V1 Flying Bombs at Shoreham

It turns out that three past and present Shoreham residents Brian Bazen, Denis Turrell and I are linked in a surprising set of coincidences. Earlier this year I was looking through Bob Hill’s collection of Old Shoreham photographs (he wrote the booklets ‘Old Shoreham Village & Farms’) in Marlipins Museum and found one of a V1 flying bomb (they were known generally as doodlebugs) that was taken through a window.

Part of the Bob Hill Collection

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Old Market House and Election Stones

Macintosh HD:Users:rogerbateman:Desktop:Back Up Articles, Photos Etc.,:SNIPPETS:Market House Posts:1. Detail from the 1789 map showing 'B' the site of the market house and 'C' the stone (note; not stones). .jpg
Detail from the 1789 map showing ‘B’ the site of the market house and ‘C’ the stone

The Market House

Shoreham historian Henry Cheal tells us that following the great storm of 1703 that blew down the town’s original market house another was built in its stead in 1711 on 10 columns and stood opposite the Crown and Anchor pub.The new market house was described as having consisted of ‘an oblong canopy of freestone (a fine grained stone, usually sandstone or limestone) embellished with gothic ornaments, supported by ten columns’ and was ‘a fine piece of architecture.’ Was it merely a canopy or roof supported on columns – maybe not as Cheal refers to the new building as a market house? It was itself later removed and replaced by another market house contemptuously described as ‘a mean building of brick,’ in East Street near the New Road junction in 1823. From there we are told it was taken to the island at the bottom of Southdown Road where it would have been a landmark seen by the crowds on their way from the station to the popular Swiss Gardens.

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Royal Sovereign Pub

The Royal Sovereign Pub

A short history

Description: Macintosh HD:Users:rogerbateman:Desktop:Royal Sovereign:The ghost of the Sov's Past. Harry Bish, landlord from 1917 to 1932, stands in the old doorway. copy.jpg
The ghost of Harry Bish, landlord from 1917 to 1932, stands in the old doorway

Built around the 1750’s it is first recorded as a tenement and garden in 1782 owned by John and Sarah Purse  and occupied by Richard Lashmar. Ann Foster, a Church Street resident and landlady of a number of rented houses, then acquired the property letting it out to William Lashmar during the 1820’s and 30’s.

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Excavations at Ship Street


In August 2015 ASL were sub-contracted to maintain a Watching Brief on land opposite 3 Ship Street Shoreham, by West Sussex Archaeology LTD. This took place over the course of nine days in September 2015 on the 7th – 11th and then a second week on 21st, 22nd, 23rd and 25th.

Remnants of domestic medieval pits were partially excavated containing burnt cereal grains, building material and pottery dating to the 13th – 14th century. A later phase was represented by the demolished remains of an 18th century building and cobbled yard which was replaced by a later 19th century house. A mid 19th century French bayonet was found rammed through the yard surface. In the mid 20th century the house was demolished and the area levelled to create a car park space.

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Watercraft 1980

Macintosh HD:Users:rogerbateman:Desktop:RAMUS :Watercraft 1a.jpg

Watercraft 1980

By Andy Ramus from his article ‘Watercraft, my part in its downfall’

Having kicked my heels for a couple of months after leaving Kingfisher yachts, I got an interview for an apprenticeship as a boat builder at Watercraft LTD on Harbour Way, Shoreham Beach. Dear old Pa had asked a couple of his friends, Paul Powter and Peter Kilner, who had sons already working there, to put in a word to get me the interview.

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