Bungalow Town 1935 Property Map, Shoreham by Sea (inc. 1901 properties and 1912 map)
A List of Property Names and Plot Numbers from the 1935 Map of Bungalow Town
(in numerical order and alphabetical order)
Whilst the map is noted in Shoreham Library as 1935, discrepancies with the 1935 Street Directory suggest this map may be of another year. Street directories for some of the years in the 1920’s and 30’s provide postal numbers and occupants within street as well as a few years where the alphabetical order of house names is also provided. This listing provides a property number list and an alphabetical list only in respect of the properties on the map will not always correspond with properties of an earlier or later year.
The 1935 maps with the property names and numbers are shown first. In order to make it more readable it has been necessary to break the map down into nine sections from west to east.
Update Note. This property map (also located in Shoreham Library) is known to be unclear in places as regards the rather indistinct way some of the bungalow names are noted against the property footprints. Nevertheless the map remains a good indication of where most of the bungalows were, in fact many have been proved correct through old photographs (e.g., name signs on the walls of the buildings etc.,).
One glaringly obvious inaccuracy though has to be the misnaming of the well known ‘La Morna’ (1) as ‘Silverstrand.’ The attached illustration footprint of property number 566 clearly matches ‘La Morna’ as do the features indicated in the photographs of the neighbouring properties. Obviously this has the effect of shunting the order of names on by one but due to the indistinct labelling the names that appear on the map some properties later continue to match correctly against proven bungalow locations.
(1) A high resolution copy of the ‘La Morna’ photo shows a lifebelt on the wall with the building’s name on it.

RB August 2019

1. Alphabetical Order of 1935 Bungalow Names
Note: you can search these lists by number or name using Command+F (or CTRL+F on Windows) keys on your keyboard.
Abile (?) 328
Adur View 250
After All 310
Aida 88 (three on one plot)
Airlie 359
Alberta 203 (two on one plot)
Alexandra 203 (two on one plot)
Allandale 7
Allandale Breakers 8
Allassio 600
Allison 291
Andree 303
Antrim 228
Aquamarine 177
Arcadia 558
Arequipa 191
Arganom 173
Argyle 200
Arigon 74 (two names on one plot)
Arlestones 503
Arnside 278
Aston Villa 68
Augta 198
Auld Reene 525
Aurora 364
Avoca 506 (two on one plot)
Avoca 598
Avonmore 197
Bangor 232
Barge 209
Barrymore 275 (two on one plot)
Bartonia 176
Bay View 3 (two names on one plot)
Beach 360
Beach Bank 609
Beach Court 2
Beach Home 326
Beach Hotel 282
Beach Ire 296
Beach Lea and Annexe 180
Beach Lodge 106
Beachcroft 565
Beachhaven (not numbered)
Beachville 551
Beau Rivage 182
Bechlands 169
Bedfordia 165
Bedola and Annexe 185
Beggars Roost 599
Belle Garde 27
Bellview 124
Belmont 99
Belvedear 593
Bembridge 175
Bettina 271
Bettsea 523
Beversley 431 (two on one plot)
Black Hut 616 (perhaps just a black hut)
Blair Athole 204
Bodington (?) 65
Bon Sante 33
Bonita 521
Borneo 399
Breezy 279
Brorotha (?) 222
Brynhir 579
Budria 367
Buenos Aires 129
Burmah 235
Burntwood Lodge 112 (two on one plot)
Caanan 50
Cambrai 221
Cana Lynn 443
Canacas 40
Caprice 586
Caravell 247
Carina 244
Caronbury 202
Cartham 345
Casa Mia 122 (behind 121)
Casovets 132 (two on one plot)
Castledene 555
Cecil Lodge 274
Cecilia 338
Chain Cottage 409
Chanctonbury 242
Chandos 18
Channel View 56
Chatsworth 500
Cheeda 196
Cheney 528
Chislehurst 295
Cholsram 73
Cissbury 243
Clan Y Mor 378
Claremont 448
Cobble way 240
Cockleshell 469
College View 152
Collington Lodge 411
Collingwood 397
Columbhoe 398
Comant E – W 330
Concara 199
Coogee 420
Coombedown 101
Copper Turrets 602
Corman 424
Corola 317
Coronation 12
Corringway 575
Cranbrook 442
Cranleigh 484
Crastook 253
Creekside 369
Crowndale 559
Daisyholm 489
Darita 168
Daway (?) 53
Day Dream 590
Delmane 482
Denette 312
Desiree 350
Devonia 166
Dingley Dell 87
Domane 439
Dormans 298 (two on one plot)
Dorothy 103
Downsview 127
Dremeda 16 (two names on one plot)
Dumbee 507 (two on one plot)
Dun Alene (?) 206
Dyndoris 490
Eades Stores 225
Eardley 458
East Haven 32 (two names on one plot)
East House 258
East Lynne 160
Eastleigh 513
Eastville E 314
Eastville W 313
Ebury 457 (two on one plot)
Eden 601
Egerton 457 (two on one plot)
Eldorado 224
Ellacombe 62
Elvira 159
Elyzaton 262
Emerald 332
Enerdene 520
Era 118 (behind 117)
Etheldene and Annexe 16 (two names on one plot)
Everslie 456
Fairhaven 483
Fairways 454 (two on one plot)
Fairy Dene 577
Fassifern 572
Fawley 505 (two on one plot)
Fearydue 207
Fellbridge 151
Ferngarth 215
Fifty Two 292
Fides 280
Fleur de Lis 64
Forthaven 366
Fraven 238
Friars House 604
Frithstow 85
Gascote 319
Gaureloe Asdam 339
Geboray 618
Geisha 437
Gemini 67
Glendore 75
Goodnato 379
Gothique 104
Graneley 308
Granville 284
Gratus 385
Gulls Nest 554
Haddon 512 (two on one plot)
Hallam 94
Halycross 96
Harbour S….(?) 408
Harbour St. Mary 29
Harley House 468
Harlow 510 (two on one plot)
Harwell 58
Heather Field 455
Hereford 511 (two on one plot)
Hiandri 564
Highdown 511 (two on one plot)
Hirondelle 13
Hollies 417
Holmdale 512 (two on one plot)
Homelands 148
Horsted 322
Hurlestones 510 (two on one plot)
Hya 193
Ideal 507 (two on one plot)
Idris 31
Indiana 438
Inglenook 581
Inverness 412 (two on one plot)
Iolanthe 412 (two on one plot)
Isora 570
Ivanhoe 157
Ivanhoe 301
Ivy Dene 5
Iwintown 227
Jerome 382
Journeys End 57
Keeblecot 481
Keston 299 (two on one plot)
Keyna 473
Kingscote 584
Kingsdown 396 (two on one plot)
Kingsville 335
Kinross 340
Kinvar 614
Kiota 172
Kismet 188
Kittiwake 560
Koo Doo 164
La Boheme 352
La Lerne 61
La Marguerite 54
La Marina 294
La Masionette 4
La Vague 21
Lagoon Cottage 603
Laguna 195
Lamorna 567
Larkstone 323
Lazyland 553
Le Lucides 22
Leeside 120 (behind 119)
Lexham 486
Lindfield 491
Little Cot 383
Little Fairy Dene 576
Lockerbie 595
Lonah 508 (two on one plot)
Lorna Doone 136
Lucerne 34
Lulworth 306
Lymington 454 (two on one plot)
Lyn Ridge 502
Lyndhurst 98
Lynton Lodge 281
Maelvy 47
Maghushla 20
Magna 374
Mallows 562
Malps 246
Maples 134 (two on one plot)
Margaret 447
Marie 465
Marnla 391
Mary’s House 478
Mascot 44
Maycot 450
Mayes 299 (two on one plot)
Mayfield 381
Meadway House 201
Medvoto (?) 92
Melrose 226
Mera Zan 550
Merry Lodge 117
Michigan 522
Middle Bay 309
Midhurst 452
Millston 72
Mimosa 39
Minehaha 111
Minerva and Annexe 114
Minnetonga 66
Mondalm 386
Montpelier 52
Moorings 588 (two on one plot)
Mortuna 272
Mostyn 132 (two on one plot)
Muro 219
Natures Way 184
Nautilus 26
Nengam (?) 445
Neptunus 337
Newhaven 434
Niamo 400
Nigeria 402
Niose 46
Nokamis 108
Norfolk Lodge 251
North Brooks 249
Ocean View 413
Oceana 15
Oivita 396 (two in one plot)
Ontario 321
Osatamead 392
Pan 181
Pandora 110
Pantiles 588 (two on one plot)
Pasadena 380
Pat 343
Pebble Ridge 105
Pebblecote 333
Penguin 125
Perton 100
Peter Pan 286
Phoenix 351
Picardy 462
Playford 390
Pompos 427
Ponemah 109
Porth Geana 36
Qaat 487
Quay Cottage 610
Queensade 208
Ranbourne 341
Ranelagh 189
Rashmir 290
Ravens Nest 131
Raydon 216
Reculver and Annexe 113
Red Sands 10
Regina 190
Reneur 475
Rest Cot 574
Rest Harrow 69
Restcroft and Annexe 237
Resthaven and Annexe 123
Rinora 217
Riverbank 254
Rivermouth 348
Riverside 504 (two on one plot)
Riverways 505 (two on one plot)
Riviera 499
Rob Roy 305
Roberta 245 (two on one p;lot)
Robin Hood 304
Rock Point 552
Rose Lews 170
Rose Marie 587
Rosemary 270
Rosemaryann 501
Rosslyn 488
Roxburgh 353
Rozell 88 (three on one plot)
Ruspar 255
Sails (?) 504 (two on one plot)
Salfra 508 (two on one plot)
Salop 19
Salopia – N and Annexe 14
San Diego 407
San Joy 59
San Reno 592
Sandford 372
Sandling 298 (two on one plot)
Sandown 433
Sandrock 419
Sandy Hook 368
Sano 585
Sans Souci 30
Sansovino 218
Sea Breeze 70
Sea Cot 24
Sea Croft 115
Sea Girl 119
Sea Haven 571
Sea Holme 51
Sea Mount 126
Sea Noon 6
Sea Shell 568
Sea Spray 11
Sea View 1
Sea Winds 35
Seadrift 76
Seaford 375
Seasands 403
Seaside 48
Sedgemore 45
Segona 517
Selhurst 158
Sellworthy 102
Selmer 277
Selsdon 404
Selsey 361
Serringham 297
Shamrock 479
Shamrock 583
Shamva 606
Shingle Creek 37
Shingle Lodge 9
Shingle Rise 261
Shingle Shack 569
Shoreham Dene 17
Silchester 273
Silverspray 578
Silverstrand 566
Silverton 163
Skylark 256
Skyside (?) 376
Sleeping Beauty 428
Sorrento 260
Southbank 485
St. Catherines 3 (two names on one plot)
St. Helier 86
St. Vincent 43
St.Brelades 95
St.Clair 607
St.Hilda and Annexe 107
St.Hugh 186
St.Michaels 283
St.Monet 480
St.Patrick 316
St.Thomas More 153
Stanelton 178
Stanham 234
Starryclover 612
Stone Croft 596
Stoneyhurst 275 (two on one plot)
Strathaird 130
Strayhome 90
Stream (?) 205
Struan Lee 556
Summer House 557
Sunbeam 248
Sundial 467
Sunnydene 149
Sunnyland 347
Sunnyside 156
Sunrise Sunset 293
Sunshine Susie 342
Surf 300 (two on one plot)
Sur-le-Mer 582
Sussex Lodge East and West 214
Swallow 425
Tamarisk 373
Tangier 449
Taransay 518
Tempe 116
The Anchorage 49
The Arc 25
The Barney 430
The Bird 183
The Cab Spot 71
The Cabin and Annexe 41
The Croft 418
The Dorchester 401
The End 466
The Eyrie 463
The Galleon 615
The Haven 589
The Lands End 325
The Loddon 608
The Matchbox 370
The Moony 171
The Mushroom 357
The Nest 346
The Nuggett 573
The Old Barn 324
The Rest 135
The Retreat 121
The Skering 356
The Sloaneries 422
The Smokeries 137
The Stoneways 477
The Swelter 349
The View 150
The Warren 334
The White Bungalow 63
Three Gables 38
Tideway 320 (two on one plot)
Tideway Cott. 320 (two on one plot)
Tilly Whim 167
Timaru 60
Tipperary 315
Tollemache 426
Toulon 134 (two on one plot)
Trane 436
Travellers Joy 55
Trin…..? 223
Troove 187
Ty Gwyn 506 (two on one plot)
Tyneside 174
Tyrol 91
Ulysses 93
Umera 472
Umtota 241
Vallena 498
Vardena 395
Veronica 276
Villa de Voto 133
Villa Lido 23
Waiwera 591
Wanguana 97
Waratah 451
Warsash 515
Watan 327
Water Edge 580
Waterfront Cottage 516
Waterville 28
Waterways 162
Wattethorne 441
Wavecrest 336
Wavelet 192
Wayside 459
Weastar 440
Welersley 431 (two on one plot)
Wendy 285
Wentworth 362
West Croft 597
West Haven 32 (two names on one plot)
West House 257
West Winds 563
Westerham 300 (two on one plot)
Westor 432
White Heather 307
White House 239
White Wings 252
Wigham 331
Windermere 161
Wiston 302
Witcham 89
Wivelsfield 453
Wolstonbury 179
Woodcot 42
Yellow Sands 329
Yewden 74 (two names on one plot)
2. Numerical (Plot) Order
N.N. = not named
Numbers without a name and in addition to the plot numbers are probably street numbers
Beach side (south) of Beach Road westwards from opposite the Church of the
Good Shepherd
Sea View 1
Beach Court 2
Bay View 3 (two names on one plot)
St. Catherines 3 (two names on one plot)
La Masionette 4
Ivy Dene 5
Sea Noon 6
Allandale 7
Allandale Breakers 8
Shingle Lodge 9
Red Sands 10
Sea Spray 11
Coronation 12
Hirondelle 13
Salopia – N and Annexe 14
Oceana 15
Etheldene and Annexe 16 (two names on one plot)
Dremeda 16 (two names on one plot)
Shoreham Dene 17
Chandos 18
Salop 19
Maghushla 20
La Vague 21
Le Lucides 22
Villa Lido 23
Sea Cot 24
The Arc 25
Nautilus 26
Belle Garde 27
Waterville 28
Harbour St. Mary 29
Sans Souci 30
Idris 31
West Haven 32 (two names on one plot)
East Haven 32 (two names on one plot)
Bon Sante 33
Lucerne 34
Sea Winds 35
Porth Geana 36
Shingle Creek 37
Three Gables 38
Mimosa 39
Canacas 40
The Cabin and Annexe 41
Woodcot 42
St. Vincent 43
Mascot 44
Sedgemore 45
Niose 46
Maelvy 47
Seaside 48
The Anchorage 49
Caanan 50
Sea Holme 51
Montpelier 52
Daway (?) 53
La Marguerite 54
Travellers Joy 55
Channel View 56
Journeys End 57
Harwell 58
San Joy 59
Timaru 60
La Lerne 61
Ellacombe 62
The White Bungalow 63
Fleur de Lis 64
Bodington (?) 65
Minnetonga 66
Gemini 67
Aston Villa 68
Rest Harrow 69
Sea Breeze 70
The Cab Spot 71
Millston 72
North side of Beach Road from the corner of Ferry Road eastwards to the end
Kings Drive (now Kings Walk) where it joined the Brighton Road
Cholsram 73
Arigon 74 (two names on one plot)
Yewden 74 (two names on one plot)
Glendore 75
Seadrift 76
N.N. 77
N.N. 78
N.N. 79
N.N. 80
N.N. 81
N.N. 82
N.N. 83
N.N. 84
Frithstow 85
St. Helier 86
Dingley Dell 87
N.N. 88 (three on one plot)
Aida 88 (three on one plot)
Rozell 88 (three on one plot)
Witcham 89
Strayhome 90
Tyrol 91
Medvoto (?) 92
Ulysses 93
Hallam 94
St.Brelades 95
Halycross 96
Wanguana 97
Lyndhurst 98
Belmont 99
Perton 100
Coombedown 101
Sellworthy 102
Dorothy 103
Gothique 104
Pebble Ridge 105
Beach Lodge 106
St.Hilda and Annexe 107
Nokamis 108
Ponemah 109
Pandora 110
Minehaha 111
N.N. 112 (two on one plot)
Burntwood Lodge 112 (two on one plot)
Reculver and Annexe 113
Minerva and Annexe 114
Sea Croft 115
Tempe 116
Merry Lodge 117
Era 118 (behind 117)
Sea Girl 119
Leeside 120 (behind 119)
The Retreat 121
Casa Mia 122 (behind 121)
Resthaven and Annexe 123
Bellview 124
Penguin 125
Sea Mount 126
Downsview 127
(Workshop – probably an actual workshop) 128
Buenos Aires 129
Strathaird 130
Ravens Nest 131
Mostyn 132 (two on one plot)
Casovets 132 (two on one plot)
Villa de Voto 133
Toulon 134 (two on one plot)
Maples 134 (two on one plot)
The Rest 135
Lorna Doone 136
The Smokeries 137
then the following shops etc., along Brighton Road towards the Norfolk Bridge:-
Dairy Store
Fruit Store
Southern Olympic 144 (shop or bungalow?)
Sussex Plant Hire 145
Eastwards along Lower Beach Road via The Meadway to Ferry Road.
(Now the route covered by Woodards View & Havenside on to Beach Green
Road then across to a point on the west side of Ferry Road almost opposite
where todays Meadway meets Ferry Road on it’s east side.)
North side:-
N.N. 146
N.N. 147
South side:-
Homelands 148
Sunnydene 149
The View 150
Fellbridge 151
College View 152
St.Thomas More 153
N.N. 154
N.N. 155
then four small buildings (sheds or huts?) in Derriman Close numbered 1 to 4
North side:-
Sunnyside 156
Ivanhoe 157
Selhurst 158
Elvira 159
East Lynne 160
Windermere 161
Waterways 162
South Side:-
Silverton 163
Koo Doo 164
Bedfordia 165
Devonia 166
then southwards down the west side of Green Lane (no longer exists)
Tilly Whim 167
Darita 168
returning northwards
Bechlands 169
Rose Lews 170
The Moony 171
returning eastwards along the southern side of Lower Beach Road:-
Kiota 172
Arganom 173
Tyneside 174
Bembridge 175
Bartonia 176
Aquamarine 177
Stanelton 178
Wolstonbury 179
Beach Lea and Annexe 180
Pan 181
Beau Rivage 182
The Bird 183
Natures Way 184
Bedola and Annexe 185
St.Hugh 186
Troove 187
Kismet 188
Ranelagh 189
Regina 190
Arequipa 191
Wavelet 192
Hya 193
N.N. 194
Laguna 195
Cheeda 196
Avonmore 197
Augta 198
Concara 199
Argyle 200
Meadway House 201
Caronbury 202
Alberta 203 (two on one plot)
Alexandra 203 (two on one plot)
Blair Athole 204
Stream (?) 205
Dun Alene (?) 206
Fearydue 207
Queensade 208
Barge 209
N.N. 210
N.N. 211
N.N. 212
N.N. 213
Sussex Lodge East and West 214
Ferngarth 215
Raydon 216
Rinora 217
Sansovino 218
Muro 219
N.N. 220
then south down the west side of Ferry Road:-
Cambrai 221
Brorotha (?) 222
Trin…..? 223
Eldorado 224
Westwards back along the north side of the The Meadway to Lower Beach Road:-
Eades Stores 225
Melrose 226
Iwintown 227
Antrim 228
N.N. 229
N.N. 230
N.N. 231
Bangor 232
N.N. 233
Stanham 234
Burmah 235
Restcroft and Annexe 237
Fraven 238
White House 239
Cobble way 240
Umtota 241
Chanctonbury 242
Cissbury 243
Carina 244
Lower Beach Road (now Riverside) from about today’s Weald Dyke
eastwards back to Ferry Road
north side:-
Roberta 245 (two on one p;lot)
Erica 245 (two on one plot)
Malps 246
south side:-
Caravell 247
Sunbeam 248
North Brooks 249
Adur View 250
Norfolk Lodge 251
White Wings 252
Crastook 253
north side:-
Riverbank 254
Ruspar 255
Skylark 256
West House 257
East House 258
south side:-
(name and number not shown, presumably 259)
260 Sorrento
Shingle Rise 261
then south down the west side of Ferry Road:-
Elyzaton 262
Arts Club 263
Pebble Café 264
Beach Front Stores 265
South (beach) side of the Old Fort Road from the corner of Ferry Road eastwards:-
A group of buildings including public lavatories 266, tea shop 267, caretakers house 268
& air raid shelter 269
Rosemary 270
Bettina 271
Mortuna 272
Silchester 273
Cecil Lodge 274
Barrymore 275 (two on one plot)
Stoneyhurst 275 (two on one plot)
Veronica 276
Selmer 277
Arnside 278
Breezy 279
Fides 280
Lynton Lodge 281
Beach Hotel 282
St.Michaels 283
Granville 284
Wendy 285
Peter Pan 286
N.N. 287
N.N. 288
N.N. 289
Rashmir 290
Allison 291
Fifty Two 292
Sunrise Sunset 293
La Marina 294
Chislehurst 295
Beach Ire 296
Serringham 297
Dormans 298 (two on one plot)
Sandling 298 (two on one plot)
Keston 299 (two on one plot)
Mayes 299 (two on one plot)
Westerham 300 (two on one plot)
Surf 300 (two on one plot)
Ivanhoe 301
Wiston 302
Andree 303
Robin Hood 304
Rob Roy 305
Lulworth 306
White Heather 307
Graneley 308
Middle Bay 309
After All 310
(garage – probably a commercial garage) 311
Denette 312
Eastville W 313
Eastville E 314
Tipperary 315
St.Patrick 316
Corola 317
106 318
Gascote 319
Tideway Cott. 320 (two on one plot)
Tideway 320 (two on one plot)
Ontario 321
Horsted 322
Larkstone 323
The Old Barn 324
The Lands End 325
Beach Home 326
Watan 327
Abile (?) 328
Yellow Sands 329
Comant E – W 330
Wigham 331
Emerald 332
Pebblecote 333
The Warren 334
Kingsville 335
Wavecrest 336
Neptunus 337
Cecilia 338
Gaureloe Asdam 339
Kinross 340
Ranbourne 341
Sunshine Susie 342
Pat 343
162 344
Cartham 345
The Nest 346
Sunnyland 347
Rivermouth 348
The Swelter 349
Desiree 350
Phoenix 351
La Boheme 352
Roxburgh 353
N.N. 354
N.N 355
The Skering 356
The Mushroom 357
Old Fort 358 (the actual fort – not a bungalow of that name)
Westwards along the north side of the Old Fort Road from the old fort
Airlie 359
Beach 360
Selsey 361
Wentworth 362
Northwards up the east side of Kingston Bay Road (now Harbour Way)
N.N. 363
Aurora 364
N.N. 365
Forthaven 366
Budria 367
then southwards back down the west side
Sandy Hook 368
Creekside 369
The Matchbox 370
N.N. 371
Sandford 372
Tamarisk 373
Magna 374
Seaford 375
continuing westwards along the north side of Old Fort Road to Ferry Road
Skyside (?) 376
(illegible) 377
Clan Y Mor 378
Goodnato 379
Pasadena 380
Mayfield 381
Jerome 382
Little Cot 383
139 384
Gratus 385
Mondalm 386
N.N. 387
N.N. 388
N.N. 389
Playford 390
Marnla 391
Osatamead 392
N.N. 393
109 394
Vardena 395
Oivita 396 (two in one plot)
Kingsdown 396 (two on one plot)
Collingwood 397
Columbhoe 398
Borneo 399
Niamo 400
The Dorchester 401
Nigeria 402
Seasands 403
Selsdon 404
N.N. 405
81 406
San Diego 407
Harbour S….(?) 408
Chain Cottage 409
(Holidays – a boarding house) 410
then west side of Shingle Road
Collington Lodge 411
then continuing westwards along the north side of Old Fort Road
Iolanthe 412 (two on one plot)
Inverness 412 (two on one plot)
Ocean View 413
N.N. 414
N.N. 415
N.N. 416
Hollies 417
The Croft 418
Sandrock 419
Coogee 420
N.N. 421
The Sloaneries 422
N.N. 423
Corman 424
Swallow 425
Tollemache 426
Pompos 427
Sleeping Beauty 428
N.N. 429
The Barney 430
Beversley 431 (two on one plot)
Welersley 431 (two on one plot)
Westor 432
Sandown 433
Newhaven 434
Trane 436
Geisha 437
Indiana 438
Domane 439
Weastar 440
Wattethorne 441
Cranbrook 442
then east side of Ferry Road
Cana Lynn 443
N.N. 444
East wards along the south side of East Meadway (now The Meadway)
Nengam (?) 445
Eriswell 446
Margaret 447
Claremont 448
Tangier 449
Maycot 450
Waratah 451
Midhurst 452
Wivelsfield 453
Lymington 454 (two on one plot)
Fairways 454 (two on one plot)
Heather Field 455
Everslie 456
Egerton 457 (two on one plot)
Ebury 457 (two on one plot)
Eardley 458
Wayside 459
N.N. 460
N.N. 461
Picardy 462
then some distance north eastwards behind the chemical works
The Eyrie 463
then north side of an unnamed road (now known as East Meadway)
from east to west
N.N. 464
Marie 465
The End 466
Sundial 467
Harley House 468
Cockleshell 469
Blaxlands Eastern Garage 470
( five garages on west side of Shingle Road 471)
then westwards back along the north side of East Meadway (now
The Meadway)
Umera 472
Keyna 473
N.N. 474
Reneur 475
N.N. 476
The Stoneways 477
Mary’s House 478
Shamrock 479
St.Monet 480
Keeblecot 481
Delmane 482
Fairhaven 483
Cranleigh 484
Southbank 485
Lexham 486
Qaat 487
Rosslyn 488
Daisyholm 489
Dyndoris 490
Lindfield 491
Northwards up the eastside of Ferry Road
a row of shops:-
bootmaker, amusements, cake shop, ‘Bacca Boy’, all 492
James Libby, Glauws, W. Draycott, Hold stores, new house all 493
G. Van (?) 494
Eastwards along the south side of Riverside Road
Rocket Apparatus (no number) a flint building containing life saving equipment –
rockets,breeches buoy, rope etc., that were attached to a climbing mast on
the shore for rescues.
garage 495
N.N. 496
Sports Club 497
Vallena 498
Riviera 499
Chatsworth 500
Rosemaryann 501
Lyn Ridge 502
Arlestones 503
Sails (?) 504 (two on one plot)
Riverside 504 (two on one plot)
Fawley 505 (two on one plot)
Riverways 505 (two on one plot)
Ty Gwyn 506 (two on one plot)
Avoca 506 (two on one plot)
Dumbee 507 (two on one plot)
Ideal 507 (two on one plot)
Salfra 508 (two on one plot)
Lonah 508 (two on one plot)
N.N. 509 (two on one plot)
N.N. 509 (two on one plot)
Hurlestones 510 (two on one plot)
Harlow 510 (two on one plot)
Hereford 511 (two on one plot)
Highdown 511 (two on one plot)
Holmdale 512 (two on one plot)
Haddon 512 (two on one plot)
Eastleigh 513
then returning westwards along the north side of Riverside Road
Sussex Yacht Works (not numbered)
Warsash 515
Waterfront Cottage 516
Segona 517
Taransay 518
N.N. 519
Enerdene 520
Bonita 521
Michigan 522
Bettsea 523
N.N. 524
Auld Reene 525
N.N. 526
British Speedboats 527
Cheney 528
Tudor Hotel 529 (later the Lady Jane, now the Riverside pub)
( no trace of 530 to 549 )
South (beach) side of Beach Road (now West Beach Road) from opposite
the Church of the Good Shepherd
Mera Zan 550
Beachville 551
Rock Point 552
Lazyland 553
Gulls Nest 554
Castledene 555
Struan Lee 556
Summer House 557
Arcadia 558
Crowndale 559
Kittiwake 560
N.N. 561
Mallows 562
West Winds 563
Hiandri 564
Beachcroft 565
Silverstrand 566
Lamorna 567
Sea Shell 568
Shingle Shack 569
Isora 570
Sea Haven 571
Fassifern 572
The Nuggett 573
Rest Cot 574
Corringway 575
Little Fairy Dene 576
Fairy Dene 577
Silverspray 578
Brynhir 579
Water Edge 580
Inglenook 581
Sur-le-Mer 582
Shamrock 583
Kingscote 584
Sano 585
Caprice 586
Rose Marie 587
Pantiles 588 (two on one plot)
Moorings 588 (two on one plot)
The Haven 589
Day Dream 590
Waiwera 591
San Reno 592
Belvedear 593
West side of Kings Drive (now Kings Walk) immediately above the
Church of the Good Shepherd
Parsonage 594 (I.e., the actual parsonage)
Westwards along the north side of Beach Road (now West Beach Road)
immediately after the church
Lockerbie 595
Stone Croft 596
West Croft 597
Avoca 598
Beggars Roost 599
Allassio 600
Eden 601
Copper Turrets 602
Lagoon Cottage 603
then north-eastwards towards Kings Crescent
Friars House 604
Beachhaven (not numbered)
Northwards along the west side of Kings Drive (now Kings Walk) from
the parsonage (594)
Church Hall 605 (this was an old army hut from Slonk Hill rerected here for
it’s new use)
Shamva 606
St.Clair 607
The Loddon 608
Beach Bank 609
Quay Cottage 610
garages 611
Starryclover 612
guests workshop 613
Kinvar 614
The Galleon 615
then in the centre of the block bounded by Kings Drive (now Kings Walk)
to the east, Beach Road (now West Beach Road) to the south and Kings
Crescent to the north-west
Black Hut 616 (perhaps just a black hut)
box factory 617 (the old glass building previously the Shoreham Film Studio
used to contain the film sets)
North side of Kings Crescent
Geboray 618
then west side of Kings Drive (now Kings Walk) where it starts from the
Brighton Road southwards:–
Adur Garages 619
Tea Lodge 620
Drug Stores 621
Post Office 622
End of 1935 lists
1901 Properties on the Beach
(from the Census Returns)
Bungalow Town was then under the control of Lancing Council – no road names are mentioned. The bungalow details are listed in the same order as shown in the census and from the names of some of the properties that survived to the 1930’s it would appear that the list works generally (with some exceptions) from the east to the west. Where the names did survive or locations are known through other research (e.g., ‘Along the Beach at Bungalow Town ‘article) these have been included using the 1935 street names – if they appear on the 1935 property list the numbers are also included. Un-named bungalows appear as ‘bungalow’ and ‘bungalow buildings’ may perhaps be brick built as opposed to all wood construction. The census was carried out in March of 1901 out of the holiday season which is why very few residents are shown. The few residents’ names that are mentioned have been included:-
Chemical Works
Ballast Works
Redout (probably the Redoubt or fort)
Cholera Hospital
The Ferry Bungalow
Coast Guard Station
Eastville (1935 property numbers 313/314 – beach side of Old Fort Road twelve properties to the east of the junction with Shingle Road)
Breakers (was this a bungalow with that name or actual breakers?)
The Anchorage (1935 property number 49 – south side of Beach Road, approx. Four properties east of the junction with Weald Dyke)
Beach Haven
Tit Willow (south side of Beach Road, three properties west of The Anchorage)
St. Vincent (1935 property number 43 – south side of Beach Road next or close to Tit Willow)
Regina (1935 property number 190 – Lower Beach Road four properties west of Beach Green. Here lived George Waters, a rate collector and his family)
Canacao (south side of Beach Road west of St. Vincent)
Three Gables (south side of Beach Road just east of Beach Green).
Triton Lodge
Sans Souci
Dorothy (north side of Beach Road, one property to the east of Beach Green)
Pebble Ridge (1935 property number 105 – north of Beach Road immediately west of and adjacent to Beach Green)
Wavelet (1935 property number 196 – Lower Beach Road, two properties west of Pebble Ridge)
Beach Lodge (1935 property number 106 – north of Beach Road on the west side of Pebble Ridge)
St. Hilda (1935 property number 107 – north of Beach Road on the west side of Beach Lodge)
Villa Lido (1935 property number 23 – south side of Beach Road, four properties west of Beach Green)
Bungalow Building
Shoreham Dene (1935 property number 17 – south side of Beach Road)
Etheldene (1935 property number 16 – south side of Beach Road)
Oceana (1935 property number 15 – south side of Beach Road)
Strawberry Lodge
The Era (here lived Samuel Gray ‘living on own means’ and his wife Emily)
The Retreat (1935 property number 121 – north side of Beach Road mid-way between Beach Green and the Church of the Good Shepherd)
Shingle Lodge (1935 property number 9 – south side of Beach Road)
Allendale (1935 property number 7 – south side of Beach Road)
Belle Vue (or Belle View) (1935 property number 124 – north side of Beach Road)
The View (1935 property number 150 – near the west end of Lower Beach Road)
Sunnydene ( 1935 property number 149 – as above)
Montrose (entered out of order – in the 1910/20’s a bungalow of this name stood east of Ferry Road)
Bungalow Building
Sea View (1935 property number 1 – south side of Beach Road adjacent to the church)
Deck House
Beach Ville (1935 property number 551 – south side of Beach Road, two properties west of Sea View)
Lazyland (1935 property number 553 – south side of Beach Road)
Rhodesia (here lived Agnes E. Rhodes – this castle-like ‘bungalow’ burnt down in 1923 and was replaced with ‘Castledene’)
The Lawn
Arcadia (1935 property number 558 – south side of Beach Road)
Woodcot (entered out of order, this was 1935 property number 42 next door to St. Vincent previously mentioned)
Beachcroft (1935 property number 565 – south side of Beach Road)
Idle Hour
Bungalow Building
Kingscote (1935 property number 584 – south side of Beach Road opposite Widewater)
Sano (1935 property number 585 – as above)
Bungalow Building
Moorings (1935 property number 588 – as above)
Day Dream (1935 property number 590 – as above)
San Reno (1935 property number 592 – as above)
Bungalow Building
Bungalow Building
Bungalow Building
Bungalows on Lancing Beach 1912/1914.
For a brief period when part of the western end of Bungalow Town came under Lancing the street directory for that town included the bungalow names concerned. This was only carried out for the years 1912 to 1914 and these are listed below. There are many more bungalows listed in the 1912/13 period than in 1914 which is thought to reflect the considerable destruction of property caused by storms at the time that particularly affected that part of the beach.
From Lancing to Shoreham:-
Bella Vista
Hearts Delight
Shingle Rise
Bon Accord
Beach House
Summer House
Dar Es Salaam
Sea Breeze
White Heather
Will o’ the Wisp
Spash Point
Wild Wave
From Lancing to Shoreham:-
Lancing Point
Bella Vista
Hearts Delight
Roger Bateman
Original Research May 2003 – updated to include 1901 Census and corrections to map BT6 March 2015
The 1898, 1912 and 1931 Ordnance Survey maps on this website (courtesy West Sussex County Council Library Services) also provide a detailed view of bungalow footprints and the extent of the development during the period.
This is such an amazing website. Thank you.
I am researching a chap called Montagu Lomax who gave his address as: ‘The Hermitage, Old Fort Road’ on the 1921 census. He was still living there at the time of his death in 1933.
I see from your records that The Hermitage was partially destroyed in the great storms of 1912. Do you happen to know when it was rebuilt, and whether this dwelling would have been rented by Lomax or owned by him.
I am assuming that the dwellings of Bungalow town were predominantly second homes for holiday purposes? This might explain why Lomax had a plethora of other addresses between 1921 and 1933.
Many thanks for your help.
Hi Clare. There is reference to The Hermitage at Widewater:
and in 1921 here:
There is also reference in 1917 directory in Old Fort Road: