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i always regarded the Dove Cote at the rear of Buckingham Farm as part of that property
and the nearby area, was the locality of the Dew Pond…just between Downsway, and Chanctonbury Drive… As a boy I weeded a field of carrots, for Farmer Nye, on a location
known as Black Patch…long before the houses were built. I worked Summer Holidays
thinning and weeding crops about 1947/48 .Sixpence a morning.
You have some lovely memories of the area Gerry – if only the planners had had the foresight to save the central farm buildings as well, in the same way as they have at Old Shoreham farm. As soon as we can set up the photo templates we’ll be including a lot more of Buckingham Farm.
The farmer must have been my great grandfather Albert Nye…,
i am the grandson of lewis victor nye. my mother and grandfather visited uncle bert in the 1960’s and i have pictures of them visiting this house.
Hi Richard, It would be great to see the photo – could you post it on the forum?
Can you please give me some more details of the dovecote at Buckingham Farm as I am the founder of the British Dovecote Society and we are creating a database of all known dovecote sites
I’m afraid that all we have about the dovecote including photos is on this website. Seeing as it was specially preserved during the demolition of Little Buckingham Farm perhaps our local council offices can help? In fact I see that as a Grade II listed building the council has it recorded as transferred to them in 19 74.
This from page 56 of Bob Hill’s ‘Old Shoreham Village and Farms’:-
‘The dovecote had been used as an armoury during the first world war because there was still a sign on the door. It is fantastic inside, all lined with chalk, and with pigeon holes all the way round. It ought to be open to the public.’
Were your Nyes related to the Nyes (particularly Marjorie Nye) that took part in the amateur theatrical shows during the 1920’s and 30’s in Shoreham, Viv? If so we’d love to learn more of them and Albert during his time at Little Buckingham.
marjorie and her daughter used to visit us in america. they sold the place and her daughter said they did quite well.
The NYE family mentioned were you related to Bob Nye of North Road Old Village Portslade? He was the best man for my sisters wedding……….to Richard Bragg of North Road.
i am the grandson of lewis victor nye. alberts brother. my mother visitied little buckingham around 1960 when lewis was still alive. i have pictures of the visit. douglas nye, another brother of albert, owned a ranch in stinson beach, calif. 1700 acres that lewis managed for over 10 years before they just got too old to run it and a flood ruined several of the farm buildings. its a national park now. i’m working on the nye history and would like any info and contacts my cousins have. we have a lot of info on the south african part of this family but not much on the british side. also, the strivens side of the family. alberts mother bessie strivens. i have info on albert’s sister sybil who lived in the nye house in mill valley, ca. [email protected]
My parents rented a flat which they told me was called “Little Buckingham Farm House. It would have been around 1950. My sister was a babe in arms and I was not yet born. They started to experience which in today’s parlance might be described aa “Paranormal activity” . They told me of many things that at first baffled them and then became really scary. It got so bad that they fled in the middle of the night and went to stay with my grandparents. I had a newspaper cutting from “The Sussex Ghost Hunters” whom they called in when they became quite desperate. Sadly lost now.
Research of the property revealed that a man had hanged himself there in the wood shed.
I have no other information except that both my parents were quite traumatised by the event. They couldn’t explain what went on but they witnessed it first hand. I’d love to know anymore history of the house. I’d certainly love a photo. I believe the property was demolished in the 60’s.
Fascinating story Steven. I don’t know of any other tales of the farmhouse but there are photos of it and the farm buildings towards the end of our photo gallery Old Shoreham Parish and Buckingham Manor
Very interesting to stumble upon a video of the tenements, land, and farm once owned by my 3rd Great Grandaunt – Mary Best (nee Scrase), eldest daughter of William Scrase, who married Thomas Best, Gent from the 1830’s – 1850’s. Their gravestone rests in St Mary de Haura Cemetery. What a shame it has become a crest of concrete.