Contact the SBS History Portal publishers:

Family History Research:
Please note we do not have records beyond those that are published on the site, so can not provide research for genealogy.
Please do use the Search page to search the text or images on our Portal.
Questions for residents:
There is a wealth of expertise on recent history amongst the members of two local Facebook History Groups. Do post your queries there to elicit knowledgable replies. If you provide the fullest of information then it will assist in getting meaningful answers:
Shoreham Herald Newspaper back issues:
We have a selected archive of newspapers.
If you are looking for back issues please contact the Shoreham Herald.
Private Collections:
If you have documents or collections of photographs of historical interest we would like to hear from you. Shoreham-by-Sea’s broad historic archive is available here only because of the generosity of private collectors allowing us to host their collections.
If you would like to help with the curation of this website then please do contact us. We’d be delighted to receive feedback, suggestions and offer of help to create history articles, enhance the image galleries and develop new search systems.
About this site:
Please bear in mind this site has been run since 2004 as a hobby by two Shoreham residents who have limited time to devote to maintaining the site. Responses to emails may not be immediate.