Shoreham has something of a history of racing cyclists. The first ones we know of were A.F.W. Eade, the 20 year-old son of the Eade’s Stores owner; Fred Read and George Hedgecock, a 26 year old bootmaker, who came first, second and third respectively in a 10 miles race organized by the Shoreham YMCA Cycling Club on the 10th July 1888.
The Saving of Marlipins
The Marlipins building is generally accepted as a monument of considerable historic importance. It is hard to believe now that during the early 1920’s it was in danger of being demolished and only saved due to the generosity of donors, the co-operation of the owner and the efforts of many individuals. Of the latter there were two men in particular who provided the impetus not only to preserve the building but also to set it up as the town’s own museum.
Continue reading “The Saving of Marlipins”Shoreham Harbour 1875
(a pamphlet recording a speech at the meeting of the trustees donated by Andy Ramus)
John Jabez Edwin Mayall 17 Sept 1813 – 6 March 1901
On Tuesday July 20th 1875, Alderman Mayall, having been appointed by the Brighton Corporation to be one of the trustees of the Shoreham Harbour Board, gave a speech at a meeting of the trustees at the Dolphin Chambers, Shoreham, where he laid out his plan to get a new bill passed through Government to allow the port greater borrowing powers in order to make the most of Shoreham Harbour’s potential. Continue reading “Shoreham Harbour 1875”
Bungalow Town and the Beach at Shoreham between the Wars
The reminiscences of Bessie Bailey and her daughter Peggy.
Foreword: – In the early 1920’s much of the Beach was still undeveloped and the bungalows and houses that were there were spread along the seafront with little or nothing behind except in Ferry Road. There was no electricity, gas, or mains drainage; water was brought from the mainland in a large zinc cistern and sold at 2p a bucket to supplement the rainwater collected in storage tanks. The houses were given bizarre names rather than numbers.
Continue reading “Bungalow Town and the Beach at Shoreham between the Wars”Shoreham Football Club
Early football in Shoreham and the ‘Glory Years’

Today’s Shoreham Football Club was founded in 1892 playing competitive matches in the West Sussex Football League as from 1896, the Sussex Senior Challenge Cup competition that had been run since 1882 and the Royal Ulster Rifles Charity Cup (originally the Royal Irish Rifles Challenge Cup) a competition that was begun in 1897.
Continue reading “Shoreham Football Club”The Shoreham Ferrymen’s Treat
Before the footbridge was built access to the beach was gained either by a long walk through town and over the Norfolk suspension bridge or, for a penny, a short ride across the river in one of the rowing boats operated by a group of ferrymen between Dolphin Hard (the eastern end of Coronation Green) and the south side of the river. In 1901 the Shoreham Workhouse was moved to new premises at Southlands and the original building at Ham Road became the St. Wilfrid’s children’s home. The children there were either from families who could no longer care for them or came from a deprived background – a situation that was recognised with sympathy by many in the town.
Continue reading “The Shoreham Ferrymen’s Treat”Farmers, Millers and Bakers
From sowing the seed and harvesting then milling the flour to baking the bread, one Shoreham family provided the full service.
Henry Adams was born on the 22nd October 1798 at Barcombe, Sussex and came from a long line of farming folk in and around mid Sussex. He married Phoebe Avery from another ancient mid Sussex family, ten years his junior and born in Plumpton. Henry was a master miller and baker and owned a fine farmhouse in Plumpton Lane. He married Phoebe at Plumpton on 21st April 1829 and their first child, also Henry, was born there on 9th March 1830.
Bert Longstaff – Professional Footballer
In his time Albert Edward Longstaff was a household name in Brighton, in the county and beyond; his image and exploits appeared in many postcards, football team photos and newspaper reports during the first part of the twentieth century. Born in 1885 in Shoreham of parents John and Sarah and one of four brothers and two sisters living for a short while at the family home at Queens Place before moving to their more permanent home in Victoria Road. His father was a Durham man, an agricultural engine driver experienced in steam ploughing who later used his knowledge to become a traction engine agent for the Shoreham and surrounding area.
Police Training in the 1960’s
A light hearted recollection of Police training and the early days at Shoreham
A year or two after getting married and moving to Shoreham I hankered after doing something more exciting with my working life and thought of joining the Police. I imagined myself drawing admiring glances from the ladies as I strode impressively along the High Street in smart uniform and polished boots and applied for the West Sussex Police (at that time East and West Sussex were separate forces).
Day in the Life of Gerald White
Schooldays in 1948 Shoreham
Our terraced house with three bedrooms, was in Connaught Avenue built in 1936, it had modern conveniences, for those days, with Electricity, gas , an Ideal Boiler for heating water, and a fireplace in every room, apart that is, from the small bedroom at the front of the house. My mother did the weekly wash in a Copper gas heated boiler, which had a wringer mounted above it. Most importantly there was a bathroom, with flush toilet,bath, and wash basin. The style was Art Deco with period tiled fire places, and stained glass designs either side of the front door. There was a service road to the rear of the house enabling coal deliveries, and the Dustbins to be emptied. In 1948 the gardens had been restored to the prewar condition , with a lawn in the front garden and the rear planted for vegetables.