Anders Lundquist Collection
Anders passed through Shoreham on many occasions from the 60’s As a keen amateur photographer he decided to record the ordinary. 50 years later that ordinary provides an evocative window into a once familiar world.

Anders passed through Shoreham on many occasions from the 60’s As a keen amateur photographer he decided to record the ordinary. 50 years later that ordinary provides an evocative window into a once familiar world.
A gallery of Aerial images from the Sussex Archaeological Society’s Collection held at the Marlipins Museum in Shoreham. Should you require copies of any particular images these are available on request from [email protected]
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Elevated view from tower of St Mary's Church, Shoreham-by-Sea, looking south across the River Adur to Bungalow Town (now Shoreham Beach) with footbridge (opened 1921) in centre. In foreground is East Street leading down to the bridge with toll booth at north end. House in left foreground, Stow's boat yard to the left of the bridge. River Adur in midground. In background Bungalow Town and the sea. Dated: between 1921 and 1925
Aerial view of the River Adur and part of Shoreham-by-Sea, taken by early aviator Cecil Pashley from a Farman Longhorn" derivative. Wing strut of plane visible in foreground River Adur on left with Norfolk suspension bridge and railway bridge in background buildings of New Shoreham on right including the Catholic Church in centre. Cluster of boats on river in foreground and crowd gathered on shore indicate it is possibly regatta day." Date: pre 1921
Aerial view over Shoreham-by-Sea looking north west with River Adur in foreground and South Downs with Chanctonbury Ring in distant background. Footbridge visible in foreground, railway bridge on left and old toll bridge in middleground with Lancing College and Chapel to its left. Catholic church in foreground centre left, St Mary de Haura centre right with Shoreham Grammar school in Pond Road behind the tower of St Mary's. River Adur winding through fields into distance. Date: after 1934 - demolition of Dolphin chambers but no Coronation Green. Connaught Avenue complete.
Aerial view over Shoreham-by-Sea looking north west with River Adur in foreground winding through fields towards South Downs in distant background. Norfolk suspension bridge in left foreground with railway bridge behind and old toll bridge in middleground with Lancing College and Chapel to its left. Catholic church in foreground centre left, St Mary de Haura centre right. Nurseries to the right of the river between railway bridge and toll bridge, army camp far right middleground. Printed on back This is a Real Photograph from an Avro Aeroplane". Photograph taken summer 1919 by AW Wardell"
Elevated view from tower of St Mary's Church, Shoreham-by-Sea, looking south across the River Adur to Bungalow Town (now Shoreham Beach). In foreground houses, sign for E.H. Curd Builder & Contractor, chimney of shipyard smithy (Stow's Yard) (centre), Butts boat yard on right. River Adur at low tide in midground. In background Bungalow Town with Ferry Road (centre) with three cars.
Elevated view from tower of St Mary's Church, Shoreham-by-Sea, looking south across the River Adur to Bungalow Town (now Shoreham Beach) with footbridge on right. In foreground houses, sign for E.H. Curd Builder & Contractor, chimney shipyard smithy (Stow's Yard) (centre), Butts boat yard on right. River Adur at low tide in midground. In background Bungalow Town with Ferry Road (centre) with three cars.
Aerial photograph of Shoreham Chemical Works which produced tarmac for road surfacing at Shoreham Harbour, Shoreham-by-Sea. Also showing the Shoreham - Brighton main coastal road (A259) and the train tracks just visible (top left). Tar works on North side of river, on A259. Sunken concrete barge, used as storage tank, can be seen parallel to the road. Chemical works was on South side. opposite the tar/ creosote yard on the North side of the river.
Aerial view of Kingston and Southwick, looking north-west over harbour and fields. In foreground is the sea and eastern end of Shoreham Harbour with Southwick docks and locks on the right, part of the harbour entrance and partially-built Mystery Towers on the left. Buildings of Southwick, including the church of St Michael and all Angels, on the right behind the docks. Army camp on Slonk Hill in centre mid-background, part of River Adur in left background.
Aerial view of the harbour showing Kingston, Kingston Lane and residential streets. One 'mystery tower' ( later demolished on site, the missing tower was renamed Nab Tower) remains on the River Adur, and was later broken up. The Nab tower was towed away - the outline where it was built can still be seen to the west of the one seen. Course of the railway siding, built to import materials, can be seen at the bottom.
Aerial view of River Adur and Shoreham-by-Sea town partially obscured by low cloud and wing strut of plane. Footbridge to Shoreham Beach in left middle ground, with Norfolk girder bridge (constructed 1923) and railway bridge further north. Boathouse and slipway on north side of river centre foreground.
Norfolk Bridge and Shoreham-by-Sea. c1915 Elevated view (taken from the top of St. Mary's Church tower) across the town to Norfolk Bridge to the chain-link suspension bridge over the River Adur (built 1832 and demolished in the early 1920s). Houses and buildings in the foreground including St Peter's Catholic church, bridge and river in middle ground, road on far side leading past Shoreham Airport field in distance.
View of Shoreham-by-Sea from the tower of St Mary's church. Norfolk bridge and the River Adur are in the distance. Railway bridge is on the right. Shoreham Airport is beyond. St Peters's Catholic church is in the middle distance. Middle Street Hall is in the foreground. Photo number 5036. Reprinted by R. Hill.
View across Shoreham-by-Sea looking north west from the tower of St Mary de Haura parish church. In foreground are Shoreham College grounds. River Adur and Lancing College Chapel in background. Hebe Pub. Note Victoria Road School has replaced the Swiss so this dates it as post 1915 but West St. houses not built so pre 1927
In partnership with the Sussex Archaeological Society the following images were one of the first collections to be displayed on our community website and is certainly the most significant. It contains the large majority of the Marlipins Museum Collection originally scanned in 2004 to which further cooperation with the Museum has enabled us to scan and add many more of their unique images.
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Football team, Shoreham-by-Sea. Thirteen team members in three rows standing and sitting in outdoor setting with trees in backtround. Twelve players wearing shirts in two different-coloured vertical halves, shorts with belts, long socks, boots, some with shinguards. Five men wearing suits, caps or hats, and ties stand in back row. On the ground in front a trophy with inscription Challenge Cup and ball dated 1902-03. Probably a Shoreham FC team as shirts are the same, and some team members and officials are the same, as in a other photographs. Centre of back row with bowler hat is Oswald Ball who was for a number of years team manager of Shoreham FC.
Wedding carriages outside Burrell Hotel, Ham Road, Shoreham-by-Sea. Five horse-drawn carriages wait in line, drivers wear top hats and buttoned jackets, horses have white rosettes below the ear to denote a wedding and coachmen have white ribbons on their whips. Burrell Hotel with the name T. P. Palmer over the door, signs Family & Commercial Hotel" "Dinners & Teas". Men wearing suits waistcoasts ties stand by the carriages group of children in background. Street lights attached to front of hotel."
Lifeboat the 1st 'William Restell' in the lifeboat shed with a notice above the door reading Royal National Lifeboat Institution Lifeboat Supported by Volunteer Contributions" with a crowd including many children and two dogs standing outside launching ropes on slip in foreground. Photocopy of an original photograph."
Harold Hume (Hal) Piffard (1867-1938) with his Pusher biplane, on the beach at Bungalow Town. Piffard stands to the left of the plane between the tall man in shirtsleeves and the man in the flat cap. Other men women and children in background. Plane is partly obscured, visible are wings, engine and propellor, struts, floats. The Pusher biplane was powered by a 40 HP ENV engine with a seven-foot propellor, front elevator and rear stabiliser. Information from the Worthing Herald 29 April 2004, p.19: Woman in the centre is Miss Barbara O'Manning, a former art student. Harold Hume Piffard, who pioneered the development of Shoreham aerodrome in 1909, was an old boy of Lancing College and later studied art in Paris and at the Royal Academy. Miss O'Manning helped Piffard design an early model aircraft and was involved in the construction of his full-sized aeroplane, the Humming Bird (also known as the Mayfly).
Two Bristol Box Kite biplanes piloted by Oscar Morison and Mr. Gilmour take part in an air race from Shoreham to Roedean on 13 May 1911. The planes are pictured flying above a grass-covered field with low buildings in background, possibly Shoreham Airport. Postcard inscribed on front Mr. Morison and Mr. Gilmour race from Shoreham to Roedean May 13/11. F. Rowe Shoreham"."
Graham Gilmour sits in his biplane (possibly a Bristol Box Kite) before leaving on a flight to Amesbury on 26 May 1911. Close view of front of plane, pilot wearing tam-o'-shanter hat and long coat. Wings, struts, wheels and runners clearly visible also part of propellor behind pilot. Three men stand in front of plane all wearing suits, hats, ties. Postcard inscribed on front Mr. Gilmour flies to Amesbury 100 miles May 26/11. F. Rowe". Postmarked 17 February 1912 and sent to Miss Bessie Clark Cornhill Rolvenden Kent with message: "My Dear Bessie this is a photo of the young Mr. Gilmour it is so sad we knew him so well through the flying ground. Many a chat with him I have had. I have his autographs with the others. Shoreham is quite upset about it knowing him so well. Write soon with love from us all had a photo of Tom this morning" unsigned. "
Cecil and Eric Pashley stand in front of their Farman biplane at Shoreham Airport. Both men wear suits and shirts with ties, one wears a cap. Close view of the propellor and engine at rear of cockpit, struts and wheels also visible. In background is hangar no. 6. Eric Pashley was killed in World War One, Cecil continued at Shoreham, formed the Southdown Flying Club, and trained pilots for many years.
Three-masted barque 'Britannia' on the River Adur moored at the Old Shipyard - later Suter's Yard - in Shoreham harbour. The ship weighed 800 tons, was built by Dyer & Son of Shoreham and was one of the last square-rigged built at Shoreham. The ship was wrecked during a hurricane on route to Montreal in September 1883, when 13 lives were lost including the Captain's wife and two children.
Three-masted schooner Osprey" in full sail at sea crew members on deck pennants and the Red Ensign flying from rear mast. Boat with five men in foreground three-masted ship in left background and sailing boat in right background.The "Osprey" was built at the Old Shipyard in New Shoreham in 1855-1856 by J. B. Balley for R. H. Penney for £3164. She was the first of Penney's vessels to be used for world-wide trade and was lost off Scotland in 1865."
Two-masted wooden brig in full sail flying the Red Ensign flag, with men in a rowing boat hauling in a lobster pot in the foreground. The ship weighed 198 tons and was built in 1854 by J.B. Balley in Shoreham, for £2558 for a Quaker coal-merchant R.H. Penney of Southwick. The ship continued in service as a collier for over 20 years. Photograph of an oil painting by W. Jenner.
Two-masted schooner in full sail flying the Red Ensign flag and a pennant reading 'Kingston' coming into harbour at Valletta, Malta on a stormy sea with another ship in the background. The ship weighed 105 tons and was the first to be built by May & Thwaites of Kingston, near Shoreham-by-Sea, in 1838, for a Quaker coal merchant E. Lucas for use as a collier. Print of a watercolour painting by Maltese artist Nicholas S. Cammillieri.
Not Shoreham related exactly but such a fascinating, rare and historic collection of naval photographs from long standing member and Shoreham resident John Lyne that we had no hesitation in including them on the website. The photos record some of the ships and events from John’s father William Joseph Lyne’s service with the Royal Navy during WW1 and after. William served initially from 1911 to 1921 and saw action at Heligoland Bight and Jutland. Called up again during WW2 he participated in the Dunkirk withdrawal followed by a posting to Lowestoft providing minesweeping training to Scandinavian refugee sailors. Continue reading “John Lyne Collection”
John Bartlett is descended from the Winton and Maple families of Shoreham. His mother Daphne Maple married Robert Bartlett, both of Old Shoreham, in 1940. The Bartletts came from Lancing and settled in Old Shoreham where John’s grandfather was the collector at the Toll Bridge. John has kindly provided us with a selection of his family photographs dating from the early 1900’s.
Collector Alan Humphries has kindly allowed us to scan a compilation of photographs and postcards from his unique Southwick and Kingston collection. The images have been especially selected to provide an evocative picture of the area as it once was. The collection is considerable and even a selection will take time to put together. The following images are the first to have been processed and will be added to over the coming weeks.
Continue reading “Alan Humphries Collection 4 (Southwick & Kingston)”
Collector Alan Humphries has kindly allowed us to scan a compilation of photographs and postcards from his unique Southwick and Kingston collection. The images have been especially selected to provide an evocative picture of the area as it once was.
Continue reading “Alan Humphries Collection 3 (Southwick & Kingston)”
Collector Alan Humphries has kindly allowed us to scan a compilation of photographs and postcards from his unique Southwick and Kingston collection. The images have been especially selected to provide an evocative picture of the area as it once was.
Continue reading “Alan Humphries Collection 2 (Southwick & Kingston)”Collector Alan Humphries has kindly allowed us to scan a compilation of photographs and postcards from his unique Southwick and Kingston collection. The images have been especially selected to provide an evocative picture of the area as it once was. The collection is considerable and even a selection will take time to put together.
Continue reading “Alan Humphries Collection (Southwick & Kingston)”A gallery of images ©Sussex Archaeological Society’s Collection held at the Marlipins Museum in Shoreham. Should you require copies of any particular images these are available on request from [email protected]
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Miown foundered off Shoreham. Two masts rigging and part of the wheel visible above the sea after the steamship "Miown" was wrecked in a gale one-and-a-half miles SSW of Shoreham. Unidentified man wearing civilian clothes and cloth cap stands in the rigging. The "Miown" was carrying a cargo of cement from London to Bristol and was wrecked so quickly there was no time to send distress signals. The crew took to the water and all were drowned with the exception of Captain Jones who stayed with his ship and survived six hours of exposure. Waterman John Short of Southwick saw the captains's plight and with neigbours William Gardiner owner of the boat "Florence" and Charlie Smart launched the boat and rowed out to the wreck to save the captain. "
Reed's Grocer and Draper, 29 and 31 High Street, Shoreham-by-Sea. Flint house (rebuilt c 1900) with shop window on left side of ground floor, sign above Grocer REED Draper" and "Ready made clothes warehouse". Clothes for sale hanging above shop window and along right side of house. Mattressess chairs a mangle and hip bath are displayed on the pavement. Man and woman wearing long aprons stand in shop doorway. Printed from glass negative by Bob Hill."
Mill Lane, Shoreham-by-Sea. View south from top of Mill Lane across large field towards Shoreham town, tower of the church of St Mary de Haura visible on skyline. Cemetery gatehouse on left, Trinity Cottages second building from left in midground, on far right is the Catholic church. Also in middle ground Cambridge Lodge, Longcroft, and Victoria Road on right.
Aerodrome. Mr. E Roll of the Full inside" revue stands in the cockpit of a Pashley Bros biplane at Shoreham Aerodrome (later Shoreham Airport) seated in front is pilot Eric Pashley. Almost full view of plane from the front showing wheels wings struts cockpit with propellor behind. "Pashley Bros" on side of cockpit. At left woman wearing cloche hat sits at the wheel of an open-topped Austro Daimler motor car licence number LK-8677 with tool-box and spare wheel on the running board AA badge and starting handle visible on front. Restaurant in left background with flag inscribed SCA (South Coast Aero-club?). Low gabled building in background in front of railway embankment is the Aero Club pavilion. Reprinted by Bob Hill from original Winton glass negative owned by John Saunders."
Naval seaplane number 113, Radley England Mk II, Shoreham-by-Sea. Close view of a bi-plane landed on mudflats on the beach, showing struts, wings, tailfin with number 113, small cockpit with propellor behind, floats. Houses in background and power station in distance on left. Reprinted by Bob Hill from original Winton glass negative owned by John Saunders.
Aerodrome. Madge Williams (left) and Cecil Pashley sit in Pashley's Farman biplane ready for a flight, possibly at Shoreham Aerodrome (later Shoreham Airport). Close view of plane showing wheels, struts, wings, small cockpit, propellor behind cockpit. Pashley and Williams wear flying helmets, he wears muffler and goggles. Plane is on flat grassy field with wooden fence and trees in background. Reprinted by Bob Hill from original Winton glass negative owned by John Saunders.
Norfolk Bridge, Shoreham-by-Sea. Western end of High Street, looking west. Cart and horse. Lion and horse statues on the top of the central supporting arches. Toll keeper is on front right with a boy by the toll booth. Cast iron lamps on the bridge. Telegraph pole. The bridge was replaced in the 1920s.
Bungalow Town, Old Fort Filming of a scene from the film The Showman's Dream" at the old fort east of Bungalow Town (now Shoreham Beach). Raised stage with backdrop depicting entrance to a circus and actors and actresses dressed as clown bandsmen and others in normal clothing. Man in sweater possibly director or camerman. Tripod at left. Film made by the Sunny South Film Company. Copy photograph from a glass negative."
Bungalow Town Film Making, 'The Showman's Dream', at the old fort, east of Bungalow Town, Shoreham Beach, Shoreham-by-Sea. Film set of the picture made by Sunny South Films. Raised stage with backdrop depicting entrance to a circus, and actors and actresses, dressed as clown, bandsmen, policeman, and others in normal clothing. Camera man in foreground. The painted backdrop hangs on the brickwork of the Palmerston buildings of Shoreham Fort. Actors Will Evans (Showman) and Arthur Conquest. Copy photograph from a glass negative.
Tub race on the highway from Bramber to Upper Beeding (now The Street) during flooding showing the man identified as the winner with other tubs in the background, watched by onlookers standing on a partly submerged fence and men on horse-back. A man with a pipe and a boy are seated in the back of a horse-and-cart in the foreground, the ruins of Bramber Castle visible in the background. Lettering on the postcard reads Winner of tub race on Highway from Bramber to Upper Beeding during flood Feb. 2. 1904". Donated by Mrs Mopp."
Norfolk Bridge c1919-1920. The old chain-link suspension bridge (built 1832 and demolished in the 1920s) over the River Adur, showing the two arches at either end topped with statues of a lion and a horse, two men on the beach in the foreground standing by a building contractor's board reading John Gill Contractors Ltd ... London". "
Shoreham football club team, Shoreham-by-Sea. Group portrait taken outdoors of the 1904-05 team, West Sussex Senior League champions. Players wearing shirts with vertical stripes laced at the neck, long socks, boots. Two wearing caps and with Sussex FL badges on shirts. Players sit in two rows with arms folded, two men not wearing sports kit stand behind, one with moustache and bowler hat is Mr. Oswald Ball, manager of the team and headmaster of Ham Road School. Middle row third from right wearing white cap is E. D. Gates (captain), front row second left is A. E. Longstaff. Full list of team members given as: E. C. Ayling, goal; G. Gates, F. Rose, backs; W. Ellmer, Alf Maple, Art Maple, half-backs; F. Longstaff, A. E. Longstaff, H. Upton, E. D. Gates, C. Peak, forwards.
Norfolk Bridge 1922 Looking west from Shoreham town, showing the toll booth and men at work on demolition of the old chain suspension bridge (built 1832) for re-building. Signs on the bridge set the speed limit (5 miles), state that Heavy motor cars not allowed over this bridge" and advertise the building contractors "Unit Construction Coy Ltd." of Regent Street London. Reproduction of a photograph."
Norfolk Bridge 1922 Horse-and-cart and workmen removing debris from the northern end of the old chain suspension bridge under demolition, looking towards the high street showing the ironmongers shop, toll house (right) and toll keepers lodge (left). Reprinted from an original glass negative by Robert Hill.
Norfolk Bridge, Shoreham-by-Sea. Looking north to the new bridge over the River Adur under construction, with steam pump removing river water and steam crane with attached bucket at work on coffer dam to permit construction of new additional pier. Reprinted from an original glass negative by Robert Hill.
Shoreham Grammar School, Shoreham-by-Sea, elevated view showing the school in centre, large building with two white gables next to walled garden and playing field with swings and a roundabout. Horse-drawn carriage on street, Norfolk Bridge - suspension bridge over the River Adur - in middle ground on left, railway line with train on right. The picture features on the front of a card sent with Christmas/New Year greetings from Shoreham Grammar School, dated 1933.
Aerodrome. Men women and children gather round a crashed seaplane at Shoreham Airport. The plane was taking part in the Daily Mail air race, probably on 10 August 1914; the pilot escaped with his life. People in foreground partially obscuring the plane which lies on its side, part of fuselage visible with Daily Mail" marked on side all of tail visible with rear float at base of tail. Railway embankment and track in background. " Location identified as adjacent river Adur between river embankment and railway and Old Shoreham Road to the East.
Taxi-cab outside Burrell Arms, Brunswick Road, Shoreham-by-Sea. Full-length view of taxi showing front and side, wheels and carriage lamps visible. Back part of cab roof folded down. Three men wearing suits, caps, boots and gaiters, one smoking cigarette, sit on running-board. Horse in harness visible at right, Burrell Arms hotel in background.
Norfolk Bridge, Shoreham-by-Sea. The old chain suspension bridge, designed by Tierney Clark (built 1832 and demolished in the 1920s), over the River Adur showing decorative arches, rowing boats on the bank. View taken from the northern end. Toll House in the foreground. The northern tower arch has a lion and the southern has a horse. Street lighting on each side of the bridge. Bridge erected by Bernard and Edward Howard.
Shoreham football club reserves team, Shoreham-by-Sea, winners of the West Sussex Junior League 1900-01. Group portrait taken outdoors in front of Ravenscroft house (corner of Raven's Road and Mill Lane), home of R.B. Bell. Twelve team members in three rows standing and sitting, wearing shirts in two different-coloured vertical halves, shorts with belts, long socks, boots, some with shinguards. Trophy and dated ball centre foreground. In back row are three men wearing suits and ties. Identifications standing left-to-right: W. Winton linesman, C. Cheesman, H. Dell, R. B. Dell President, J. Savage, F. Cheesman, Oswald Ball Hon.Sec.; centre row sitting left-to-right: C. Atherfold, M. Slaughter, G. Gates, C. Upton captain, H. Ellmer, M. Cook; front l-r J. Bacon, J. E. Hackett vice-captain.