out of gates another in yard. Harbour in background with Mystery Towers under construction. Part of Penney's Wharf."

Rowing Boats, Shoreham-by-Sea. View from the ferry landing point on the south side of the River Arun and north end of Ferry Road. 5 rowing boats in foreground with passengers and ferrymen. Children. Boats named 'Lilian', 'Why Not' ? Family names on boats include, Fred Young, Upton, and W. Parsons. St Mary de Haura Church is in the distance. Boats on the other side of Shoreham Harbour can be seen.

The footbridge across the River Adur, Shoreham-by-Sea. View from the south end looking across the newly-built bridge towards the town, top of the tower of St Mary de Haura Church just visible centre right background. Wooden walkway, steel girders and barriers, lights hanging from overhead girders. The footbridge was built as a toll bridge in 1921 with the toll booth at the town end. Postcard with title The Drawbridge (New Footbrige) Shoreham". Postmarked 31 August 1921 sent to Warrant Engr J Woolger R.N. HMS Calypso Gibraltar with message "This is our new bridge I have not been on it yet waiting for you to take me. As usual from your T.L.W.""

Lion Statue being dismantled from the Norfolk Bridge, Shoreham-by-Sea. Statue is being prepared for its transfer to Arundel Castle. Four men in hats are overseeing the removal. The bridge was about to be demolished for a replacement. The stone lion was part of the Coat of Arms of the Duke of Norfolk. The lion and horse statues taken down from the bridge arches were removed to Arundel Castle at the request of the Duchess of Norfolk. Postcard addressed to Mr Cheal, Rosslyn Road, Shoreham.

High Street, Shoreham-by-Sea, looking east from Crown & Anchor pub before demolition of south side to widen the road. On left are shops including: Ernest Pierce Stationer, Mence Smith household stores, Flinn & Son dyers. In centre background is building with angled wooden boards on first floor to prevent debris falling into stree during demolition. On right are advertising posters for Bovril, Ronuk floor polish, Jas. L Mack estate agent. Lamp post in right foreground.

View across the River Adur to Shoreham-by-Sea, taken from Norfolk Bridge. In foreground the river and a rowing boat with a young woman and three children, and a model sailing boat. In background houses and buildings of Shoreham, the tower of St Mary de Haura Church, sailing boats on far side of river. Coloured postcard postmarked 29 July 1907 and sent to Miss Bennett, The Retreat, Lyme Regis, Dorset.

High Street, Shoreham-by-Sea, looking east from the west end. Shops on left including Harker ironmongers, Southdown Motor Services with poster advertising time-tables, tobacconists with advertisement for de Reszke cigarettes. Brewery chimney in distance, bus and open-top car on street, men and women walking. The Bridge Hotel on right.

Buckingham Road, Shoreham-by-Sea, looking north from the railway level crossing. Houses on left with low walls and hedges bordering front gardens, man rides bicycle, horse-drawn cart in distance. In right foreground is advertising poster for Bill's Wild West"possibly for the show of Colonel William "Buffalo Bill" Cody who was performing in the area in 1903. Postcard postmarked 13 August 1904 sent to Mrs. Woolmer 8 Queen's Place Shoreham.."
Sussex Archaeological Society Photo Archive no. 3

Sussex Pad Inn, Lancing. Inn sign in left foreground reads: The Sussex Pad Inn F.Smart with another sign on the same post: "Brighton Carriage Manufactory Brigden 187 Western Road". Inn in right middle ground with signs on wall including: "Open & Closed carriages for hire""Cyclists Teas Provided" "Stabling". Loaded horse-drawn cart in front of inn bicylce leaning against wall. The Sussex Pad Inn was situated on the Lancing Road now A27 and was destroyed by fire on 26 October 1905. "

East Street, Shoreham-by-Sea, looking south towards junction with High Street in right background. Large building on right with sign Collegiate School" along top in left background Dolphin Chambers on the south side of High Street. Man with cart in background. Photograph mounted on card with photographer's details printed on back."

East Street, Shoreham-by-Sea, looking south towards junction with High Street in right background. Large building on right with sign Collegiate School" along top in left background Dolphin Chambers on the south side of High Street. Man with cart in background. Photograph mounted on card with photographer's details printed on back."

Ham Road school and headmaster's house, Shoreham-by-Sea. View across street and flint-and-brick wall to headmaster's house on north side of Ham Road, with second building in background. House has jettied and tile-hung upper storey, rounded turret on east side. Man with handcart in road, boy and girl stand by wall. Ham Road School was built in 1875 as a Board School, enlarged in 1896 and 1907.

Chain-driven car with chauffeur in driving seat in the grounds of Buckingham House, Shoreham-by-Sea. Henry Head's new car at the back door of Buckingham House. Side view of open-topped car showing chain driving rear wheels, steering wheel, lights, horn, mudguards, leather seats. Chauffeur wears cap and greatcoat. Brick building partially visible background right, Dog in distant background.

Post Office, Brunswick Road, Shoreham-by-Sea, looking north towards railway crossing. New Post Office in left foreground, built in 1918 to serve the troops stationed in Shoreham. Sign on booth Buy War Loan". In right foreground Street's Tea Roomsin left middle ground Gigin's bakers with motorised vehicle in front. Pencil-writen message to "Dear Dad" reads in part "This is a card of the new P.O. first I have seen" mentions "planes brought down in the last raid" and "I have just heard this morning that a boat has been torpedoed off Worthing during last night"."

Single funnel steamship F. E. Webb" passes through the lock at Southwick Shoreham Harbour. View from front showing bow and side of vessel masts and funnel. Three men stand in foreground masts and buildings in left background old gasworks building far right background. Postcard postmarked 24 August 1912 sent to Mr. W. E. Stringer 22 Oxford Grove Ilfracombe message to "Dear Ed" signed "Mum"."

The steamship Seaford"owned by Mr Stephenson-Clarke enters the locks Shoreham Harbour Southwick. View from on shore looking toward bow of ship lifeboat on deck masts and single funnel visible. On left a three-masted sailing ship with rigging visilble two men on cross-tree of foremast unfurling sail. Southwick Town Hall in background on left. Postmarked Southwick Brighton 27 September 1914 sent to Mr. Stringer Holmbush Mount Pleasant Cross in Hand Heathfield Sussex message to "Dear Ed" signed "Hector"."

Collapse of lock wall at Shoreham Harbour, Southwick. View of the first lock (now the Dry Dock) after part of the north side collapsed 16 April 1907. Workmen in dock, onlookers on quayside and dock gates. Masts of sailing ships visible in background, funnel of steam yacht in far distance. Building of Courtney & Birkett Ltd Engineering & Yacht Builders on left.

Lifeboat in New Road, Shoreham-by-Sea. Shoreham Lifeboat on a trailer pulled by two pairs of horses stands at the east end of New Road and the south end of Surry Street (right) with crew members on board, most wearing jerseys, white trousers and knitted hats. Crew includes Coxswain Hiram Maynard and Jim Upton. The boat is the William Restell, 35 feet long with a beam of 8 feet 6 inches and pulling ten oars. It was acquired in 1904 and in service until 1924, carried a crew of 13, and saved 19 lives. In background is A. Eade New Road Stores. Men and children stand in front of boat.

Lifeboat in the River Adur, Shoreham-by-Sea. Shoreham lifeboat, probably the William Restell, is pulled on a trailer with team of seven horsesto the boathouse on Shoreham beach near Stones boat yard. Horses and trailer partly immersed in the river at low tide, riders on five of the horses, five crew members in boat. Houses, buildings and boat slipway in background.

Soldiers in uniform on Parade, High Street, Shoreham-by-Sea during the First World War. With fixed bayonets and rifles. Two officers are on horseback on the right. Crown and Anchor public house, shop, and old Methodist Church are in background. The men are probably about to leave for action on the Western Front.

White Tented Army Camp, Shoreham-by-Sea. Row of tents in the valley in the distance. Men are in the field. The railway bridge and the English Channel are in the far distance. The field is behind Little Buckingham House, between the barn and Good Friday Hill. View looking south. Probably shortly before the First World War.

Seamen's Institute Mission Halls, Albion Street, Southwick. View from street towards front of two-storey building with three sash windows on first floor, windows and two entrance porches at street level. Seamen's Christian Friend Society" in large letters on first floor wall also "Seamen's Institute Mission Halls" and "Reading Room". "All are welcome" over right-hand porch. Noticeboard listing services and meetings. Later became the public library. Four men and a woman stand in entrance. Building was demolished in 1981."

Royal Sovereign pub, Middle Street, Shoreham-by-Sea. Front of the building with Mr. Harry Bish, landlord from 1917 to 1932, standing in doorway. Knapped flint building with brick surrounds to doors and windows, sash windows, pub sign The Royal Sovereign and advertisement for Brighton Rock Ales & Stouts.
Sussex Archaeological Society Photo Archive no. 4

The barque 'Alastor' anchored off Port-Louis, Mauritius after being dismasted during a hurricane in the Indian Ocean, whilst outward bound around the Horn. The ship was built in 1875 by Mounsey & Foster of Sunderland, weighed 873 gross tons and was owned by R. H. Penney of Shoreham. The 'Alastor' was the only Shoreham vessel ever to carry a skysail and her first suit of sails were the largest ever made at Penney's sail loft.

The barque 'Alastor' at sea in full sail and flying the Red Ensign flag, cliffs in the background, other boats and ships nearby and a buoy in the foreground. The ship was built in 1875 by Mounsey & Foster of Sunderland, weighed 873 gross tons and was owned by R. H. Penney of Shoreham. The 'Alastor' was the only Shoreham vessel ever to carry a skysail and her first suit of sails were the largest ever made at Penney's sail loft.

"The barque Britannia" at the Old Shipyard (later Suter's) Shoreham by Sea. Close view from the stern showing completed three masted ship supported on stocks on the river bank with masts, rigging, hull and keel clearly visible. Men on deck and on foreshore. River Adur in foreground, buildings on either side of ship and in background. 'Britannia' was one of the last two ships (apart from yachts) to be built at Shoreham."

Members of Shoreham Cricket Club pose for a group photograph standing and sitting in three rows in front of the pavilion and scoreboard at the club ground in Buckingham Park. Most wearing white open-neck shirts and white trousers. Inscription on mount Shoreham Cricket Club. To Mr. & Mrs. Brooke. From the club 1952". Identified as: Left to rightBack Row: S. Maple (Umpire) J. Dugnolle K.Lowe F. Wells A. Mills F.Barker L.Heasman T.Hollands G.Smart B.Ratcliff M.Thomas P.Cunningham E.Bates C.J.Shoppee N.Mederson F.Scott V.Ballardini R.Hales T.Brooks E.Hempson (Umpire) Middle Row: G.Rodway M.Scott G.Gammans J.Ward D.Harman E.Turrell W.Bushby P.O.Brand B.Williams T.Stenning E.Winton D.Christie Front Row: M.Miller (scorer) B.Pryce E.R.Winton R.Bartlett D.Timms E.Webb A.Best

Ship's bell from HMS Shoreham 1931 commissioning, close view of the bell hanging in front of dark curtain backdrop. Decorative relief at top and bottom of bell, inscription Presented to HMS Shoreham on the occasion of her first commission 1931" round the rim and "...& Harbour of Shoreham..." on the top with letter F above. The HMS Shoreham commissioned in 1931 was the third or fourth Royal Navy ship of this name."

Sunday School Gathering, Buckingham House, Shoreham-by-Sea. Boys and young men sit around a table in the grounds of Buckingham House, four men, including a vicar, and a woman stand in background. Boys dressed in their Sunday best" - wearing jackets most with ties some with a flower buttonhole and straw boaters at their feet all looking seriously towards photographer. Centre right at back wearing boater is Henry Head man at back right wearing top hat is possibly Dr. W. H. Harper church organist. "

Coronation Float, John Street, Shoreham-by-Sea. 1937 Coronation. Open backed float with miniature snooker table onboard and men in hats, dressed in white. Photograph of King George V and Queen Mary on the side of the float. Lorry belonged to John Brown and Son. Picture taken in the Old Grammar School playground in John Street. House in the background.

The Liburna wrecked off Shoreham-by-Sea. Side view showing full length of two-masted barque aground just offshore,bowsprit, masts, rigging and some sail visible. Group of onlookers on beach. Postcard with illegible postmark sent to Miss Short, Auckland Cott, Fishersgate, Portslade, Sussex, message to Dear Florrie" signed "Maud"."

Shoreham football club team, Shoreham-by-Sea. Group portrait taken outdoors of the 1905-06 team, winners of several trophies. Players sitting and standing in three rows, in foreground three trophies left-to-right: Royal Irish Rifles Challenge Cup, West Sussex Senior League Cup, Sussex Senior Cup. Ten of the eleven players wearing shirts with vertical stripes laced at the neck, long socks, boots. Three men wearing suits, waistcoats and with watch-chains stand in second row including Mr. Oswald Ball, second from right with moustache, headmaster of Ham Road School. Full identifications given as left-to-right - back row: G. Gates, J. W. Brooker, Art Maple; middle row: H. Reeks Esq. President, F.Stubbings, Alf Maple, W. Ellmer, O. Ball Hon. Sec., J. E. Hackett; front row: W. Slaughter, A. E. Longstaff, E. D. Gates (captain), H. Upton, C. Peak.

Shoreham football club team, Shoreham-by-Sea. Group portrait taken outdoors of the 1905-06 team, winners of the Sussex League, Challenge Cup and other competitions. Most players wearing shirts with vertical stripes laced at the neck, long socks, boots. Identifications include: middle row left-to-right: W. Slaughter, A.E. Longstaff, E. D. Gates (captain), unknown, C. Peak; front row left: F. Stubbings. Four men not wearing playing kit stand in back row including Mr. Oswald Ball, centre with bowler hat, pipe and moustache (team manager and headmaster of Ham Road School), and trainer J. E. Hackett on right..

Motor car outside Marlipins, Shoreham-by-Sea. Side view of car in foreground showing wheels, running-board, mudguards, suitcase tied on back, man waves cap from window of front passenger seat. Marlipins and Gates the Builders (now Marlipins museum) in background. Men women and children wave at car from pavement.

Sussex Pad Inn destroyed by fire, Lancing. Woman and children look at still-smoking rubble of the Sussex Pad Inn after it was destroyed by fire on 26 October 1905. Possibly fireman in uniform and two other men stand on pile of bricks, policeman in uniform on left. Bicyles lean against fence on right.

89.859 View along the busy High Street showing on the south side: the Crown & Anchor pub with a large model of a pirate standing in a ship above the door, Methodist Church, Town Hall, Royal George pub served by the Kemp Town brewery; north side: the Marlipins museum and pub, small shops with awnings onto street; many cars and a motorbike with a sidecar in the road, a light strung across the street. Photographic postcard.
Sussex Archaeological Society Photo Archive no. 5

Norfolk Bridge across the River Adur, the chain-link suspension bridge (built 1832 and demolished in the 1920s). View from the west looking across river towards Shoreham town. Bridge on left with stone arches with horse and lion statues on top, stone piers, girders. Two-masted barque at wharf on far side of the river. Buildings in background including square tower of St Mary de Haura church (just to the left of the barque) and the spire of St Peter's Catholic church in centre

Opening ceremony (headed by Lord Leconfield) for the new arched iron bridge over the River Adur, taken from the Shoreham side, showing the toll booth and bridge hung with flags and bunting and crowd of men, women and children, a car crossing the bridge, a decorator's sign reading E.M. Curd Shoreham". Photograph presented by R.A. Leggett

Norfolk Bridge across the River Adur, the chain-link suspension bridge (built 1832 and demolished in the 1920s). View from south-east with River Adur and three-masted sailing boat in foreground. Full length of bridge seen from south side with stone arches at each end with lion and horse statues on top, suspension girders, stone piers.

The old chain suspension bridge taken from the west side (built 1832 and demolished in the 1920s) over the River Adur showing decorative arches topped with horse and lion statues and two toll booths with gated carriage way, the toll keeper stands at the gate, men and a boy stand to one side, toll information on a sign.

The new bridge over the River Adur under construction, showing building of large support column with steam pump removing river water and steam crane with attached bucket, the column is encased in wooden shuttering and slabs are in the water below. Reprinted from an original glass negative by Robert Hill.

Opening of new" Norfolk Bridge across the River Adur Shoreham-by-Sea. View fom the east end looking across the bridge with arched girders decorative bunting. Man wearing bowler hat seen from the back opening gate in foreground. The steel bridge was opened 04 July 1923. replacing the chain-link suspension bridge built in 1832. The opening ceremony was performed by Lord Leconfield."

Recently built arched bridge viewed from the north end, showing toll booths (First tollbooth removed 1922, the second one removed 1928), decorative metal gate, and toll keeper with others, including a woman in dress atypical of the period. Lettering on back reads Presented by A.R. Great Yarmouth 1973"."

The River Adur and Shoreham-by-Sea. View from Norfolk Bridge looking east, River Adur in foreground with moored sailing boats and fishing boats and two steam vesssels centre. Buildings along bank on left, Shoreham Beach in distant background. Postmarked 27 September 1908 and sent to Miss Nellie Pepper, Angel, Islington.

River Adur and Shoreham-by-Sea. View from the footbridge towards the north bank, with River Adur in foreground, group of swans, moored sailing boat, fishing boat and large steam vessel in centre background. Houses and buildings along river bank in background. Shoreham Yacht Club in possession of Stow's boatyard.

Looking west down the High Street showing the Town Hall with a bicycle and cars parked outside, the Royal George hotel bearing signs reading Tom Jones" and a statue above the door cyclists on the road brewery chimney in the distance. Photographic postcard with a half-pence King Edward VII stamp postmarked Lancing - Worthing 2 pm March 30 1907. A & G Taylor's "Reality" series postcards. "

High Street, Shoreham-by-Sea. View looking west. Crown and Anchor pub, Methodist chapel, Town Hall, Royal George Hotel on the left. Barclays Bank and Marlipins Pub on the right. Vans on the street. People on the street. Postmarked 5 October, 1931, sent by Harry in Northampton to aunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs J.G..Gulliver, 5 St Mary's Terrace, Shoreham.

Shop at the corner of High Street and West Street of J.W. Patching, Grocer and Oilman, with the sign advertising brushes, brooms, lamps and mats.The shop is hung with baskets and bags, a bicycle leans against one window, a closed horse-drawn delivery van waits oustide the shop loaded with Patching's goods, an advertisement for Reckitt's Blue" is on the wall next door."

High Street, Shoreham-by-Sea. View from south end of John Street, looking east. Royal George Pub in foreground with the A.A. sign. Public toilets next to it, lamp post. Town Hall, with classical facade, and World Stores is near it. Row of bollards with bicycles parked. Methodist Church with gothic elements. Brewery chimney in the distance. Clock on the far left. Cafe sign, shop awnings. Car in the distance.

Launching of Cretegaff, Shoreham Harbour, Southwick. The moulded concrete Cretegaff" is towed into the harbour by the paddle-steamer tug "Stella" after being launched. Union flag flies from Cretegaff's mast and bow red ensign at the stern. In foreground the ship yard with men watching the launch. Buildings of Southwick on north shore background."

Paddle steamer SS Brighton Queen" at sea rear and side of the vessel clearly visible passengers and lifeboat on deck funnel at far end. Postcard postmarked Brighton 18 August 1906 and with second postmark Assmannshausen 19 August 1906 sent to J. Lewis Polytecnic Party Assmanshausen am Rhein Germany with message on picture side "A calm sea and a happy voyage home Louisa". The SS Brighton Queen was a passenger vessel working along the south coast and was mined or torpedoed while on transport duty early in World War One."

Three-masted barque Alastor" discharges timber at Greenland Docks part of the Surrey dock upriver from Greenwich. Close view showing the stern with the inscription "Alastor Hango" three masts with sails furled piles of timber on dockside. Man stands in boat under the stern. The "Alastor" was built at Iliff Mounsey's yard in Sunderland in 1875 for R. H. Penney of Southwick and 24 other Quakers one of a series of three built for the New Zealand trade. She survived until after World War Two."
Sussex Archaeological Society Photo Archive no. 6

Olley Air Service twin-engined biplane at Shoreham Airport. Close view from the side showing front of plane, a Dragon-Rapide. Cockpit with pilot, propellors, part of wing with struts and part of fuselage with windows clearly visible, Olley Air Service Ltd on side. Airline services from the airport grew in 1937 but the following year saw the start of training for bomber pilots.

Shoreham Railway Station. Original Mocatta station building; rebuilt 1886. At the junction of Buckingham Road and Brunswick Road. Shoreham-by-Sea. Railway track and signals. Station worker in uniform on left leaning on wall. Outside gas lighting. Buckingham Arms Public House in the background. Crossing gates in the distance. Signal box on right. People at the station door.

Two Horse Drawn Tram. Single decker tram (no.10) with passengers. Brighton to Shoreham Tramway 1912. Outside a flint and stone structure. Driver with cap and whip. Boy conductor, Albert Jones?, at 13 was the youngest conductor in the organisation. Man in suit and bowler hat is standing beside him. The tram used to be a double decker? Copy photograph.

Wesleyan Methodist Church, Brunswick Road, Shoreham-by-Sea. View taken from across the road showing gable end of church and church hall on left, low brick-and-stone wall in front topped by iron railings. Posters on railings including one announcing a talk on Fifteen years of a Black Republic". The church was built in 1900."

Southwick Canal, Shoreham Harbour, looking north east with small boat and water in foreground, several rigged ships and single funnel steam yacht at moorings. Three-gabled building on left is Courtney & Birkett Engineers and Yacht Builders. Postcard postmarked 25 September 1909, sent to Mr. F. Dockerill, 125 Sussex Street, Brighton.

Steam yacht moored in Southwick Canal, Shoreham Harbour. Beach in foreground with small boats and fishing boats, single funnel steam yacht on left, building on right with advertisement for Smithers & Sons Ltd Fine Ales & Stouts, lock in background with Courtney & Birkett Engineers and Yacht Builders to the right.

Ferry Road, Shoreham Beach, loking north towards Shoreham-by-Sea town centre in distance, St Mary de Haura church visible on skyline. Shops on both sides of Ferry Road including from right G. Van - Butcher, tea rooms, newsagent, cafe and sports club. Street light/lamp post, telegraph poles, cars, post box on left.

The Bungalows, Lancing Beach. Looking east with row of bungalows on right, beach and sea on left. Handcart on road, woman standing. Many of the bungalows at Lancing and Shoreham were built of two railway carriages with a connecting room and wooden outer structure, as can be seen from the house in foreground. Postcard postmarked 4 March 1908, sent to Mrs. Westgate, The Broadway, Woking, Surrey, message signed Henrietta Turnock.

Shoreham Beach, the Lido. View across West Beach to the Lido, including a restaurant and beach huts, concrete sea wall with deck chairs stacked against wall. The Lido was built c1934 and demolished during beach clearance at the start of World War Two.The Lido was on the beach near the south end of Ferry Road

Bungalow Town, Shoreham Beach. Postcard with title West Beach Bungalow Town" showing bungalows on Shoreham beach possibly at Widewater/West Beach area. View from sea across beach to bungalows in background. The two on the right are railway carriage conversions - many of the bungalows were formed of two railyway carriages with outer structure added.

Bungalow Town, Shoreham Beach. View looking along beach with row of bungalows on right, many made from old railway carriages with outer wooden structure added. House in right foreground has a verandah. The beach immediately in front of the bungalows is divided by post-and-wire fences. Postcard with title The Bungalows

Norfolk Bridge and Shoreham Beach, view across the River Adur looking west towards houses at the western end of Shoreham Beach in distant background with spire of the Church of the Good Shepherd visible on skyline at left. On the right is a close view of girders, steelwork and a brick pier of Norfolk Bridge (constructed 1920s). In foreground the River Adur at low tide showing part of the old oyster beds.

Bungalow Town, Shoreham Beach, Shoreham-by-Sea. View along pebble beach in foreground looking east with bungalows on left, low wicket fencing in front, some with verandah and balcony, some with flagpoles. Bollard on beach for mooring boats. Coloured postcard postmarked 7 May 1907, sent to Mrs. Chatfield, Stroods Farm, Cuckfield, signed E. Backshull (or Backshall).Early Bungalow Town postcard - Villa Lido bungalow is the three-gabled building on the right.
Sussex Archaeological Society Photo Archive no. 7

Manor House, Kingston, near Shoreham-by-Sea. On the corner of St Julian's Lane and Kingston Lane. Flint facade with tile roofing. Tall chimneys. General Corringe lived there in the 1920s. Later became Caius College, then Shoreham Grammar School, then Shoreham College. Comedian Max Miller (Thomas Sargent), lived at Ashcroft in Kingston Lane in the 1940s.

Lock wall under repair, Shoreham Harbour, Southwick. Close view of the first lock (now the Dry Dock) after part of the north wall collapsed 16 April 1907. Workmen stand on the rubble and on a boat in the dock, onlookers on quayside, masts of sailing ship visible above lock gates in background, boat in foreground.
Sussex Archaeological Society Photo Archive no. 8

Twin Mystery Towers, Kingston Beach, near Shoreham-by-Sea. One tower is completed and ready to sail with flags flying. Second tower is under construction. One of the two towers was later re-named the Nab Tower and towed to the Solent to replace a lightship off the Isle of Wight. Man and boy are on the shore. c.1919

Twin Mystery Towers, Kingston Beach, near Shoreham-by-Sea. One tower is completed and ready to sail with flags flying. Second tower is under construction. One of the two towers was later re-named the Nab Tower and towed to the Solent to replace a lightship off the Isle of Wight. Man and boy are on the shore. c.1919

Twin Mystery Towers, Kingston Beach, near Shoreham-by-Sea. One tower is completed and ready to sail with flags flying. Second tower is under construction. One of the two towers was later re-named the Nab Tower and towed to the Solent to replace a lightship off the Isle of Wight. Man and boy are on the shore. c.1920

Brunswick Road, Shoreham-by-Sea, looking north towards railway crossing with raised barrier visible in distance. Shops on right side of road, some with awnings, including from right: G. Hart florist and seedsman, Channel Laundry, A. Street Luncheons and Teas. Man wearing suit, hat and tie crosses street, woman wearing long skirt and hat on pavement. High wall on left bordering gardens of St Mary's House in St Mary's Road, later the site of the Post Office and Lloyds Bank.

East Street, Shoreham-by-Sea. View looking south to River Adur and the beach. Boots chemists and Findlater wine and spirits shops are on the right. Cars parked on the right near the shop awning. Woman walking down the street. Pride Opticians on the left. Buildings with tile roofing. Zebra crossing in the distance. c.1950

Brunswick Road, Shoreham-by-Sea,c.1906 looking north towards railway crossing and signal box in distance. Houses on right side of road, several converted into shops with shop windows on ground floor. Shop on right is F. Mederson ironmongers. High wall on left probably bordering garden of St Mary's House in St Mary's Road. Shops and the post office were later built on the left side of the road. Children on pavement including girl wearing pinafore. Postcard postmarked 09 August 1907 and sent from Tunbridge Wells to Gunner R. S.? Barnes, No. 9 Company, 1st Sussex Regiment, Newhaven, signed H. Barnes.

Victoria Road, Shoreham-by-Sea, looking north. Houses with bay windows on both sides of street, man on bicycle, handcart with dead rabbits presumably for sale, delivery man wearing overall talks to woman in front garden, cat crosses street. Postcard sent to Miss Cobby c/o Messrs Jackson & Son, Market Place, Newbury, c.1900

South Down School, Southdown Road, Shoreham-by-Sea. View across pavement and low garden wall to school at centre of a row of three houses with bay sash windows. Gateposts inscribed Southdown School". House at left has name "Ferndale" on gatepost and "House to Let" sign in window. Title of postcard is "South Down School c.1920

Three ivy-clad cottages at the junction of Southdown road and Mill Lane, two people standing outside the houses, a broken fence across the road, terraced houses and a street lamp in the background. The cottages are now known as 'Trinity Cottages' and have been renovated with dormer windows added. Reproduction of an original photograph. c.1905

Thatched cottages in The Street, Old Shoreham viewed from north with a man in a cap seated on a grassy bank bordering the path and three figures in the distance. The cottages are now called 'Hunter's Moon' and previously 'Elm Tree Cottage'. Coloured photographic postcard, with the name Michael Norman" printed on the back."

Dolphin Soap Works, near Shoreham-by-Sea. Woman and a boy stacking bars of soap. Wooden packing boxes on the left marked with J. Evershed & Son, Soap Makers, Brighton. They are cutting soap into tablets using a hand operated machine. The soap works moved in 1895 from Eastern Road, Brighton, to Dolphin Road, Kingston, near Shoreham.

Horse-drawn tram, Brighton Road, Kingston. Open-topped double-decker horse-drawn tram on Brighton Road near Kingston Beach lighthouse. Driver behind horses, conductor stands alongside wearing cap, suit, tie and with shoulder-bag. Open staircase leading to top deck, two women sit on top at front. Houses on left, open-topped double-decker motor bus in background.
Sussex Archaeological Society Photo Archive no. 9

A Lee-Richards annular monoplane at Shoreham Airport. Rear view of plane on grass-covered airfield showing unusual circular wing from the tail to the nose with central cut-out" area for cockpit; propellor partly visible at front. Plane designed by Cedric Lee and G. Tilghman-Richards; first flown over Worthing and Lancing by Gordon England on 23 November 1913 and crashed after 45 minutes flight; badly injuring the pilot's knee. Two later versions of the annular plane were built but its inherent instability could not be corrected and the design was dropped in 1914."

Crashed Messerschmitt, near New Salts Farm, Shoreham-by-Sea. ME109 (Work No.5068) plane was shot down on the morning of Tuesday, 13 August 1940. Men in civilian clothes and military uniform are standing behind the plane. The pilot was Oberleutnant Paul Temme. The plane was shot down by Sargeant J.P. Mills of 43 Squadron, based at Tangmere.

Bon Marche, Brunswick Road, Shoreham-by-Sea. Clothes and general shop opened in 1915, owned by Arthur Cottee and his wife, Connie (neeAyling). The shop window at no.32 displays underwear, hats for sale; the shop at no.30 sells toys, postcards, stationery, model yachts, pens, baskets, magazines. Lighting outside the shop. c.1915

Dolphin Chambers, Shoreham-by-Sea, close view of one side of building, four bay windows with multi-paned sash windows. Midland Bank Limited" in lower right window. High Street to right with Eades stores visible. Traffic sign "Slow major road ahead" and belisha beacon on pavement. Dolphin Chambers was demolished in 1938 as part of the road-widening of the High Street."

Paddle steamers Mistletoe" and "Stella" at Southwick Lock Shoreham Harbour. The tugs each with single funnel each with single funnel forward mast two paddles. The Stella was built at South Shields in 1879. Three-storied wooden warehouse (Courtney and Birketts shipyard building) on right behind steamers moored rowing boat at left masted ship in background. "

Five children sitting on a grassy patch in Kingston Lane, Southwick, amongst hedge rows and near wooden gates and fences. St Michael's Church in middle distance is visible through the trees. The two boys wear suits and three girls wear aprons, one girl reads to the rest of the group. Reproduction of a coloured photograph, titled A Rural Glimpse Southwick near Brighton"."c.1905

Crew of the 'Happy Return', Shoreham-by-Sea. Studio portrait of the conquerors in the four-oared Galley Races at the Brighton, Shoreham, Worthing, Dover, Deal and Margate Regattas in 1864. Five men pose around a table holding trophies. The two men at the back are R.B. Dell (left) and W. Mason (right). Two men seated are T. Gravett (left) and F. Griggs (right). Man sitting on the cushion on the floor is C. Jones.

The 'Happy Return' galley with its crew of (L-R): T. Gravett, R.B. Dell, W. Mason, F. Griggs and cox C. Jones on the Southwick Canal in Shoreham harbour. The men, who were a famously successful crew, wear white shirts, trousers and caps and are holding the oars, buildings on the coast in the background. Donated by Mr J.E. Dell. See also group portrait of the crew (image number: SHORM93.2166).c.1864

First Aid Party, Ham Road, Shoreham-by-Sea. Group photograph of a first aid party, comprising 22 men in navy coloured dungarees and each with gas masks over their right shoulders. Two ambulances (one with Registration No. F57560) and a vehicle are parked behind them. Bernard Parsons, Dr Ledger and Mr Holland are included in the portrait. World War Two. 1940

Albion Street, Southwick. Street decorated with flags in aid of the War Fund. House on the left is decorated with portraits of Queen Victoria. Crowd of men, women and children. Shops with awnings. Terraced houses. Double decker tram (open top) with passengers. Man with mule carrying a child. Horse and cart for London Stores on the right. Advert for Borwick's baking powder.

Coronation Day of Edward VII, Southwick Green, Southwick. Men women and children - all wearing hats or caps - gather on the green to celebrate, general view with group of four girls in foreground, many people in circle around flagpole on the green, babies in prams, person in bathchair, large houses in background. Buildings in distance, from left: The Green Board School, headmaster's house and the National School. A signal box can be seen in the gap between the houses.

High Street, Shoreham-by-Sea. Crown and Anchor Inn with men, women and children outside. Mitchells Genuine Steyning London Stout is advertised over the entrance. Image if a crown and anchor over the entrance. Street light. William Woolgar English is mentioned over the door. Poster for Theatre Royal and Opera House, Brighton, advertising Madlle Beatrice's Comedy Drama. Tile roofing and rendered walls.1880

Robert Page's stable and horse-drawn vehicles, Shoreham-by-Sea. View from street towards front of stable at west end of High Street, Norfolk House with name-board above door on the right. Covered horse-drawn wagon on left with sign on canvas Robert Page Brighton Shoreham luggage & parcel express". Small horse-drawn carriage with top down on right another leaving the yard. Drivers wearing top hats or bowlers man (possibly blacksmith) wearing apron and carrying toolbox stands in entrance. Sign on wall "Robert Page Carrier & Contractor ombnibus & fly proprietor. Open & closed flys large & small wagonettes. Household removals. Hire carts & vans by the hour or the day". Posters advertising theatres auction Southdown Hunt Steeplechase and other events. Men women children and policeman in uniform stand around doorway on right."

Gypsy Moth biplane on the concrete runway at Shoreham Airport. Side view of the plane with letters G-AADA on the side, and logo of South Coast Flying Club. Propellor, wheels, struts, wings, fuselage, tail clearly visible. Man in overalls pushing plane into position. Lancing College chapel and south downs in background.1935. 17.2.36 DH.60G Gipsy Moth G-AADA, South Coast Flying Club, Shoreham Dived in, Walberton, near Arundel Edward Myers (25) died 18.2.36 (pilot) Miss Ruby Dickerson (25) killed

Marlipins, High Street, Shoreham-by-Sea. Site of the Marlipins (before it became the museum) with the black and white chequered Caen stone and flint panels facade. Window with segmental head above the wooden doors. Notice boards. Photograph taken in 1925 when it was being opened to the public to solicit contributions for its restoration.

Fire Brigade members with challenge cup at fire brigade headquarters in Parkside ?, Shoreham-by-Sea. Twelve firemen wearing brass helmets and uniforms, long double-breasted jackets with belts, some wearing medals, pose in two rows sitting and standing with the silver Challenge Cup on floor in front. Chief Officer Captain Arthur Burfoot second from left in front row wearing cap, second officer A. C. Turrell third from left front row. Other members of the brigade identified as (order unknown): Third Officer G. Stevens; Chief Engineer C. Turner; Driver W. Farley; Firemen George Turrell, G. Turner, Wm. Turrell, Cecil Reed, T. Laws, W. Bailey, A. Laker.

Surviving members of Shoreham-by-Sea lifeboat crew 1890 - 1910, posed for a group studio portrait. The Upton brothers (pictured L-R standing : Alf, Harry, Chris, seated: Fred, Jim, William) were all seamen, fishermen and oarsmen and sons of the cox James Upton known as Grand Old Man of Shoreham". Another brother was drowned bringing in a small boat."

Formal waist-up portrait of John B. Balley, son of noted shipbuilder James Britton Balley. Oval-shaped photograph, black-and white with the eyes hand-coloured in blue. Balley has full beard and moustache, wears jacket, waistcoat and tie, large-linked chain looped across waistcoat with one circular attachment and one rectangular with letter B on front.
Sussex Archaeological Society Photo Archive no. 10

Hospital Parade, Shoreham-by-Sea. Men, women and children are watching a parade marching down Brunswick Road. Men are matching with banners a drums followed by boy scouts. Eade's Store is on the left in Buckingham Road. Railway buildings are in the background right. Photograph taken from a glass negative. 1912

Mr Goodchild of Shoreham and his family. Family portrait of men, women and children. They are on the lawn outside a house. Woman in the centre window with a baby. Croquet set in the foreground. Mr Edward Goodchild was the High Constable of Shoreham, Ship Owner and once proprietor of the Swiss Gardens. c.1860

Interior of St Nicolas Parish Church, Old Shoreham, looking east along the nave across pews towards altar. Cruxiform shape with north and south transepts. Norman stone arch with 'zigzag' carving and cat's head in centre, writing on walls around arch. The chanel is entered through the screen. Altar in background. c.1920

Interior of St Nicolas Parish Church, Old Shoreham, looking east along the nave across pews towards altar. Cruxiform shape with north and south transepts. Norman stone arch with 'zigzag' carving and cat's head in centre, writing on walls around arch. The chanel is entered through the screen. Altar in background.

Holidaymakers at Lancing Holiday Camp. Men women and children in open-topped bus and open-topped car pose for a photograph taken from south of the A259 road with buildings of Lancing Holiday Camp in background and south Downs in the distance. Women mostly wearing hats or berets, men mostly wearing suits and some with ties. The holiday camp was founded in 1922 and situated between the railway and the A259 road at Lancing. c.1930

Lancing Windmill, near Lancing Ring, Lancing. Close view of post mill with four sweeps (sails) on top of hill, near Lancing Ring. Mr. Moseley the miller stands in doorway wearing suit and cap. Other men on steps of mill and standing to one side near chalk pit. House and barn with piles of loaded sacks in background, group of trees known as Lancing Clump (now Lancing Ring) on skyline. Mill was originally in Hoe Court, but later moved to the south of Lancing Ring, adjacent to the quarry at top of Mill Lane. The windmill was demolished about 1905. photo c.1875

High Street Store, Shoreham-by-Sea. Arthur Eade is the owner. Double fronted shop with a shop assistant in white jacket, bow tie and long apron work clothes by the entrance. Window displays vim, Abbotts mineral water, bread, boxes, cakes. Boxes of biscuits at the door. People and a child are in the shop. Woman inside the shop looking out the window. c.1905

Interior of the bedroom of a railway carriage bungalow, Bungalow Town, Shoreham Beach. Decorative chest of drawers, brass bedstead, wooden chairs, photographs on wall, clothes and straw boater hat hanging on hook, candlestick with candle, net curtains, oilcloth and rug on floor. Many of the houses in Bungalow Town were made of two railway carriages with a connecting room built between them. c.1928
Sussex Archaeological Society Photo Archive no. 11

c1900 High Street, Shoreham-by-Sea, looking west with buildings on both sides of street including from left: post office, chemist shop, Brett tailor, the Crown & Anchor, Methodist chapel, more shops, town hall with classical entrance, Royal George Hotel. Horse-drawn carts in distance, men and women on pavement, bicycle leaning against building on right.

1938 Demolition of Dolphin Chambers and Albion Brewery, Shoreham-by-Sea, looking west into High Street. In foreground rubble of Albion Brewery and chimney still standing, in background partly-demolished Dolphin Chambers. Pierce's stationer's and lending library in right background on corner of Church Street, advertisement for Shoreham Herald on building on right. Three men stand in right foreground.

Albion Steam Brewery, High Street, Shoreham-by-Sea, looking east towards brewery with tall chimney in background. Sign on left upper storey of brewery Little Wonder boot & shoe warehouse". Buildings and shops on right including Crown & Anchor pub; Reed grocer and draper; Mitchell post office. In left background a butcher and Paine. Two young women stand in road."

c1905 Buckingham Lodge, Upper Shoreham Road, Shoreham-by-Sea. Lodge and gates at the driveway to Buckingham House with smaller gate on the right. Lodge is single-storey with arched window and two chimney pots, lamp attached to wall. Man wearing bowler hat and boy wearing cap stand in driveway, both wearing jackets, waistcoats and ties. Dog sits next to man. Postcard postmarked 26 May 1906, sent to Miss Hart, c/o Hugh King, 5 Yelverton Road, Bournemouth. Message says in part what do you think of the photo good don't you think especially old Roy" signed George."

Buckingham House, Shoreham-by-Sea. View of south east elevation. Two small children are standing on the driveway in front of the main entrance. Facade in the classical style with fluted corinthian pillars flanking the central doorway. Three French windows on the main facade with rounded arch tops. Entablature with ornamental urns.

Family and friends of Major T. B. Gates posed for a portrait (includes the tenants of Buckingham House Mr and Mrs Henry Head) in front of Athol House (on the corner of New Road and Tarmount Lane), later Orchard House, a detached double-fronted Victorian house with bay windows. The men wear suits and top hats, the women wear gowns and hats decorated with plumes and flowers.

Large group of men and women, probably a wedding party, posed for a portrait in the grounds of a house outside a marquee on a tennis court. The men wear suits, many with top hats, the women wear gowns, hats decorated with plumes and flowers and some hold parasols, three women seated centre carry bouquets (bridesmaids ?). Could be members of the Dell family.
Sussex Archaeological Society Photo Archive no. 12

c1950 Aerial view of harbour and locks. Aerial view of Shoreham Harbour, looking west. In foreground construction work in progress on new lock and areas around pumping station. Harbour entrance in centre left, in background River Adur joining harbour entrance. Buildings of Southwick and Shoreham on right, Shoreham Beach in background. Steam train on right centreground.

1905 Shoreham Lifeboat, The 'William Restell', Shoreham-by-Sea. The second 'William Restell' boat which replaced the first in 1904. Self-righting, pulling and sailing type. 35 feet long boat with a beam of 8 feet and 6 inches. Crew of men on boat wearing their uniform with simple cork lifejackets. Men in civilian clothes are gathered around the boat on the beach.

Aerodrome Cecil and Eric Pashley sit in the cockpit of their Farman biplane in front of hangars at Shoreham Airport. Both men wear suits, white shirts, ties. Close view of front and side of plane showing wheels and runners, wings, struts, cockpit with propellor at rear. Eric Pashley was killed in World War One, Cecil continued at Shoreham, formed the Southdown Flying Club, and trained pilots for many years.

Aerodrome 1912 Cecil and Eric Pashley sit in the cockpit of their Farman biplane in front of hangars at Shoreham Airport. Both men wear suits, white shirts, ties. Close view of front and side of plane showing wheels and runners, wings, struts, cockpit with propellor at rear. Eric Pashley was killed in World War One, Cecil continued at Shoreham, formed the Southdown Flying Club, and trained pilots for many years.

A Lee-Richards annular monoplane at Shoreham Airport. Rear view of plane on grass-covered airfield showing unusual circular wing from the tail to the nose with central cut-out" area for cockpit; propellor partly visible at front. Plane designed by Cedric Lee and G. Tilghman-Richards; first flown over Worthing and Lancing by Gordon England on 23 November 1913 and crashed after 45 minutes flight; badly injuring the pilot's knee. Two later versions of the annular plane were built but its inherent instability could not be corrected and the design was dropped in 1914."

1912 Cecil and Eric Pashley sit in the cockpit of their Farman biplane in front of hangars at Shoreham Airport. Both men wear suits, white shirts, ties. Close view of front and side of plane showing wheels and runners, wings, struts, cockpit with propellor at rear. Eric Pashley was killed in World War One, Cecil continued at Shoreham, formed the Southdown Flying Club, and trained pilots for many years.
Sussex Archaeological Society Photo Archive no. 13

High Street, Shoreham-by-Sea. West end of the street. Kings Head pub in the background. West End Stores is next to it. Shops include W.H. Harker ironmongers, Southdown Bus Office, cigar store, and W.B. Muggeridge confectioner. Men, women and children on street. Car and bicycle at the end of the street.

Bungalow Town, Shoreham Beach, view looking east along the main seafront road. Bungalows on left along unmade road, and on right built on the top of the pebble beach. Telegraph poles. Postcard postmarked 23 July 1924, sent to Miss D (Daphne) L?, 49 Greenwood Road, Dalston, London E8, signed Marjorie.

Bungalow Town Church of the Good Shepherd, Bungalow Town, Shoreham Beach. View looking west with church (built 1913) in centre, houses on the beach (south) side of West Beach Road at left, one flying Union flag, telegraph poles in road. Motor car partially visible on right. In front of church a woman posts letter in large post box, man with small child, pram.

Bungalow Town Beach Road. View of bungalow with sign La Boheme" over the door seen across top of pebble beach. Gable end showing bungalow formed of two railway carriages joined by a main room and with outer wooden structure and roof added. Weatherboard walls wicket fence with gate and paving stones forming a path to the beach."

Bungalow Town "Seagull" bungalow Bungalow Town Shoreham Beach. View across pebble beach showing front of bungalow made from a railway carriage with additions at each end corrugated roof man and woman sitting in a deckchair and Lloyd loom chair on verandah behind wicket fence. Flagpole sign "Seagull" over entrance. Glimpse of downs in left background. Postcard postmarked 15 July 1906

Norfolk Suspension Bridge (built 1832), Shoreham-by-Sea. Bridge over the River Adur. Three ladies are posing under the arch. Adur quayside and of St Mary de Haura tower are in the background. Sailing boats in the distance. Horse statue stands on the first classical-style arch, a lion stands on the next.

Bungalow Town, Shoreham Beach. Looking west across pebble beach in foreground, sea on left, wooden breakwaters, bungalows along top of beach at right, some two-storey buildings in background. Some bungalows have verandahs and balconies, wicket fences, one has model of a sailing ship on roof. Telegraph poles in background.

Norfolk Bridge Demolition of Norfolk Bridge, Shoreham-by-Sea. View from east bank of River Adur looking north west, sailing boats moored in right foreground. In middle ground the partly-demolished chain-link suspension bridge built in 1832, with superstructure and the top portion of the two stone arches already demolished. The new iron bridge that replaced it was opened in 1923.
Sussex Archaeological Society Photo Archive no. 14

Brighton & District Tramways Steam Locomotive No. 1 with a Wilkinson tram engine, works No. 52/1884. Showing front and side of engine with driver wearing cap in cab, conductor with cap and shoulder bag standing on front. Double-decker tramcar with outside staircase behind. Cab has advertisements for Hudson's Soap and Neave's Food, tram has advertisement for Ogden's Guinea Gold cigarettes beware of imitations"."

Brighton & Shoreham Tram Co. car No. 12 built by G.F.M. Ines, outside the Burrell Arms at the corner of Brunswick and Ham roads. The tram is pulled by one white and one dark horse with a uniformed man standing with the horses, a uniformed man seated in the tram holding the reins and a man in a bowler hat resting a foot on the tram, the tram bears boards advertising Tennents Red T Lager & Munich beer and Borwicks Baking Powder. Reproduction of an original photograph.

Horse-drawn bus, Brighton. Omnibus no. 83 of the Brighton Hove & Preston United company, this bus worked the Westbourne Villas Tramway Terminus to Brighton Station Service in the 1890s. Side view showing full length of open-topped double-decker bus, outside staircase at rear, driver wearing bowler hat on cab, horse in harness. Lamp post in background.

Brighton & District Tramways Steam Locomotive No. 2, Wilkinson tram engine works no. 53/1884. Side view of the locomotive on right with smokestack on roof, attached to a double-decker Falcon Bogie tramcar with outside staircase behind. Two men sit on top deck, six men stand in front of tramcar, one wearing top hat and tailed coat.

Experimental Cedes-Stoll trolleybus which was tested in Hove from 6 september 1914 to 9 August 1915. View from the side showing full length of open-topped double-decker trolley bus with passengers inside and on top. Driver wearing boater in cab, steering wheel and horn visible. Sign along side of top deck Cedes gearless trackless trolley system". Under the terms of the 1912 Hove Railless Act this system was to replace the Brighton & Shoreham Tramway service. Due to the outbreak of World War One the Austrian Cedes-Stoll system was abandoned."

Horse-drawn tram, Portslade. Photograph (possibly of a postcard) with inscription Flashlight photo of the last run of the pair horse tram from Portslade to Southwick June 6 1913". Two men hold the two horses still attached to tram at after the final public service on the Brighton & Shoreham tramway ended at 9pm outside number 187 Albion Street. Driver and conductor identified as Ben Fears and Albert James. Two men on front of tram hold wreath. Tram car obscured by crowd of men women and children. Photograph taken outside Halfway House Pub at junction of Wellington Road and Station Road. Part of pub with sign "Tamplins Ales" visible on left."

Norfolk Bridge, Shoreham-by-Sea. View looking east, in foreground a small steam crane with a rough wooden cab, workman standing by controls and a load of filled sacks being lifted over the bridge. Workman standing on horse and cart, man wearing shirt and tie sits on handles. Buildings of Shoreham High Street in background including an ironmongers. Bell tower of the Roman Catholic church partly visible through crane machinery and tower of St Mary de Haura church partly visible through crane cab.

Norfolk Bridge construction over the River Adur Shoreham-by-Sea. View from river bank looking north west to show the full length of the new bridge with girders forming four arches. The new bridge replacing the chain-link suspension bridge built in 1832 was constructed in 14 weeks using 800 tons of steel and opened in July 1923. Steam yacht is moored in middle ground with a small steam vessel alongside.."

Swiss Gardens Pleasure Grounds. The twitten alley between Victoria Road and Connaught Avenue looking East. This alley bisected the Swiss Gardens Pleasure Grounds and known as "the dungeons". In 1857 it was reported: "We have carefully inspected the footway under the Swiss Gardens, and are of opinion that more head-room is required in that part of the passage immediately under the Swiss Cottage, that the height from the ground should not be less than 6ft. 6.; that the passage should be made a little wider under the cosmormamic views; that the pathway should be levelled and made clean; and the water drained off on the right side, from east to west; that the water-spout should be prevented from dripping in the passage; and that sufficient light be admitted for passengers to discern where they tread, -all of which suggestions Mr. Goodchild has engaged to carry out, under the inspection and to the satisfaction of the Surveyors."

Aerodrome. Cecil and Eric Pashley sit in the cockpit of their Farman biplane in front of hangars at Shoreham Airport. Both men wear suits, white shirts, ties. Close view of front and side of plane showing wheels and runners, wings, struts, cockpit with propellor at rear. Eric Pashley was killed in World War One, Cecil continued at Shoreham, formed the Southdown Flying Club, and trained pilots for many years.

Aerodrome. Hangars numbered 3 to 7 at Shoreham Aerodrome (later Shoreham Airport). Row of hangars in background with people gathered round all looking towards hangars. In sky above on the right is the Pashley Bros Farman biplane. An Avro biplane is parked in background left in front of two hangars with Avro" above their doors."

Aerodrome. Pilot Mr. Geere in the cockpit of an Avro biplane at Shoreham Aerodrome (later Shoreham Airport). Close view of front and side of plane showing wings, struts, propellor, cockpit with steering-wheel. Pilot is wearing overalls and flying helmet and smoking a cigarette. Man in shirtsleeves holds the tail. In background is the Avro hangar with motor-cycle leaning against doors. Geere was one of Avro's test pilots. Railway embankment in background.

Aerodrome. Seaplane near Shoreham Airport, view across a grass-covered field to ramp leaning against the bank of the River Adur with the biplane on top of the ramp. Avro 503 prototype with floats being moved onto river for first flight with Fred Raynham at the controls and Jack Alcock as passenger. Rear view of plane showing wings, struts, tail, floats, empty cockpit. Men at right operate a winch with cable attached to plane. Centre left a man, possibly a photographer. Railway bridge in distant background. Original postcard is inscribed Radley and England's seaplane at Shoreham" but this appears to be incorrect."

Aerodrome. Pilot P.Verrier in his 70 HP Maurice Farman biplane at Shoreham Aerodrome (later Shoreham Airport). Front view of plane showing struts, wings, wheels, cockpit with pilot just visible. Men, holding wingtips and tail position the plane on grass-covered airfield. Possibly pictured at the SMMC Race 8 November 1913. Part of airport restaurant building visible right background.

Aerodrome. Men wearing suits, waistcoats and caps stand in front of a Bleriot monopolane, probably in Buckingham Park, Shoreham, rather than at Shoreham Aerodrome (later Shoreham Airport). Man second from right is O.C. Morison, an early aviator. Close view showing front and side of plane on grass-covered field, with wheels, propellor, part of wings and fuselage clearly visible.

Aerodrome. Aviators pose in front of a plane at Shoreham Aerodrome (later Shoreham Airport). The plane, W.L. Brock's Bleriot 80 HP Gnome biplane, is partly obscured, with wings, propellor, wheels and part of the fuselage visible. Group of four in front of the plane are L-R: Gustav Hamel in long coat; R.T. Gates, general manager of Hendon Aerodrome, wearing coat and hat and with field glasses in a case; W.L. Brock wearing boots, jacket over sweater, helmet and goggles; R. Slack wearing one-piece leather jump-suit, helmet and goggles. Two undentified men on right. Possibly pictured at SMMC or SMYC race 8 November 1913.

Fire Brigade dinner, Town Hall, HIgh Street, Shoreham-by-Sea. General view of large room with rows of tables, men and women some in evening dress. Diplomas and trophies from south coast competitions displayed on mantlepiece in background. People on top table identified as: Mrs. Womersley, E. Corbyn & Mrs. Corbyn, B. J. Thick (clerk to council), Councillor Penney, Capt. Madden. Edith Turrell and William Turrell are sitting at the front table on the left.

Fire Brigade members with Old Mint House" rosebowl for south coast competitions. Twelve firemen wearing caps or berets and uniforms ong double-breasted jackets with belts some wearing medals pose in two rows sitting and standing with the rosebowl on ground in front. Fire engine behind with row of brass helmets on top. Back row far left is William C. Turrell (driver known as Bill or Tiny) 4th left G. Turrell. Front row L-R: Charlie Turner (engineer) Charles Turrell (2nd officer known as Tom) Chief Officer Captain Arthur Burfoot G. Stevens (3rd officer) Bill Bailey. "

Fire Brigade members with two competition cups at fire brigade headquarters in Parkside ? , Shoreham-by-Sea. Six firemen wearing brass helmets and uniforms, long double-breasted jackets with belts, some wearing medals, pose in a row with two south coast competition cups on floor in front. Chief Officer Captain Arthur Burfoot on left, second officer A. C. Turrell on right.

Fire Brigade members with two competition cups at fire brigade headquarters in Parkside ?, Shoreham-by-Sea. Six firemen wearing peaked caps and uniforms, long double-breasted jackets with belts, some wearing medals, pose in two rows sitting and standing with two south coast competition cups on floor in front. Chief Officer Captain Arthur Burfoot front row centre, second officer A. C. Turrell front row left.
Sussex Archaeological Society Photo Archive no. 15

Aerodrome. A pilot taking part in the in the first European Air Race prepares for takeoff at Shoreham Aerodrome. Side view of the Bleriot monoplane on the grass-covered airfield, showing wheels, struts and wings. Pilot wearing hat muffler and goggles sits in cockpit, men at front, middle and tail position the plane for takeoff. Front of original postcard is inscribed M. Kimmerling but he was piloting a Sommer. The pilot is more probably Beaumont" French navy Lt Jean de Vaisseau Conneau known as "Beaumont"who won the race in which part of the route was from Dover to Shoreham."

Aerodrome, river flats 1913 Radley-England seaplane in second revised form on the mud flat East of Norfolk Bridge, Shoreham-by-Sea, in July 1913. has single 150 hp Sunbeam Engine and conventional floats and nacelle for pilot/passenger. It was wrecked on Worthing Beach 22nd July 1914. Close front view of the biplane showing struts, wings, cockpit, floats. Pilot Gordon England wearing long coat and white cap stands in cockpit, group of men stand on shore in front of the plane which was one of four entries for the Daily Mail Round Britain seaplane race in August 1913. It did not make the August 1913 start time. Albion Brewery and houses in distance on far bank, ferryman stands next to his boat on right and another rows his boat with passengers right background.

ARP (Air Raid Precautions) Wardens, Shoreham-by-Sea. Group photograph of 20 wardens sitting and standing in front of ARP group wardens' shelter, on triangle of land at top of Park Avenue - photo taken looking West (back of houses in Upper Shoreham Road in background). All wearing uniform with CD insignia, berets, mostly men and many wearing spectacles, some with medal ribbons. Woman in skirt centre front.

The Star Picture Palace (later the Co-op.) with people gathered outside, including men wearing peaked white caps, and children passing by, possibly to celebrate the opening day of the cinema. Flint building next door bears the sign C.H. Pope Printer Bookbinder". This image is one frame of a cine film said to have been made on the opening day of the cinema and shown that night. Print by R.Hill donated to Marlipins museum by permission of Mr D.W. Turrell. "

Norfolk Bridge Toll keeper in uniform with a ticket machine accepts a fee on the bridge road from a woman driver in an open-top car with a folded back canvas roof, the passengers are a man and a woman, all three wear hats. Car horn, spare wheel, mudguard and part of number plate visible. Reprinted by Robert Hill. 1926

Collision of an open-topped car with a baker's cart watched by a crowd of onlookers outside a brick, detached Victorian house. The car has a folded-back soft roof, artillery wheels, pneumatic tyres and acetelyne lamps, the up-ended cart belonged to A. Leazell, family bakers of West Street, Shoreham-by-Sea. Lettering on postcard Motor accident at Shoreham F. Rowe". Photographic postcard."

Brunswick Road, Shoreham-by-Sea, looking north towards railway level crossing with raised barrier pole visible. Houses in right foreground, in middle ground a group of houses converted to shops with shop windows on ground floor. Peple walking in street, car, horse-drawn cart in background. High wall on left bordering gardens of St Mary's House in St Mary's Road, later the site of the Post Office and Lloyds Bank.

Adur. Rowing boats on the river taking part in a 'shovel race' during the regatta, watched by crowds in the harbour and by spectators in boats. Buildings in background include St Mary de Haura church and a pub advertising Rock Ales". Title on photograph reads "Shoreham Regatta 1912 start of the shovel race". Reproduction from a glass negative by Bob Hill of an original photograph by Winton

Adur. Ferrymen's Children's Treat, Shoreham-by-Sea. Ferrymen taking children from local Children's Home to Bramber in small rowing boats for their annual treat. Union Jack flags are flying from the stern of some boats. Onlookers on Shoreham beach. Houses and factory in the background. Two Mystery Towers in the distance.

Wreck. Steamer Miown" foundered off Shoreham. Two masts rigging and part of the wheel visible above the sea after the steamship "Miown" was wrecked in a gale one-and-a-half miles SSW of Shoreham. Unidentified man wearing civilian clothes and cloth cap stands in the rigging. The "Miown" was carrying a cargo of cement from London to Bristol and was wrecked so quickly there was no time to send distress signals. The crew took to the water and all were drowned with the exception of Captain Jones who stayed with his ship and survived six hours of exposure. Waterman John Short of Southwick saw the captains's plight and with neigbours William Gardiner owner of the boat "Florence" and Charlie Smart launched the boat and rowed out to the wreck to save the captain. "

Slater's Cottage , Connaught Avenue. Thatched Cottage, Old Shoreham, Shoreham-by-Sea. View across field with cows grazing, barbed wire fence, towards front of cottage with thatched roof. Boys in knickerbockers and caps and girl wearing pinafore dress standing in front of door. Small window on first floor above door.

Norfolk Bridge, Shoreham-by-Sea. Western end of High Street, looking west. Cart and horse. Lion and horse statues on the top of the central supporting arches. Toll keeper is on front right with a boy by the toll booth. Cast iron lamps on the bridge. Telegraph pole. The bridge was replaced in the 1922

Aerodrome Mr. E Roll of the Full inside" revue stands in the cockpit of a Pashley Bros biplane at Shoreham Aerodrome (later Shoreham Airport) seated in front is pilot Eric Pashley. Almost full view of plane from the front showing wheels wings struts cockpit with propellor behind. "Pashley Bros" on side of cockpit. At left woman wearing cloche hat sits at the wheel of an open-topped Austro Daimler motor car licence number LK-8677 with tool-box and spare wheel on the running board AA badge and starting handle visible on front. Restaurant in left background with flag inscribed SCA (South Coast Aero- club?). Low gabled building in background in front of railway embankment is the Aero Club pavilion. Reprinted by Bob Hill from original Winton glass negative owned by John Saunders."

Naval seaplane number 113, Radley England Mk II, Shoreham-by-Sea. Close view of a bi-plane landed on mudflats on the beach, showing struts, wings, tailfin with number 113, small cockpit with propellor behind, floats. Houses in background and power station in distance on left. Reprinted by Bob Hill from original Winton glass negative owned by John Saunders.

Aerodrome Madge Williams (left) and Cecil Pashley sit in Pashley's Farman biplane ready for a flight, possibly at Shoreham Aerodrome (later Shoreham Airport). Close view of plane showing wheels, struts, wings, small cockpit, propellor behind cockpit. Pashley and Williams wear flying helmets, he wears muffler and goggles. Plane is on flat grassy field with wooden fence and trees in background. Reprinted by Bob Hill from original Winton glass negative owned by John Saunders.

Norfolk Bridge, Shoreham-by-Sea. Western end of High Street, looking west. Cart and horse. Lion and horse statues on the top of the central supporting arches. Toll keeper is on front right with a boy by the toll booth. Cast iron lamps on the bridge. Telegraph pole. The bridge was replaced in the 1922.
Sussex Archaeological Society Photo Archive no. 16

Miown foundered off Shoreham. Two masts rigging and part of the wheel visible above the sea after the steamship "Miown" was wrecked in a gale one-and-a-half miles SSW of Shoreham. Unidentified man wearing civilian clothes and cloth cap stands in the rigging. The "Miown" was carrying a cargo of cement from London to Bristol and was wrecked so quickly there was no time to send distress signals. The crew took to the water and all were drowned with the exception of Captain Jones who stayed with his ship and survived six hours of exposure. Waterman John Short of Southwick saw the captains's plight and with neigbours William Gardiner owner of the boat "Florence" and Charlie Smart launched the boat and rowed out to the wreck to save the captain. "

Reed's Grocer and Draper, 29 and 31 High Street, Shoreham-by-Sea. Flint house (rebuilt c 1900) with shop window on left side of ground floor, sign above Grocer REED Draper" and "Ready made clothes warehouse". Clothes for sale hanging above shop window and along right side of house. Mattressess chairs a mangle and hip bath are displayed on the pavement. Man and woman wearing long aprons stand in shop doorway. Printed from glass negative by Bob Hill."

Mill Lane, Shoreham-by-Sea. View south from top of Mill Lane across large field towards Shoreham town, tower of the church of St Mary de Haura visible on skyline. Cemetery gatehouse on left, Trinity Cottages second building from left in midground, on far right is the Catholic church. Also in middle ground Cambridge Lodge, Longcroft, and Victoria Road on right.

Aerodrome. Mr. E Roll of the Full inside" revue stands in the cockpit of a Pashley Bros biplane at Shoreham Aerodrome (later Shoreham Airport) seated in front is pilot Eric Pashley. Almost full view of plane from the front showing wheels wings struts cockpit with propellor behind. "Pashley Bros" on side of cockpit. At left woman wearing cloche hat sits at the wheel of an open-topped Austro Daimler motor car licence number LK-8677 with tool-box and spare wheel on the running board AA badge and starting handle visible on front. Restaurant in left background with flag inscribed SCA (South Coast Aero-club?). Low gabled building in background in front of railway embankment is the Aero Club pavilion. Reprinted by Bob Hill from original Winton glass negative owned by John Saunders."

Naval seaplane number 113, Radley England Mk II, Shoreham-by-Sea. Close view of a bi-plane landed on mudflats on the beach, showing struts, wings, tailfin with number 113, small cockpit with propellor behind, floats. Houses in background and power station in distance on left. Reprinted by Bob Hill from original Winton glass negative owned by John Saunders.

Aerodrome. Madge Williams (left) and Cecil Pashley sit in Pashley's Farman biplane ready for a flight, possibly at Shoreham Aerodrome (later Shoreham Airport). Close view of plane showing wheels, struts, wings, small cockpit, propellor behind cockpit. Pashley and Williams wear flying helmets, he wears muffler and goggles. Plane is on flat grassy field with wooden fence and trees in background. Reprinted by Bob Hill from original Winton glass negative owned by John Saunders.

Norfolk Bridge, Shoreham-by-Sea. Western end of High Street, looking west. Cart and horse. Lion and horse statues on the top of the central supporting arches. Toll keeper is on front right with a boy by the toll booth. Cast iron lamps on the bridge. Telegraph pole. The bridge was replaced in the 1920s.

Bungalow Town, Old Fort Filming of a scene from the film The Showman's Dream" at the old fort east of Bungalow Town (now Shoreham Beach). Raised stage with backdrop depicting entrance to a circus and actors and actresses dressed as clown bandsmen and others in normal clothing. Man in sweater possibly director or camerman. Tripod at left. Film made by the Sunny South Film Company. Copy photograph from a glass negative."

Bungalow Town Film Making, 'The Showman's Dream', at the old fort, east of Bungalow Town, Shoreham Beach, Shoreham-by-Sea. Film set of the picture made by Sunny South Films. Raised stage with backdrop depicting entrance to a circus, and actors and actresses, dressed as clown, bandsmen, policeman, and others in normal clothing. Camera man in foreground. The painted backdrop hangs on the brickwork of the Palmerston buildings of Shoreham Fort. Actors Will Evans (Showman) and Arthur Conquest. Copy photograph from a glass negative.

Tub race on the highway from Bramber to Upper Beeding (now The Street) during flooding showing the man identified as the winner with other tubs in the background, watched by onlookers standing on a partly submerged fence and men on horse-back. A man with a pipe and a boy are seated in the back of a horse-and-cart in the foreground, the ruins of Bramber Castle visible in the background. Lettering on the postcard reads Winner of tub race on Highway from Bramber to Upper Beeding during flood Feb. 2. 1904". Donated by Mrs Mopp."

Norfolk Bridge c1919-1920. The old chain-link suspension bridge (built 1832 and demolished in the 1920s) over the River Adur, showing the two arches at either end topped with statues of a lion and a horse, two men on the beach in the foreground standing by a building contractor's board reading John Gill Contractors Ltd ... London". "

Shoreham football club team, Shoreham-by-Sea. Group portrait taken outdoors of the 1904-05 team, West Sussex Senior League champions. Players wearing shirts with vertical stripes laced at the neck, long socks, boots. Two wearing caps and with Sussex FL badges on shirts. Players sit in two rows with arms folded, two men not wearing sports kit stand behind, one with moustache and bowler hat is Mr. Oswald Ball, manager of the team and headmaster of Ham Road School. Middle row third from right wearing white cap is E. D. Gates (captain), front row second left is A. E. Longstaff. Full list of team members given as: E. C. Ayling, goal; G. Gates, F. Rose, backs; W. Ellmer, Alf Maple, Art Maple, half-backs; F. Longstaff, A. E. Longstaff, H. Upton, E. D. Gates, C. Peak, forwards.

Norfolk Bridge 1922 Looking west from Shoreham town, showing the toll booth and men at work on demolition of the old chain suspension bridge (built 1832) for re-building. Signs on the bridge set the speed limit (5 miles), state that Heavy motor cars not allowed over this bridge" and advertise the building contractors "Unit Construction Coy Ltd." of Regent Street London. Reproduction of a photograph."

Norfolk Bridge 1922 Horse-and-cart and workmen removing debris from the northern end of the old chain suspension bridge under demolition, looking towards the high street showing the ironmongers shop, toll house (right) and toll keepers lodge (left). Reprinted from an original glass negative by Robert Hill.

Norfolk Bridge, Shoreham-by-Sea. Looking north to the new bridge over the River Adur under construction, with steam pump removing river water and steam crane with attached bucket at work on coffer dam to permit construction of new additional pier. Reprinted from an original glass negative by Robert Hill.

Shoreham Grammar School, Shoreham-by-Sea, elevated view showing the school in centre, large building with two white gables next to walled garden and playing field with swings and a roundabout. Horse-drawn carriage on street, Norfolk Bridge - suspension bridge over the River Adur - in middle ground on left, railway line with train on right. The picture features on the front of a card sent with Christmas/New Year greetings from Shoreham Grammar School, dated 1933.

Aerodrome. Men women and children gather round a crashed seaplane at Shoreham Airport. The plane was taking part in the Daily Mail air race, probably on 10 August 1914; the pilot escaped with his life. People in foreground partially obscuring the plane which lies on its side, part of fuselage visible with Daily Mail" marked on side all of tail visible with rear float at base of tail. Railway embankment and track in background. " Location identified as adjacent river Adur between river embankment and railway and Old Shoreham Road to the East.

Taxi-cab outside Burrell Arms, Brunswick Road, Shoreham-by-Sea. Full-length view of taxi showing front and side, wheels and carriage lamps visible. Back part of cab roof folded down. Three men wearing suits, caps, boots and gaiters, one smoking cigarette, sit on running-board. Horse in harness visible at right, Burrell Arms hotel in background.

Norfolk Bridge, Shoreham-by-Sea. The old chain suspension bridge, designed by Tierney Clark (built 1832 and demolished in the 1920s), over the River Adur showing decorative arches, rowing boats on the bank. View taken from the northern end. Toll House in the foreground. The northern tower arch has a lion and the southern has a horse. Street lighting on each side of the bridge. Bridge erected by Bernard and Edward Howard.

Shoreham football club reserves team, Shoreham-by-Sea, winners of the West Sussex Junior League 1900-01. Group portrait taken outdoors in front of Ravenscroft house (corner of Raven's Road and Mill Lane), home of R.B. Bell. Twelve team members in three rows standing and sitting, wearing shirts in two different-coloured vertical halves, shorts with belts, long socks, boots, some with shinguards. Trophy and dated ball centre foreground. In back row are three men wearing suits and ties. Identifications standing left-to-right: W. Winton linesman, C. Cheesman, H. Dell, R. B. Dell President, J. Savage, F. Cheesman, Oswald Ball Hon.Sec.; centre row sitting left-to-right: C. Atherfold, M. Slaughter, G. Gates, C. Upton captain, H. Ellmer, M. Cook; front l-r J. Bacon, J. E. Hackett vice-captain.
Sussex Archaeological Society Photo Archive no. 17 (Aerials)

Elevated view from tower of St Mary's Church, Shoreham-by-Sea, looking south across the River Adur to Bungalow Town (now Shoreham Beach). In foreground houses, sign for E.H. Curd Builder & Contractor, chimney of shipyard smithy (Stow's Yard) (centre), Butts boat yard on right. River Adur at low tide in midground. In background Bungalow Town with Ferry Road (centre) with three cars.

Elevated view from tower of St Mary's Church, Shoreham-by-Sea, looking south across the River Adur to Bungalow Town (now Shoreham Beach) with footbridge on right. In foreground houses, sign for E.H. Curd Builder & Contractor, chimney shipyard smithy (Stow's Yard) (centre), Butts boat yard on right. River Adur at low tide in midground. In background Bungalow Town with Ferry Road (centre) with three cars.

Aerial photograph of Shoreham Chemical Works which produced tarmac for road surfacing at Shoreham Harbour, Shoreham-by-Sea. Also showing the Shoreham - Brighton main coastal road (A259) and the train tracks just visible (top left). Tar works on North side of river, on A259. Sunken concrete barge, used as storage tank, can be seen parallel to the road. Chemical works was on South side. opposite the tar/ creosote yard on the North side of the river.

Aerial view of Kingston and Southwick, looking north-west over harbour and fields. In foreground is the sea and eastern end of Shoreham Harbour with Southwick docks and locks on the right, part of the harbour entrance and partially-built Mystery Towers on the left. Buildings of Southwick, including the church of St Michael and all Angels, on the right behind the docks. Army camp on Slonk Hill in centre mid-background, part of River Adur in left background.

Aerial view of the harbour showing Kingston, Kingston Lane and residential streets. One 'mystery tower' ( later demolished on site, the missing tower was renamed Nab Tower) remains on the River Adur, and was later broken up. The Nab tower was towed away - the outline where it was built can still be seen to the west of the one seen. Course of the railway siding, built to import materials, can be seen at the bottom.

Aerial view of River Adur and Shoreham-by-Sea town partially obscured by low cloud and wing strut of plane. Footbridge to Shoreham Beach in left middle ground, with Norfolk girder bridge (constructed 1923) and railway bridge further north. Boathouse and slipway on north side of river centre foreground.

Norfolk Bridge and Shoreham-by-Sea. c1915 Elevated view (taken from the top of St. Mary's Church tower) across the town to Norfolk Bridge to the chain-link suspension bridge over the River Adur (built 1832 and demolished in the early 1920s). Houses and buildings in the foreground including St Peter's Catholic church, bridge and river in middle ground, road on far side leading past Shoreham Airport field in distance.

View of Shoreham-by-Sea from the tower of St Mary's church. Norfolk bridge and the River Adur are in the distance. Railway bridge is on the right. Shoreham Airport is beyond. St Peters's Catholic church is in the middle distance. Middle Street Hall is in the foreground. Photo number 5036. Reprinted by R. Hill.

View across Shoreham-by-Sea looking north west from the tower of St Mary de Haura parish church. In foreground are Shoreham College grounds. River Adur and Lancing College Chapel in background. Hebe Pub. Note Victoria Road School has replaced the Swiss so this dates it as post 1915 but West St. houses not built so pre 1927